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Cain just kicked major butt at the Fla. straw poll! And now if he will just stay on track with his conservative message, and not pull a Perry.

Cain scares the hell out of liberals, especially liberals like Freeman. Cain is everything that liberals say cannot happen here in America for minorities. And now that Cain has won the Fla. straw poll he will no doubt attract the attention, anger, and hate of the liberal media, and liberals in general. Its going to be really interesting to see how he handles the attention, negative and positive. But we are looking foward to it!

What a loser Morgan is!! Cain just burried the guy with reality vs. liberal wachoism!!

More and more of progs are expressing the notion, that if you oppose obama you are a racist. First it came from the black racist leaders like Jackson, Sharpton, Waters. Now it is coming from black actors like Freeman that one might believe are intellectual and able to understand that people as a whole oppose obama because he is a socialist/marxist bent on destroying this country in his quest for redistribution. I am coming to the conclusion that these people who cry racism are beginning to see that obama is a miserable failure and they are planting this seed in hopes to guilt the moderates into voting for this affirmative action community organizer. Otherwise they will be labeled in their own minds as racists.

Cain also just won the FLA straw vote.
Cain got 37 percent of 2,657 votes.
Perry got 15 percent.
Romney got 14 percent.

ok! you got a “dude” who makes millions of dollars acting. once played a president..ok..most actors are sociopathic and have borderline narsistic behaviour where does freeman fall? When the strutting and peacock maneuvering is over..he will still be making millions..Smile America..screwed again

They don’t know how to stop this movement
— Herman Cain.

Exactly!! The liberals are terrified of Herman Cain as the GOP candidate.

i for one believe Herman Cain is the man,he will get my vote,i don’t give a crap about his race,im white by the way,an Obama is just a wanna be ,,,an hopefully a has been.Go Herman Cain ,we need you in America,..a concerned voter

I’ve been working diligently in support of Mr. Cain since I met him earlier this year in NH. The MAN radiates honesty, conviction, leadership & sincerity. He’s personable, thoughtful, practical – and the last Presidential candidate I met who made such a positive impression was Ronald W. Reagan.

Herman Cain is a Boat Load of common sense….

I Love when Herman Cain says The Tea Party is a citizen movement “they” (The Left) don’t know how to stop… [which is why we have the Name Calling, Mocking, and Put downs]…LOL

There aint no tea party in N Dakota. Don’t need it. The coinage goes to Minnesota.

Sounds like a theme this portraying a president. Lets not forget he also portrayed God as well….hey that sounds like an ongoing theme too!

For u libs out there. N Dakota will be all red. 1 congress and 2 repug senators. Makes a difference when u pay more than u get back. State Capitalism sucks.

Sheesh… And I used to have some respect for Freeman as an actor…

respect? No matter what side of the fence he falls on, he will still be making movies, being paid high salaries. Drum roll…..and no home forclosure..Smile America he ain’t going to be ever unemployes like 30% of us are.

Morgan has no idea how many people in his audience he just insulted. I will permannently be boycotting him now. In addition to that, I would like to ask him if America is so racist, how is it there are so many black millionaires these days?
It’s more liberal BS where race trumps everything else.

Hard Right. agree. actors are actors and they memorize a script and act a part. OH! does that include big ears. most sociopathic actors have to memorize lines..he reads his printed material off a teleprompter. Ever wonder what it would be like to hack in the last-minute and “screw with the lines on the teleprompter?” Smile America…he would be lost…