by Jeff Childers
It hardly seems real: one week from now —next Monday— under a crisp but sunny sky, President Trump will rest his hand on the Bible and take the oath as the 47th President of the United States.
It’s difficult to describe the sky-high enthusiasm level. Having already raised a record amount of money for the Inauguration —more than $170 million a week ago, with donations still flooding in— the Transition Team has also long since run out of VIP tickets or ‘day-of’ perks even for million-dollar donors.
We have all suffered through an interminably long four years that seemed as though it would never end. From the very first second, things went sideways, and fast. Approaching the 2020 election, we felt secure and confident. Some went to sleep on time on election night, at peace that a popular president pulling record rally crowds was no contest against a doddering basement campaigner.
But the shock and disbelief at waking up to the announcement of Biden’s win quickly turned to horror, as facts emerged about the cognitively vegetative candidate’s inexplicable midnight surge.
The horror melted into a spreading black oil of despair after the January 6th fedsurrection, an induced riot infested with federal agents, and the full scope of the long odds the country really faced became clearer. Brace for impact.
As “Dark Brandon” (or whoever was pulling his strings) slid behind DC’s wheels of power, covid recommendations transformed into mandates, temporary pandemic restrictions transferred to permanent status, and a crowd of profoundly unattractive men with wildly atypical sexual appetites transitioned into the federal government and began busily transforming the nation’s laws to better suit their twisted predilections.
Over an unrelenting four years, they prosecuted and sued the President in every way they could conceive of, limited only by their ability to conscript reckless volunteer lawyers, prosecutors, and judges. They raided his house and dug through Melania’s intimates drawer. They labeled him ‘Hitler,’ called him ‘dangerous,’ and warned anyone who’d listen that he would Destroy Democracy.
Even if only through grossly incompetent negligence, they tried to kill him at least twice, and even successfully shot him once.

President Trump’s re-election seemed so unlikely for so long that many Republicans supported other primary candidates, just because they were convinced the Nation was tired of Trump and he was ‘unelectable.’ When, following the disastrous debate with Joe Biden, Trump finally edged ahead in the polls, the Democrats did the unthinkable, and pulled a sitting, nominated president off the ticket at the last minute.
With two months to go, the Democrats frantically campaigned an unelected, unvetted pinch hitter. They spent a record $2.5 billion dollars in eight weeks selling the least-liked political candidate in history, and flipped the polls back to the donkey. Only the betting markets honestly predicted the outcome, and the joyful but unelected replacement nominee lost badly in an inglorious mudslide.

Trump’s come-from-behind victory was unpredictable and unpredicted. At one point or another, every single political pundit forecast Trump’s loss, and most of them predicted he’d lose badly. But the people, primed by the pandemic, rejected the experts’ prognostications and advice, and stuck with the felon. In that sense, and in countless other ways, President Trump’s re-election was uniquely historic, a miraculous comeback story so unbelievable even the Hallmark Channel would have passed on the script.
In seven days he’ll be restored to where he should have been in 2021. But in nearly every conceivable way, Trump is better poised to accomplish his agenda now than he would have been had he formally won four years ago
Those who claim Big Oil bought the Votes are the same idiots who always vote for the Democrats
on January 20th or 21st there wont be a dry eye in Liberal Land
Dont get high on hopium there is still a week to go and the biggest Trump players seem to be backing down on the promises they made, or it may be the only way to get approval from Rinos.
IDK but wee will see.
How about we wet them down a bit and put them outside here -20F with the wind chill,
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s first act was to destroy 100,000 good paying Keystone Pipeline jobs. It went downhill from there. Trump’s initial moves will be simply to undo the things Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden undid that brought about this catastrophe.
I’m not one that relishes the upcoming 4 years of leftist whining, crying, obstructing and temper tantrums. Hopefully those are blunted by early successes, but the left will, just as they did last time, try to prevent Trump from succeeding. Not only do they feel anything that makes the US stronger, safer and more prosperous is bad for the world, but they cannot stand to see Trump strengthen himself and his party with successes. Just as they did last time, they will try to block success and then blame Trump for falling short.
It will be hard to make anything Trump does appear worse than the past 4 years, but that doesn’t mean the left and their media lackeys won’t be trying. Maybe the Ministry of Propaganda has lost enough credibility to prevent and sweeping mass hypnosis as existed before.
By far Biden Buried his own Reelection Hope back in the first year and not that the American Voters voted him out he is acting like a Spoiled Brat with his days in the Oval Office are numbered his name will go down in History until it reaches the Bottom of the Dumpster