Here’s Your “Red Pill” Moment About the Russia-Ukraine War

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By Wayne Allyn Root

It’s time for your red pill. Something smells rotten in Ukraine. The story is rotten, rancid, hinky, the story just doesn’t add up.
Biden and the media desperately want you to believe Russia is the bad guy and Ukraine is a little angel. They want you to fall in love with underdog Ukraine. They want you to support America getting involved on behalf of Ukraine.
To get your support, they need the media to sell you a bill of goods. But it just doesn’t add up. First, Biden is the one who funded Russia’s invasion. Biden killed our pipelines, killed coal, banned drilling, which made us dependent on Russian oil, which made Russia filthy rich and arrogant. Biden paid for this war.
Second, if Putin is the “bad guy,” if Russia is evil, why is Biden continuing to buy billions of dollars of oil from Russia every day? Does this make sense?
Unless it’s pure “commie theatre.”
Follow the dots. Biden is a feeble, feckless, old puppet with dementia. George Soros pulls Biden’s strings. Soros is on side of Ukraine. Soros recently said the whole world must support Ukraine. It turns out Soros funded Zelensky and then installed him as president of Ukraine- one of the most corrupt nations on the earth.
Keep in mind, evil billionaire Soros is obsessed with hatred for America. He desperately wants to destroy our country. Soros has funded the invasion of our borders. He helps pay for illegal aliens (many of them criminals, MS-13 gang bangers, murderers) to enter America.
Soros also funded and elected all the horrible, communist DA’s across America. Soros’ DA’s are hell bent on destroying America. They have turned our big cities into killing zones where murderers run free, without even posting bail, while law-abiding citizens are stripped of guns and persecuted for defending themselves.
Soros has paid for the destruction of America. Soros is one of the most evil enemies in our history. If Soros funded the leaders of Ukraine, and put them in power, this has to be a trap. Ukraine must be a “bad guy.”
Now we come to the mainstream fake news media.
Has the media ever told the truth in the seven years since Trump came down that escalator? It’s been nonstop lies, fraud, and propaganda. The media tells you any lie that advances the cause of Democrats, Soros and the destruction of America.
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Now after seven years of lies and propaganda, suddenly you trust the media? You believe this one time they’re telling the truth? This one time they have America’s best interests at heart? Even though (pure coincidence) Soros is on the same side as the media. They’re all one big happy family on the side of Ukraine.
I’ll tell what I think.
1. I think this war is a WMD- a weapon of mass distraction to get your mind off the disaster Biden has created at home– open borders, massive inflation, vaccine mandates crippling the economy, the worst crime wave in history, the worst retreat in US military history in Afghanistan, and $6 per gallon gas.
2. This is pure “wag the dog” theatre, to save Biden from the worst polls in modern history. Instead of hating Biden, they want you to hate Putin.
3. This is all part of George Soros and Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset.” They want to make us all obedient serfs and slaves. They need World War III as a distraction while they destroy America, capitalism, and take your freedoms away.
Here’s my final conclusion. I’m not “for” Russia. I’ll never be a fan of Putin. He’s out for only himself and a new dominant Russian empire. I’m not telling you to take Russia’s side. They are “bad guys.”
But I know if Soros is behind Ukraine, then Ukraine is also a “bad guy.” If Soros wants us involved, I know this war is not in America’s best interest. I know the media is feeding us a load of lies and propaganda- under Soros’ direction.
Like President Trump, I have only one dog in this hunt. I’m ONLY for “America First.” This war is B.S. It doesn’t involve us. We should not be sending billions of dollars in aid, or sending billions in military weapons to Ukraine. I don’t want this to turn into WWIII. I don’t want my kids, or your kids dying over Ukraine. We need to stay a million miles away from this conflict.

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Watch close is Biden now cutting oil deals with Iran and Venezuela? He doesn’t want America to be energy independent.

Yep. “The pro-Putin wing of the republican party.” And they don’t even know it.
That’s their level of understanding.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Everything is not about an election.

Everything is not about an election.

It is to Democrats because they are power hungry and might not get away with massive, widespread election fraud like they did in 2020.

The only point Schachtel made is that he grasps the Ukraine situation no better than the COVID situation.

Its a distraction from nearly 1300 nasty side effects of the experimental gene therapy illegally mandated.
The only point you have is the Black Rock owned media opinion, its all of them every single one. You cant be redpilled, your mask has long been over your eyes and ears.

Why has the west silenced everthing out of Ukraine, 5 or 6 pictures of the same buildings?

Russia Reportedly Sends 100 Tons Of Food & Medicine To Ukraine – Completely Censored By The West [VIDEO]

Wait one damn minute… I think we got a live one! Oopsie…

Then there’s reality.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The point isn’t that the injured child is the victim of any particular war, is it? No such claim was even made.

