Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy said Sunday that attempts by the Supreme Court to block gun control could trigger a ‘popular revolt.’
Popular revolt, eh? Like 1917?
He made his comments as President Joe Biden accused Republicans of caring more about gunmakers than their constituents as he again called on Congress to pass gun control legislation.
Democrats stepped up their arguments that a majority of Americans back tougher firearm regulation on the day that Buffalo, New York, was marking the anniversary of a racist gun attack that killed 10 people.
‘If the Supreme Court eventually says that states or the Congress can’t pass universal background checks or can’t take these assault weapons off the streets, I think there’s going to be a popular revolt over that policy,’ said Murphy, of Connecticut.
This is a classic strawman argument as an assault bill was once passed to little effect on overall deaths.
A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that a federal law preventing the sale of guns to 18- to 20-year-olds was unconstitutional.
Any further action could make it all the way to the Supreme Court, which has lost the confidence of a swath of Americans and faces fresh ethics allegations against justices.
‘A court that’s already pretty illegitimate, is going to be in full crisis mode,’ Murphy added on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’
He is an outspoken advocate of gun control and his words may be seen as a threat.
Indeed. Murphy is threatening the Supreme Court but he only thing illegitimate here is Murphy’s intelligence. His ethics really should get a review.
How is the court “illegitimate”? Just because they aren’t all leftist ideologues that rule according to political dogma instead of the Constitution? The majority of Americans don’t want the left’s gutting of the 2nd Amendment. They don’t know what the left means by “universal background checks” and they still spread that “gun show loophole” bullshit.
I tell you what might cause a “popular revolt”, Murphy, you turd. Why don’t you f**k around with the Supreme Court and find out.
Didn’t visit Nashville, though. Didn’t even mention it or who the killer was. I wonder why that is?
If people can simply lie on background checks and leftist prosecutors will not prosecute crimes, what good are the laws? Gun violence could be greatly reduced if crimes were simply prosecuted and criminals put in jail. As it is, every crime they get away with leads to another, more violent crime. And gutting police departments isn’t the answer, either. No, instead the left will turn every law into a political weapon, just as they have done with the FBI, IRS, DOJ, DHS and every f**ing thing else they touch.
“Shall not be infringed” means shall not be infringed and we have abided by all the infringement we will.
Clarence Thomas and his family received undisclosed in-kind gifts and benefits from a billionaire conservative donor that were collectively worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. By no stretch of the imagination was this appropriate.
Justices are required to report any gifts have a value in excess of $415.
From The American Constitution Society: Dark Money and the Courts – The Right-Wing Takeover of the Judiciary
Another of your far left organizations, Comrade Greggie.
Discover the Networks
The worst thing to happen to the judiciary is the appointment of leftist radical judges that put ideology before the law and Constitution. The worst thing to happen to the government has been Democrats.
Democrats use Dark Money…and they take over the government illegally.
Not the GOP.
Tell me another one…
Democrats: They’re MAGA. Trust us.
How can we tell it was fake…No Antifa or BLM attacking while the cops watch with no action.
No sceeching morbidly obese blue and purple haired hags (aka Gregs dream date) counter protesting.
Apparently no FBI assets have penetrated this 100% FBI fake organization.
Not quite as naive as you Greg how many on the list are not mentioned in the Constitution?
Mark 0:53
Hint you are highly ignorant easily manipulated
Maybe you should take the whole list and compare it to the Constitution, not the lefts interpretation but the actual legal document as written.
The Org ACS is a fraud.
And what cases did Justice Thomas hear that this affected? Got a list? Unless it affects a decision, it is not inappropriate in any way. Unless his friend comes before the Court with a case and Justice Thomas doesn’t recuse himself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Meanwhile, speaking of inappropriate and illegitimate ..
Sotomayor took money from publishers then ruled in their favor in cases. She didn’t recuse herself, as she should have. Now, THAT’S inappropriate. You can go from here and begin demanding she be removed from the bench now.
Nah. It literally means nothing, and isn’t wrong.
At all.
We’re suffering a purge of all those who support democracy in favor of this impostor government that was installed on J6th.
The question is if you have the will, resolve, and skill to arrest Thomas and the rest of us and go through with your plan?
I think not.
Greg: “A Supreme Court Justice having a wealthy friend is highly suspicious and inappropriate!”
Also Greg: “Biden’s family members took $10 million from foreign countries and pay a lot of his bills while he makes policy decisions favorable to those foreign countries? Hell yeah, I’ll vote for him. I see nothing wrong with that.”
CNN has no reach, no followers, and no impact.
This man does:
A revolt with guns?
Murphy one again proves him and the rest of his Democrat/Socialists are rouge operation of robber Barons and Thieves
ALL NINE members of the Supreme Court wrote to Sen Durbin (who wants outside oversight of their ethics) that they, themselves can watchdog their own actions.
This is not a new power tussle.
It’s just a new iteration of Congress trying to destroy the Constitutional separation of powers that makes American government work.
It is nothing but Democrats throwing a crybaby temper tantrum because they lost liberal control of the Court.
05/14/23 – How to Raise $89 Million in Small Donations, and Make It Disappear –
Of $89 million raised, all but $826,904 was absorbed by the fund-raising operations.
Pay wall moron
NY Slimes, not the paper of record. Bird cage liners.
Democrats get free money from big banks, then line their pockets in office.
Our illegal WH regime is stealing our taxpayer money and laundering it in Ukraine.
Trump legally raising money is a model for how we get back to being a lawful country.
How much of Bidens cancer research collections went to cancer research?
The Biden Cancer Initiative was founded in 2017 by the former vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, to “develop and drive implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research and care and to reduce disparities in cancer outcomes,” according to its IRS mission statement. But it gave out no grants in its first two years, and spent millions on the salaries of former Washington, DC, aides it hired.
The charity took in $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, and spent $3,070,301 on payroll in those two years. The group’s president, Gregory Simon, raked in $429,850 in fiscal 2018 (July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019), according to the charity’s most recent federal tax filings.
Danielle Carnival, former chief of staff for Obama’s cancer initiative, the Cancer Moonshot Task Force, took home $258,207 in 2018.
The charity spent $56,738 on conferences and $59,356 on travel that year. The following year, the travel expenditure swelled to $97,149, and the nonprofit spent $742,953 on conferences, tax filings show.
Wow just wow not 1 thin dime.
Can’t help but notice that cancer is still with us. Hopefully his quest to “shut down cancer” doesn’t go like his “shut down the virus” campaign, which actually INCREASED deaths.