Herman Cain lawyer Lin Wood refuses to rule out legal action against accuser

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Embattled presidential candidate Herman Cain ’s personal lawyer, Lin Wood, said in an interview Tuesday that he believes his client is telling the truth that he did not have a 13-year-affair with an Atlanta woman named Ginger White.

Wood, who said that Cain has not made a decision yet about whether to stay in the race, said he doesn’t expect his client to address the controversy again in public because there is nothing more to say beyond his denial. Instead, Wood expects Cain to focus on his schedule of campaign events and on making a decision about his political future, which Cain said he would do by the end of the week.

Wood has not ruled out advising Cain to take legal action against White, who, in an interview on the Atlanta Fox News affiliate Monday, alleged that she and Cain were in an intimate relationship for more than a decade.

“That’s a decision that can be made down the road,” Wood said. “I think the immediate consideration is to focus on his family and his campaign. There’s no rush to take legal steps.”

Wood said Cain met White at a conference, and they became friends. He questioned White’s credibility and expressed frustration that, as a lawyer, he cannot interview her or subpoena records to show that she is not telling the truth. White, who said her relationship with Cain included trips to resorts and lavish gifts, offered no specific dates or other evidence of the alleged meetings.

“That’s part of the problem,” Wood said. “You don’t have the ability to engage in that type of a discovery and investigative process when you’re in a court of public opinion. If I were in a court of law I’d have the ability to exact specific information from her on cross- examination. I’d have the ability, through the power of discovery, to look for the documentation that would refute her claims.”

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Since one of the main News sources claims to have seen the phone bill with 61 calls and text messages on her cell phone bill FROM CAIN HIMSELF, that lawsuit would be most interesting to the General Public.
That ain’t the sort of limb that even the most rank slandering gossip rags are prone to climb out on.
Coupled with CAIN’S lawyer whining that nobody should be looking into “CONSENSUAL RELATIONSHIPS”…

I thought he was smarmy the very very first minute I ever saw him. He works so hard to confirm my first impression of him – NOT making me do ANY of the work for it.

Just another Newt.

@Rose: It would help your knowledge if you went to the original source. those 61 calls and Text Messages were “to and from” not just “from” we do not know how many were from Cain all we know is that she was in contact with him. In addition text messages longer than one short sentence generally get broken up by the cell phone carrier.
bottom line for all you know all the messages and phone calls could have been from her to him. We have no smoking gun just more unsupported claims.

If the report is to be believed, when the reporter used her phone to call his number, he returned the call quickly and said he was trying to help her financially.

We know we do NOT have the Second Coming of Clarence Thomas. He has some nasty habits.

Ms. White opened up to George Stephanopoulos on GMA, saying, “I honestly do not think that he is, in my opinion, would make a good president as far as I’m concerned.”

She also very specifically claimed he took her on a flight to Las Vegas to see a Mike Tyson-Evander Holyfield boxing match.
(There ought to be some way of proving this very specific claim.)

She admits taking cash from Cain for 2&1/2 years, but “not for sex.”

Due Diligence works two ways:
Obama’s ”body man” Reggie Love is leaving him.

Just more of the same.
Obama students will remember how he handled his opponents in the Illinois Senate race.
Sealed divorce records got unsealed.
Secrets came to light.
It was not about policy. It was about power.
And King Putt already had massive lawyer power behind him. Blackmail, intimidation, whatever was needed for his destroying his opponents, all was “legal”.
How do all of these women come from the Restaurant Association and Chicago? Did Cain never work at another job?
How do all these women have money, eviction, lawsuit, and other legal troubles?
After watching the personal destruction of Sen. Tim Ryan, one has to wonder.

What an absurd story, and not worth the airtime. What the heck does an affair have to do with the price of a gallon of gas these days? Didn’t stop infamous womanizers Clinton and Kennedy from ascending to, and keeping, the Oval Office.

But then, 15 minutes of fame is evidently what this woman is after. Doesn’t anyone wonder why, if he was trying to help her out financially, she’d try to destroy his career? Now what kind of dodo bird bites that hand that feeds you?

