Allowing your government to suspend your rights during a pandemic means governments will create pandemics in order to take away your freedom
The U.S. government has already coerced half the governments of the world to inject their citizens with DNA-altering drugs with more than 1,200 side effects — thus weakening the immune systems of billions of people.
But that’s “so last year” — as the kids say dismissively.
That’s old news.
Now that your vaccinated friends and family can’t even fight off a common cold, the corrupt elites of the West are talking about a new bio-weapon made from a Chinese lab called “disease X.”

All the same corporate news outlets that coordinated the propaganda about COVID-19 in 2020 are involved in pushing the story of Disease X in 2024 as well.

Why is Disease X being launched now — you ask?
Because America is 292 days away from the next election which will be won (in a landslide) by Donald Trump — unless China and our intelligence agencies intervene again.
Just as they did in 2020.
The FBI and the CIA run by the Biden regime need an excuse to openly interfere in the 2024 election — to stop it from happening at all if necessary — and “disease X” is the perfect excuse for their Continuity Of Government plans.
That was our fatal flaw: if you allow your government to suspend your rights during a pandemic then your government will create pandemics in order to take away your freedom.
They are going to shut down the world. Again. They will do whatever it takes to stop you from putting Donald Trump in the White House.

The purpose of the World Economic Forum is to launder China’s total surveillance communism through a bogus Western NGO to make its totalitarian ideas more palatable.
Just like the purpose of the World Health Organization is to launder China’s global population schemes (more properly called depopulation schemes) through a bogus Western NGO to make them more palatable.
These global organizations are merely Western proxies for their masters in Beijing.
You must always remember: China is the moving ideological force.
To make matters worse, China already owns the Biden regime — and America’s 17 intelligence agencies have done their best to hide the Biden family’s corruption from the American people for the last four years.
The CIA and the FBI are not countering China — they’re conspiring with China.
That explains why the Biden Regime called for the WHO to conduct an investigation into the origins of COVID in China — which really meant it called for no investigation at all.
That also explains why the Biden Regime tied to lower the penalties for trafficking fentanyl while it also rolled back restrictions on Chinese spyware-disguised-as-telecom company Huawei.
Here we have the real enemies of all Mankind in China Criminal Scientists working on a killer virus to se populate the Earth. Tom Clancy wrote a book RAINBOW SIX
The WEF, their old world leaders and “junior leaders” (like Trudeau) all want earth’s depopulation of humans.
Killing off all but about 750,000,000 would suit them just fine.
Xe is one of the old WEF elite leaders, so he’s getting with the program anyway he can.
Trump, OTOH, has already saved over 50,000 lives just with his SCOTUS decision overturning Roe V Wade.
I’m all for depopulating. Just let me be the umpire. I’ve got quite a few useless souls we don’t need to have around in mind.
Well he is sorry, whats up with the black eye?
AI will be able to conjure up a killer virus more quickly than the human scientists who believe they’re creating an advanced detection system.