Reports of civilians wishing to flee being held hostage at train stations, Ukrainans bombing buildings to blame russians, murders on the highway out by ukrainian units the bloodied lady is highly suspicious no one washed the wounds before loose gauze applied.
Keep falling for the theater. Yes also schools hit who would send their kid to school with the enemy marching up the road?
Are innocents dying as Zelensky plays tough guy president, you betcha there are.

You need to find your reset button and press it.

Is your head far enough up Xis ass to see Bidens feet yet?

Why should they bother?

You and Klaus Schwab are pushing it for all of us, remember?

You’re making an emotional appeal to a crisis that requires rational analysis and execution right now.

Wait… did they tape a report supposedly in front of a room full of corpses, one of which showed he was alive… and they went ahead and aired it?

Yep. “The pro-Putin wing of the republican party.” And they don’t even know it.

No one knows it because it is only your bizarre, warped perception and dedication to a failed ideology that makes it seem so… to you.

The noise from the propaganda box is being ignored because of concerns about reality.

Reality, Poland wants to send fighter jets to Ukraine, do they have the pilots, sounds like Russian pigeon shooting. Yet Nato gives the go ahead into the meat grinder.
There is no real Army left the country is lost. Let the puppet regime be installed and the needless bloodshed for the failed NWO elites end.

The economy had recovered on the previous guy’s watch. After 4 years, what did the outsider then pass on to Biden?

The economy had recovered on the previous guy’s watch. After 4 years, what did the outsider then pass on to Biden?

No, it hadn’t, and that fact was made clear in Trump’s first week in office. Trump handed off a Chinese-gifted pandemic under control with three vaccines (which the Democrats denounced) ready for use against the virus. He handed idiot Biden a strong, robust, growing economy that only had to be opened back up. He handed idiot Biden energy independence. He handed idiot Biden a secure southern border. Idiot Biden intentionally destroyed every bit of it.

A secure border, a contained Russia and China, and an incredible economy.

The intentional release of Covid and its effects on the economy will NEVER be falsely assigned to Trump.

True? I don’t know. There’s been no official confirmation.

Top Belarusian general quits over ally Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Report

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Thats good I think Milley should follow his brave example!

Then he went to a gender sensitivity class.

General Milley, a month ago: Gen. Milley warns Russia could invade Ukraine with ‘little warning’

And no one believed him because he is a liar.

Milley admitted to TREASON.

He has no power and has no authority.

You have no obligation to sacrifice for Ukraine.

Ignoring or taking a stand against evil is a choice.
Helping or not helping those who do is a choice.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg


When have you ever seen Comrade Greggie type one word that could be considered anti-CCP? The CCP killed millions of people with its biolab (deliberate) leak and not one damn word from Comrade Greggie.

China is watching the West’s response to what Putin is doing. The price that he is made to pay will affect China’s future decisions.

China made a deal with Putin. It’s been publicly stated. They support this, and will be supported in turn.

Why are you even posting?

Your worldview and ideas have failed.

and greg, you are Soros or Schwab-funded we know. Of course you have to serial post about the article without ONE cogent argument against it.

The Propaganda fails when the bullets start flying.

You people caused this, and Putin/Xi have called your EVIL bluff.

China is watching the West’s response to what Putin is doing.

They are watching idiot Biden to see if he f**ks up as badly as he did in Afghanistan. Then they’ll pull out all the stops.

Your use of the word “evil” is subjective.

I think you are evil, and I think Biden is evil.

What is right for the American People in relation to one nation invading another is the only consideration now, not subjective definitions.

And you and your party hold NO high ground right now, given your track record.

You CAN’T trust the media. If it benefits the Democrats and socialist agenda, the liberal media will lie and lie prolifically. But, whatever the details, the fact is that Putin has invaded Ukraine without provocation. Neither Ukraine nor NATO was any threat to Putin other than in his paranoid mind. Putin is attacking civilians, civilian infrastructure and getting irresponsibly close to causing a nuclear disaster by shelling dangerously close to nuclear reactors.

It is also a fact that none of this would be happening had idiot Biden not ended our energy independence by killing the Keystone pipeline and strangling production and refining. While this gave Putin the revenue to follow his aggressive agenda, idiot Biden’s demonstration of his weakness, stupidity and incompetence by his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan gave him the confidence to commit to it.

It is also a fact that Putin should be stopped, hauled up on charges for war crimes against humanity and disposed of.

Further, if this was a plan to unite the nation behind idiot Biden, the great leader and diplomat, it has failed miserably. All it has done is show what an incompetent boob idiot Biden is, just in case we forgot since August. Putting the totally useless Kamala out in front of effort to rein in Putin in no way makes this regime look more competent.