I brought this up in the podcast– I think Eekdahl agreed with me. The media is attempting to claim they were snookered by Obamacare, same as us.
Well, not us. We got it. But the media is now claiming that they were snookered along with the rest of the Low Information Voters.
Sort of like they’re turning to us now, after having echoed Obama’s lies about Obamacare for five years, and saying, “Can you believe the bullshit this guy is tellin’ us…?”
Um, guys? You told us the same bullshit.
You know how Obama poses as a spectator to his own Administration? As someone who has no responsibility to actually do a good job, but only to criticize the government when it fails to do a good job?
Watch Politico attempt the same maneuver here– apparently forgetting that as a news operation focused only on DC and the laws promulgated there, they had a responsibility to report the actual facts about Obamacare:
[Headline:] Obamacare tradeoffs: Now they tell us …
They’re telling you this now? Were you incapable of reading the law or the Federal Register? Did you feel no obligation to check the veracity of Obama’s claims? Did you feel that Senator Enzi’s detailed chapter-and-verse explanation of how Obamacare would boot off millions from their insurance companies was Obviously A Lie, just because he’s a conservative?
Did you have any responsibility to look into this a little bit more thoroughly than not at all?
But the problem with Obamacare’s stumbling start is that it shined a harsh light on intended consequences — more costs and more government regulation — that were always embedded in the ACA but were deliberately downplayed by Obama and Democrats on the way to passage.
If these things were always embedded (which they were), why did no news organizations report them?
…It is, in many respects, a classic social welfare program. Like other social programs, it involves transferring from haves to have-nots. Healthy people are going to have to pay to help sick people get coverage. People who had skimpy coverage before — and in some cases, not-so-skimpy coverage — will have to upgrade to insurance that covers more things, but costs more. And young people will have to pay so older people don’t face sky-high premiums….
It is not as if these trade-offs — the kind required by any big social program — were not understood by experts at the time Obamacare was being debated in 2009 and 2010. But they certainly weren’t part of the pitch Obama and the Democrats made to the rest of America — the people who shouldn’t have had to read between the lines to know what was going to happen.
I agree. If only we had some kind of institution whose primary mission it was to scrutinize the claims of politicians, contact experts, and report the major facts about major new legislation to the public.
But alas, it seems we don’t.
I had been thinking Obama lied for a long time, but Andrew C. McCarthy at NRO helped me understand WHY he lied.
Not only can’t you keep your plan, you can’t keep your doctor or even your hospital!
Add to that you might not be able to afford anything near what you used to have.
Affordable Care Act is NOT ”affordable!”
Also it has to be gradual, like putting a frog in cool water then turning up the heat so it doesn’t ever think about getting out until it is too late:
There’s more.
Mr. McCarthy really closes the noose.
Now, the question is, has Obama already gone so far with this turkey that we are stuck either fixing it or gradually going on to full-on socialized medicine?
that’s the way snakes find, grab, inject their poison, which come from their tongue,
and eat their victims alive, one step at the time, one mouthfull at the time,
Is there no end to this????
The LIBERAL MEDIA is IMPLICIT and are CO-CONSPIRATORS in this OBAMINATION…they are a DISGRACE – There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT they are THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE of this Administration…and they are nothing but LYING SCUM…
They have spewed nothing but vile venom- hate – Created Lies – And perpetuated Lies – they spread cancer in the very fabric of this great Country…
ANYONE who associates themselves with, or engages in their Lies and Propaganda are LOST and Yes, Very – VERY STUPID people indeed…