Here are a couple of news articles. See if you can identify the common thread

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Math is the ‘Domain of Old, White Men’

Judging from the math curriculum recommended, this TFA group, like all other social justice educators, wants minorities to believe that what relates most to their lives in America is racism and oppression.

For example, the site recommends “Critically Conscious Mathematics” and “Radical Math.”

Radical Math was created by educator Jonathan Osler several years ago while teaching at El Puenta Academy in New Jersey. Osler taught Radical Math along-side Cathy Wilkerson, a former member of the Weather Underground Organization (with Bill Ayers) who once participated in a plot to detonate a nail bomb at a dance for military personnel at Fort Dix.

Radical Math provides hundreds of social justice math lessons obviously meant to indoctrinate. For example, lesson titles include “Sweatshop Accounting,” “Racism and Stop and Frisk,” “When Equal Isn’t Fair,” “The Square Root of a Fair Share” and “Home Buying While Brown or Black.”

White House’s Susan Rice: U.S. national security agencies are too white


In a White House often accused of being stacked with loyalists, President Obama’s national security adviser said Wednesday there are too many white people in key government posts, endangering national security because they think alike.

Speaking at Florida International University’s commencement, Susan E. Rice, who is black, said a diversified government workforce is more likely to yield “better outcomes” than a predominantly white one.

Referring to criticism that the U.S. national security workforce is “white, male and Yale,” Ms. Rice told the graduates, “In the halls of power, in the faces of our national security leaders, America is still not fully reflected.”

This from the idiot who blamed Benghazi on the video

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(Facepalm) What great inconceivable idiots.

Math is numbers, equations, formulas. Mathematics is the most impartial and neutral subject of study there is. It knows no race, no gender, no religion, no political affiliation, no day, no night, no season, It is an immutable and exacting science whose results are always the same no matter what language they are translated into.

This is teaching malpractice, and this so called “educator” Jonathan Osler should have his license to teach permanently revoked for teaching such complete and utter drivel

This from the idiot who blamed Benghazi on the video

Hillary recently criticized Trump for his lack of transparency regarding the release of his income tax records. HILLARY CRITICIZING SOMEONE’S LACK OF TRANSPARENCY!!!

Never EVER underestimate the hypocrisy of the left or their complete reliance on the stupidity and short attention spans of their sycophantic adherents.