Jim Hoft:
Hacker Guccifer 2.0 came out of hiding and posted his first tweet since November on Thursday.
The obscure hacker admits he breached the DNC network in his latest post. He also says the Russia Report released by the CIA is a “crude fake.”
From the Guccifer 2.0 website:
Guccifer 2.0 reported:I really hope you’ve missed me a lot. Though I see they didn’t let you forget my name. The U.S. intelligence agencies have published several reports of late claiming I have ties with Russia.
I’d like to make it clear enough that these accusations are unfounded. I have totally no relation to the Russian government. I’d like to tell you once again I was acting in accordance with my personal political views and beliefs.
The technical evidence contained in the reports doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. This is a crude fake.
Oh Guccifer I missed you so much! But it wasn’t you that turned the election, it did keep us amused. We knew Hillary would never wear the striped pantsuit no matter what was revealed, her 30 years in the swamp she has something on everyone.
Interesting how the DNC and Hillary can just keep the servers to bleachbit if it looks like they will lose possession of proof of their corruption and crimes.
Hey world I have a gun with the fingerprints of a murderer, but you cant have it for examination, and the law enforcement agencies just allow it, cause I have friends in low places.
@kitt: Great comments Kitt. Yes, Trump won because the Dimocrats had a severely flawed candidate and no amount of ‘breaking news’ against Trump was enough to convince them to vote for her.
Interesting video out today of Hillary stumbling out of a night club followed by Bill who seemed to be in Neverland.
@RedTeam: I really think their wall to wall coverage of Trump and how awful he was just got people curious enough to look, once they looked … You know he wasnt my first choice but as a last resort I find the whole meltdown an amusing side effect. Wheres the link to Hillary and her beloved?
Cruz has been busy laying groundwork for legislation for Trump to sign.
Right. The 35-page investigative summary compiled by a known and professionally respected former MI-6 operative specializing in Russian intelligence is a crude forgery, while the posts of some anonymous twit posting comments on a Twitter account are to be taken seriously. So let’s just believe the Tweets and not investigate the memo. That makes perfect sense.
Please: Make America Smart Again.
@Greg: Please: Make America Smart Again. Can we start with you?
Better yet Hillary, shes so dumb, or drunk she lost with all the MSM behind her and blew 1.2 BILLION.
You will very soon be dealing with the consequences of your own stupidity. No doubt you will blame democrats.
@Greg: #4
Greg, you are a moron drone. Pull your head out of your ass. The document is fake.
On second thought, keep it firmly entrenched in your who who. It is far more comedic to watch you Greg fret over nothing.
The question isn’t whether or not the investigative report is fake. The report is undoubtedly real. It’s source is known, and he’s considered by intelligence professionals to be both entirely competent and credible.
The critical question is the accuracy of the information that has been collected. That can’t be determined without an investigation—which Trump’s zombie followers don’t want to take place, no matter what risks its accuracy might pose to national security.
This is not an acceptable situation. It’s not a tolerable situation. Republicans had better figure that out pretty damn quick, or they will lose all credibility. The media will see to that. That’s the proper function of the media, which Donald Trump does not have the Constitutional power to suppress. The Founding Fathers saw to that.
Laugh away.
@Greg: zombie followers don’t want to take place, no matter what risks its accuracy might pose to national security.
oh pleeeze stop you are gonna make me peeeeee hahahahahohohoho snort whee
Here you like fake news sites http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/19/politics/government-hacks-and-security-breaches-skyrocket
oh my sides hurt, cant read any more of your posts you have to get a standup routine.
Business Insider, 13 hours ago: The author of the ‘fake news’ dossier on Trump’s ties to Russia is looking increasingly credible
Trump, on the other hand, is looking no more like an idiot that he has all along, so maybe it all balances out.
Late Friday: Senate probe into election hacking to review possible links between Russia, campaigns
Republicans control the Intelligence Committee, of course, just as they control all House and Senate committees right now, which I can only assume means that Team Trump was consulted on this decision and approved. And the only way they would approve is if they know for a fact that there’s nothing to the BuzzFeed dossier and that they’ll end up being cleared by committee.
Ahem we won the election…deal with it.
@Greg: Are you having wet dreams or nightmares?
funny, Obozo’s admin let the hacking go on for 8 years and it was no problem, but it might have benefitted someone else and it’s a problem. This is hilarious
@kitt, #12:
I make no such assumption. If republicans suspect there’s any chance Trump might be compromised, they’ll want to be seen as the party that fixes the problem, not the party that tries to cover it up. They’d prefer to have Pence in the White House anyway. The issue isn’t going to just go away.
That may well add up to the possibility of a genuinely serious inquiry, whether Trump likes it or not.
When does your irrelevant party begin impeachment proceedings for Trump?
The best the democrats will be able to do is to accuse Trump of knowing some russian pooped in one of obamas driveways.
Indeed. Whatever will we do with all these businesses coming back, so many good jobs created, actually AFFORDABLE health care and reestablishing faith and trust in government?
So, the left making up stories about Trump and the entire government not leaping into action to research, investigate and disprove every stupid rumor liberals can concoct… and believe me, the liberals are great at concocting rumors. How about trying this on… why don’t the liberals quit making a career out of lying?
Absolutely, as is their reputation, as opposed to the Democrats that circle the wagons around each of their scandals and deny, stonewall and lie.
I seem to remember when endless investigations were frowned upon. Are you aware that I am not surprised by your hypocrisy?
@Greg: I can see the dems all in the congressional play round now as Trump walks up, the shaming chant “URINE TROUBLE URINE TROUBLE.
RT#13 heehehe
You’re relying on Mark Warner to get the ‘true story’?The guy Hillary chased out of the 2008 presidential race with a dossier on his proclivities?Including the payments made to staff members to help them forget sexual harassment?Notice the sex of the staffers is not mentioned.You like undercover reports?How about that one?It’s only been circulating since 2008.
@Greg: How can that happen when liberals are in charge of education? Your inconsistencies in who or what to believe are simply revealing of your complete indoctrination into the mindlessness of a true liberal.