Here We Go Again – Media Create “Capitulation Narrative 3.0” on Trump’s Immigration Position…

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As Gruber famously said: “we rely upon the stupidity of the American voter“, he was talking about administration and legislative lies for ObamaCare.

In the latest MSM round of let’s undermine President Trump with his supporters, immigration version 3.0, (not coincidentally following the aggregate assembly of the MSM praetorian guard at the White House today), and simultaneously create a self-fulling prophecy effort – the media are back off to the races selling a Trump immigration position capitulation effort.

…. and, once again, the media’s success is dependent on the stupidity of the American voter.

Look Familiar?

…”Hey, I’ve got an idea. We were thinking”…

There’s nothing, not a single thing, of substance to back up the eleventieth time the media have created this immigration capitulation narrative other than the exact same stuff, their stuff, they used the last umpteen times.


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Just another reason i quit watching the news and quit reading their papers and magazines these liberal journalists lie or fabricate the news 24/7 thats why americans trust in the main-stream news media has dropped to a all time low of 32% and they have brought it on themselves with their lies and leftists bias and dont forget Bernard Goldberg wrote that best seller BIAS back when King William the Molester was running things

why is the asshole stephanopoulos still in this country? recall that this POS publically announced that is Trump won, he was leaving the country-so why is he still here? he had pandered fake, flatulent, news for years. One must read his book about the clintons when he was part of the whore dogs administration-pure trash