One is hard-pressed to imagine a better case scenario for President Trump a week out from the Republican National Convention, which is set to formally begin on July 15. Over the last two weeks, the 45th President has enjoyed maybe the best stretch of his entire political career. Between Biden’s meltdown to the Supreme Court recognizing presidential immunity, the Trump Train has been propelled by a mountain of good news. Every reputable poll has President Trump leading in each of the six most important battleground states. The New York Times, which has never been friendly or fair to President Trump, has him up between 1 and 5 points in each of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina. Winning all those states, in addition to the states he carried in 2020, would guarantee him his greatest electoral college victory ever.
But the momentum does not stop there. A recent Fox News poll has President Trump tied with Biden in Virginia. Polls by both Emerson College and McLaughlin & Associates have President Trump outright leading in the state of Minnesota, which no Republican has carried since Richard Nixon in 1972. Perhaps most remarkably of all, a poll by co/efficient has President Trump up by 1 point in the state of New Jersey!
As the weeks progress, polling will better capture the fallout from Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, which should be even more to President Trump’s advantage. Expect the numbers above to get only better for President Trump, who is well on his way to a landslide victory, if the election were today, based on these projections. Even if current polling has somehow overcorrected or biased in favor of President Trump (it would be a first!), he would only need to pick off one of the midwestern battleground states to defeat Biden in November. Or he can hold onto his leads in North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada – and secure either a New Hampshire or Maine, which would be enough for victory.
Although Trump supporters know more than anyone — given how scandalously off they were in 2016 — not to obsess over the polls, President Trump’s fortunes go beyond the positive news from pollsters. First, he is enjoying great enthusiasm on the ground. In May, he hosted over 100,000 people in Wildwood, New Jersey, smashing every record for the largest political rally of any kind in state history. He has enjoyed similarly huge turnouts north, south, east, and west, from Las Vegas to Miami to Virginia and Milwaukee, which is playing host to this year’s RNC.
It is no secret that President Trump’s base is enthusiastic like never before. In sharp contrast with Biden, whose “supporters” are defecting to the Trump Train or other candidates in droves, the 45th President’s base has been galvanized by the lawfare that has made a martyr of President Trump, the ultimate victim of our weaponized justice system. What is more, they are tired of being ransacked by inflation of a scale that surpasses anything most Americans have experienced in their lifetimes. The message of closed borders and mass deportations resonates with all Americans, who so desperately want a return to the rule of law and a focus on American interests, rather than prioritizing those of another foreign nation or people.
Hundreds of millions are fed up with radical woke insanity. They do not want to see men competing in women’s sports or changing in their daughters’ locker rooms. They find equally appalling the idea of having abortions at eight or nine months, or even post-birth, as many mainstream Democrats have advocated for. They are fed up with DEI policies which prioritize skin color, gender, and sexual orientation over merit and ability. They do not want to be saddled by crippling regulations, made in the name of “climate change,” which prevents us from tapping into our vast natural resources, thereby creating a greater dependency on competitors like Russia and Iran for their oil.
All these policies have the effect of making us poorer and more vulnerable to foreign adversaries. At the same time, our economy has basically entered a recession, defined by little to no growth, lingering inflation, fake jobs, and a hollowing out of industry. On top of it all, migrants from across the world have invaded our borders by the tens of millions. Almost all of them are low-skilled, adding zero cultural or economic enrichment. Many belong to gangs, deal in drugs, traffic children, and have committed some of the most barbaric crimes conceivable.
These policies, taken collectively, spell doom for America – and will bring about our demise as a nation if allowed to go on with this suicidal trajectory another four years. It is thus the survival impulse among the populace that is ultimately responsible for the seismic shift in the polls, support, and yearning to see President Trump back in the Oval Office – and Biden’s crime family kicked to the curb.
Biden’s implosion on the debate stage, before a national television audience, was legendary. He was so bad that he got networks like CNN and MSNBC to immediately turn on him and demand that he be replaced. The New York Times, which similarly called for Biden’s replacement, for the first time in living memory might now be more antagonistic to Biden over Trump. The effect of this has been to further mobilize President Trump’s base, and demoralize many would-be Democratic voters, who will instead opt for a third-party candidate like Robert Kenney or check out of the election altogether.
Good news;
Looks like joe’s signature, but he admitted he signs anything his staff puts in front of him.
Even caught on live mike saying,”I don’t know what I’m signing,” before being shown where to sign, then signing it.
Republicans call Trump’s move to distance himself from Project 2025 ‘preposterous’ – Trump’s claim to ‘know nothing’ about radical rightwing plan recognizes it could sink his campaign, ex-Pence adviser says
Pay attention Moron Bidens polls are sinking faster Then a rowboat with dozen holes drilled in the Bottom
Project 2025 – The right-wing GOP’s authoritarian agenda.
Know what you’re voting for now or you’ll wish you had later.
Only by your definition asshat.
So you approve of turning the CDC into a national anti-abortion surveillance policing tool?
Refer to Project 2025, page 455.
At least they’ll rid the nation of pornography—which they don’t bother to define—regardless of First Amendment freedom of speech and the press.
Refer to page 5:
Once again, the devil is in the details. We’re talking about a highly intrusive and reactive surveillance and policing operation. Bring on the Morality Police!
The administrative state is unconstitutional.
You wouldn’t actually be getting rid of it. It would simply be transformed to control things in the manner authoritarians prefer. You can’t run and protect a modern nation without a complex professional administrative apparatus.
Completely eliminated. Gone. No reman-ant
The Climate Cults telling the Lies you Pinhead
Your Party made the bed you have to lie in, so sorry they were bed shitters. 2020 everybody got forced or bribed out of the race in the Primary, 2024 the Party let zero competition. Now divided cause they found shit in the bed.