Or is there more, and does the smell of blackmail by this woman waft gently by the nose? After all, she doesn’t have much nice to say about the guy, despite having a long term “affair”. You have to wonder what the attraction was all this time.

On the other hand, this is probably the first liberal woman to speak up, as most of the others insist they are Republicans. And at least she is honest about her motives, tho most the media tend to gloss over it. *She* doesn’t think he’d make a good president, therefore the world should know about her “affair”.

???? The broad’s got chutzpah, if nothing else. Anyone running the countdown until the appearance of Glorious Gloria, tabloid lawyer?

Something doesn’t seem kosher. Cain isn’t a stupid man. Does he think that a genuine 13 year “affair” could be hidden during a presidential primary or campaign? If your closet contains that kind of stuff, so easily available and theoretically documented, wouldn’t they have had contingencies for when “the mistress” would come up?

To believe this never crossed his mind means one would have to conclude he’s every bit as dumb as John Edwards, embarking on this nomination, despite knowing there would be scrutiny of every orifice and his past. Somehow, I never would think to put Cain on the same level as John Edwards.

Personally, I don’t think the past harassment cases, or the “I never filed but he harassed me” case, and this so called love affair mortally wound the campaign. But I do think that his choices of handling and deflecting these events will.

He and his family will have loads in common with the Palin’s, both being the focus of media attempts to smear and destroy a family. The only thing one can say positive about this nonsense is that at least they haven’t attacked the family members… as they did the Palin’s…. yet.

The only attraction I could see here Mata, would be Ginger was in some sort of proxy Business that supplied some sort of service to the NRA, Godfather’s, or Philsbury such as logistics(UPS/FED Ex) or Customer Services/Payroll Services…

And I find it fishy to make claim of going to Vegas to see a fight. If what she claims is true then there should be a credit/debit receipt history of the ticket purchases as paying for cash for such an event is utterly rare and highly unlikely considering the tickets for prime seats even in the 90’s.

While there is evidence of a “relationship” there is no proof at all yet that it was a sexual one. The whole “scandal” could be nothing more than a friendship on Cain’s part. Cain may have helped this friend financially and then decided to stop when the requests for aid continued. This woman may have decided that since Cain wont bail her out, she could instead profit from the MSM media circus around Cain’s other accusers. I’ll give Cain the benefit of the doubt on this one until there is clear material evidence to support an actual affair between the two, and not just “he said” “she said.”

Yeah but will the lawyer ever “rule it in” Not likely. This woman drove Cain out.Why won’t he fight for the truth if she’s lying?

rich wheeler, I suspect that the *only* woman who drove Cain out of the campaign was Mrs. Cain.

@Richard Wheeler:

Where is the proof of an affair? There so far isn’t anything beyond phone call logs and unreleased text messages. You seem to think that Cain has to prove he is innocent of the accusation, for his word to be accepted, without requiring the woman to show her proof. This is comparable to asking “if he is still beating his wife.”

Mata Cain’s wife definately pulled the plug on his run and is now calling ALL the shots in the Cain household. He admits he hadn’t told his wife about the money he’d been giving this woman.Expect the house to be filled with roses and some lovely presents for the missus under the Christmas tree.

now now, rich… don’t embellish. You have no clue what is genuinely going on in the Cain household other than the reported information that she no longer wanted him to run for POTUS. And that extends to the flowers and presents. Kids are grown, and both have spent a good portion of their parental lives apart over the years. How they handle their future as a married couple is their own choice. I would not be surprised either way – if they stay together, or divorce. Nor would I care. Simply is none of my business.

As I said, Cain’s flaws were not in the media assault, this sleazy woman, or the past lawsuits. It was all in his handling of it, further compounded that Ms. Cain knew nothing of this latest sleazy woman. And she is one sleaze bag. To read her accounts, she apparently didn’t like the man much, but continued to sleep with him. Gold digger much? And now, hoping to capitalize on her “confession” in the media.

She’s dropped off the media face of the world… as sleaze should do. We get enough of that on cheap reality TV shows.