Governor Awesome rocks the most recent polls

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The GOP is alive with buzz that Ann Coulter’s longstanding favorite — New Jersey’s governor Chris Christie — may jump in to the race for the Republican nomination. And the money’s there. According to the WaPo,

There’s no question that certain major donors — primarily in the New York and New Jersey area — are simply waiting for Christie to say “yes” to put an aggressive cash collection in place that would immediately make the New Jersey governor a force to be reckoned with on the fundraising front. No other potential candidate — including former Alaska governor Sarah Palin — could put together so much money so quickly.

Now comes news that Governor Awesome has rocked the most recent polls in the Garden State, surging to a 54% approval rating at a time when virtually no incumbent does nearly that well. Christie is running ahead of other Republicans — not surprisingly, in this deep blue state — and perhaps as much as ten points ahead of President Obama.

At least one thing is clear: With the possible exception of Mitt Romney, there is no candidate among the current crop of Republicans who has a high probability of taking apart Barack Obama in the debates. Christie is better on his feet than any of them.

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Mr. Bigmouth is just serving as the latest offering in the Republican search for ultimate machismo, and won’t run. If he does, he risks being tagged for quitting his gubernatorial post early–reminiscent of Sarah Palin, who also left office for a better position (money-maker)—even though the Presidency is a ‘higher calling’. In addition, Christie isn’t so much a ‘straight-talker’, as he is just plain rude–which appeals to a certain segment of authoritarian conservatives.

I love when leftists try to to tell Conservatives why they did something. Lib #2, you don’t understand your own motivations or yourself. So for you to say anything is typical liberal hypocrisy (redundant).

I like Gov. Christie.
He is a terrific thorn in the side of all those on the Left.
He has a bully pulpit and, unlike Obama, he knows how to use it.
The fact that he can back up his words with a success record in NJ adds to the power of his words.

Therefore, I am glad he is NOT running for president.
What he does from NJ is more valuable for the country.
We all can see that, with the Right policies, a state can succeed, even under the weights Obama piles on.

Obama has to go.
But Gov. Christie does not.

“If he does, he risks being tagged for quitting his gubernatorial post early–reminiscent of Sarah Palin, who also left office for a better position (money-maker)—even though the Presidency is a ‘higher calling’.”


I see you just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to slam Palin in your post about Christie. If only you had said something thoughtful or original, but no…It’s the same old tired lies we’ve heard over and over again. I guess when you get your talking points from Huff Po and the Daily Kos, we can’t expect you to ever come up with anything original, or even marginally intelligent. Nice try however, we’ll give you a D for effort. Thanks for playing!

ps. I guess the crushing weight of the dozens of frivolous lawsuits brought on by the corrupt Democratic machine had little or nothing to do with her resignation. And I guess the sun rises in the west where you live.

How many times does Christie have to unequivocally state that he isn’t going to run in 2012 before people will believe that he isn’t going to run in 2012? Unlike a lot of politicians, I take him at his word.

Personally, I am sick of hearing about Christie. What makes him so much better than Romney or Perry? Yeah, he speaks well, but please tell me what real life experience this guy has had to qualify him for president? He is like Obama in that regard. His philosphy may be better, but there is no experience. What job has this guy ever created? Can we please move on. It reminds me of Palin. Will she or won’t she? Let us get behind the candidates that are already in the race and forget about people who are not. HERMAN CAIN 2012