Kyle Becker:
erytown for Gun Safety is an activist organization against law-abiding citizens carrying firearms. It was founded by Michael Bloomberg and Shannon Watts, and as The Blaze reports, headlines that 1.37 school shootings have occurred “every single week in the U.S. since the deadly 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut.”
No surprise, when it came out with its list of ‘every school shooting since Sandy Hook,’ it crammed every conceivable case onto it so as to make it appear like armed criminals were attacking our schools every week.
Huffington Post editor Mark Gongloff mapped Everytown’s data, and inevitably, the figure went viral. So viral, in fact, that news anchor Shepard Smith was repeatedly citing the “74 shootings” figure on his Fox News program Tuesday afternoon. In any event, here is the map:
So, using Sandy Hook as the starting point and running until today’s tragicOregon school shooting, what do these datapoints represent? Well, it turns out that they represent all sorts of things. They turn out to be “assaults, homicides, suicides, and accidental shootings” that happen “inside a school building or on school or campus grounds.”
Let’s just note for the record here that 95%+ of these areas are in so-called “gun-free zones” before moving on. In other words, they have perfect gun control regimes in theory.
Anyway, journalist Charles C. Johnson wanted a closer look at the cases that Everytown was portraying as “school shootings.” This is what he found:
Gotta love that Chuck Johnson did all that homework.
He showed how intellectually dishonest the gun control creeps are.
Guys playing dice in a school parking lot, 19 year olds, one shoots the other….that’s NOT a ”school” shooting!
Rinse and repeat.