This is THE BEST MONOLOGUE from a late night host I HAVE EVER SEEN! Seriously, take 2 minutes to watch Greg Gutfeld GO OFF ON JOURNALISM! Remember, a retweet triggers a liberal somewhere
— Bobby D (@robertdunlap947) January 28, 2024
It’s been proven we don’t need journalists because we have now gone many, many years without them. Of course, the left needs propagandists because they fear accidentally facing the truth and need, indeed, WANT these people to lie to them.
So called journalists donate to democrats more than 90% of the time. Why should any person believe them to be objective and nonpartisan?
We saw four years of the Gutter Level Media attacks on Trump these lowlife scum suckers unloading t heir toxic waste upon him and his supporters or just plain ignoring the facts then they wonder why Americans don’t trust them anymore and why the NYT’s is losing their Readers and Subscriber’s
Learn to code I believe is the phrase for those newly unemployed.
As long as the UNIPARTY gives media or taxes it will surive. J. Thune is happy to give it pur $
The New York Times is the Leader of the pack as Americans end their subscriptions to their leftists rag their chickens have come home to roost
“Jouralists” have been a part of the UNIPARTY for 70 years. Cal 1964 is proof positive of that!
Suppression of pro america speeh was “FreeSpeech movement”.
Brutal, bloody beatings of those foolhardy enough to say America is good was “Peaceful protest”!
This was long before El Rusbo so if you werntin the West you had no knowledge of Press’s ies. Moniker honest. I old
Who needs journalists when we’ve got propagandists raking in MILLION$ a year keeping hypnotized sheep in their assigned corrals?
Those like Jim Acosta, Comrade Greggie?
Or Rachael madcow?
1/31/24 – Pennsylvania man arrested after allegedly decapitating his father and displaying his head on YouTube –
Propagandists you say? How are things in the corral today?
Excellent list. No doubt, there are even some you missed. The left dotes on lies.
That’s right… YOU have no need whatsoever for journalists.
Joseph Gobbels comes to mind