News Flash Bidens replacement found!
Donald Trump.
We’re talking about a highly intrusive and reactive surveillance and policing operation. Bring on the Morality Police!
Its already here dude except is the Immoral police.
Project 2025 not here.
So, you agree with full grown adults forcing young girls to shower with them.
joe is declining daily. joe selfishly puts the national risk.
joe is the cause of the nations problems. He is the last person who could even attempt to fix them.
Still insist your a Mr. Know-It-All when your still a total Moron
Time to eliminate the administrative state. Fuck them. They can learn to code.
Time to take out Trump as a test of the new full immunity for all official presidential acts doctrine.
Not likely skippy. We want to stay with our candidate.
Thick as a brick…
Don’t yiu wish democrats had a candidate they could back?
Anybody but Trump. Those aren’t empty words.
But the democrats do not have a candidate.
Neither are Joe and the Ho have got to go.
Why would Democrats oppose election integrity? Unless of course they intent to cheat.
Because they oppose election integrity.
Yeah, there are laws in place against registering illegal immigrants to vote or illegal immigrants voting. Problem is, in Democrat districts, who will enforce the law, particularly when Democrats are ACTIVELY registering illegal immigrants to vote?
“I Don’t Care if He’s Pooped His Pants”: Whoopi Goldberg Lays Out What It Would Take for Her to Ditch Dementia Joe
Well there is one black vote for joe
That is how much the left cares about this country. They would gladly see it collapse rather than a conservative build it back up.
Does joe have a supporter who speaks out in his defense who is NOT paid, directly or indirectly, to support him?
His little young soy-boy social media mouthpiece is well paid and looked all over for “proof” that Trump “froze,” during a public appearence.
He found a clip of Trump WAITING FOR THE APPLAUSE TO STOP,” for ten seconds and posted it to X.
I guess he’s never seen joe have to pause ten seconds for applause.
How desperate are joe’s paid “supporters?”
Trump waits for the applause to stop. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden waits for it to start, then he has to tell the audience to applaud.
You are not the first to know assassination is the only way for Dems to cling to power, and halt the election. They could always use the suddenly died weapon on Biden. Then you would have your second retard to pin your hopes on.
Comrade Greggie, you want Putin dead, you want unborn babies dead and now you’re calling for the assassination of President Trump.
What a disgusting piece of crap you are.
You’d do better to concentrate on the disaster your Democrat party is now.
Boy, you leftists ALWAYS default to violence, don’t you? That’s really woven in your DNA, isn’t it? Full fascist socialist totalitarian police state shit.
In other words, he doesn’t agree with it.
Oh, lookie!
The RNC released it’s GOP 2024 official platform!
No over-reach of rampant federalism.
All foreign aid must stop.
Everyone in the U.S. illegally must be deported. I don’t care when they came, how they got here, or why they came. 100% deportation starting with the entitled DACA brats.
Only U.S. citizens can vote, same day voting (unless proven to be disabled or overseas), paper ballots only.
Seal the border and stop all immigration to the U.S. – legal, illegal, foreign work visas, refugee, asylum – for 20 years at least. People in other countries need to solve their own problems. The U.S. can’t import the world and we should not be doing it.
Get the U.S, out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S.
No land sales within the U.S. to any foreign country, citizen or company.
There are two sexes – male and female.
Fair Tax.
Do these things and the U.S. will change overnight.
We must root out the root causes, lobbying, in other countries its called bribery.
There is also an insider trading problem in congress.
DC does not operate in the best interests of Americans, period, period, period, end of quote, as joe would say.
I dare any Democrat, or the liberal-biased media to say Trump, or the GOP is “extreme” on the issue of abortion.
Or to say Trump wants to take away women’s rights.
Where does it say that?
Look again.
We’ll wait.
It doesn’t even mention abortion.
It’s not a federal issue.
There goes the Democrat’s only issue.
I see even Hollywood want Biden to quit the reelection bid his popularity is crashing in flames like the Hindenburg
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has been nothing but a puppet for the far left. Obama prefers not having his name on the destructive policies, even though that is his goal. Dim wits like AOC drive Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s energy and immigration agenda. But now, he can’t even serve perform his duties as a puppet. The debate and numerous starkly public exhibitions expose the fact that it is absolutely impossible this babbling moron is in charge of anything, much less a functioning President of the United States. No one believes he’s even in charge 4 days a week from 10am to 4pm.
All the Ministry of Propaganda cares about is maintaining the DNC in power. They, obviously, don’t care about the country… countries are SO last century. They just want the Democrat to win (and, of course, Trump to fail to restore the strength and prestige of the nation). It will be most interesting if Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden survives the convention to see the media flip around again and hop back on the “sharp, dynamic, brilliant” Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden bandwagon.
Did Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lie when he said Trump said white supremacists were “fine people”? Did he lie when he claimed Trump disoriented him by shouting at him when his mic was turned off? Did he lie when he claimed HE created 15 million jobs? Did he lie when he said we finally beat Medicare?
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lied with every statement he made in the debate and every one since. Well, every one before, as well.
Well, it’s different for Democrats. They actually WORSHIP liars, the bigger the liar, the more following.
I’m so glad you’re going to stick with joe.
So many leading dems are currently engaged in a coup attempt against Biden, a duly elected president who won 3,896 delegates in a primary contest.
I’m looking forward to his “big boy,” press conference on Thursday.
Another attempt to adjust the strength of the drugs?
You know Joe Biden graduated 76th academically in a class of 85 students its difficult to believe there were 9 that were dumber than him.
Syracuse Law:
Syracuse University 2024 Law Program & Specialties RankingsSyracuse University is ranked No. 120 (tie) out of 196 in Best Law Schools. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. How We Rank Schools
Above is their current ranking. I wonder what is was when joe barely graduated.