Thread by Rich Baris
While DEM @SpeakerPelosi consistently has the highest “very unfavorable” rating, GOP Senate @LeaderMcConnell has been the single most unpopular congressional leader for more than a year.
Nobody likes him. GOP voters can’t stand him.
This is his highest favorable yet.
Last month, only 10.4% of Republicans had a “very favorable” opinion of GOP @LeaderMcConnell. The month prior, only 6.7% of Republicans had a “very favorable” opinion of him.
Independents hate his guts.
He is the single biggest obstacle for the party obtaining new coalitions
What’s the major difference between an unpopular DEM leader such as @SpeakerPelosi and @LeaderMcConnell?
Meaning, why doesn’t she hurt DEMS as much as she did, despite such a high “very unfavorable”?
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Her own party doesn’t hate her guts like Republicans hate McConnell.
In the Fall 2021, more Democrats actually had a “very favorable” opinion of @LeaderMcConnell than Republicans!
No kidding. In fact, it’s often very close because that’s how unpopular he is among voters he purports to represent.
Even Republicans in his own state dislike him.
Now, it’s fair to ask: “How does @LeaderMcConnell keep getting re-elected if he’s so unpopular with voters”?
Pre-Trump, he survived B/C he’s a very dirty fighter.
But he would’ve lost this time if Trump didn’t save him. Ditto @LindseyGrahamSC.
Yet, they backstab him.
That said, Donald Trump is not a politician and has yet to learn what Republican voters already know, which is this:
Don’t ever expect anything else from these politicians. GOP pols like McConnell and Graham have been backstabbing voters for years.
And they hate them for it.
Lastly, it’s worth pointing out @LeaderMcConnell and Senate Republicans owed their majority to Donald Trump from the jump in 2016.
He later singlehandedly saved it in 2018.
Republicans lost it in Georgia the minute they no longer had him to lean on.
B/C they’re losers.
More than a year is a yuge understatement.
What is he doing about Pelosi’s spies breaking into GOP offices, or going through their mail?
Call on her capitol police? The DOJ? Oh yeah that would be call the perps, is he digging into who gives them the marching orders? Spying in an election year is allowed if you are not Republican.
McConnell is a traitor. He can not be in leadership when republicans take the senate. Time to ditch Mitch.
“Mitch McConnell does not speak for the Republican Party” – Trump hammers McConnell after condemning RNC
Trump writes:
Well, McConnell is a disappointment. We expect more of him. Pelosi… who expects anything from her other than what they get? She’s a hateful, disruptive, obstructive, unconstitutional, corrupt liar that hates this country and, sadly, that’s what her constituents expect.
Embracing the Trump Doctrine equals support and acceptance. EVERY Republican running in Texas touts supporting Trump or being supported by Trump… even Preston Bush, GW’s grandson running for Attorney General, is promising to “finish Trump’s wall”. Trump is popular because Trump’s policies and accomplishments are popular. Especially in Texas, securing the southern border is VERY important because we are the recipients of 2.4 million illegal immigrants with 20% of them infected with COVID.
Liberals everywhere just laugh off the wide open southern border while they try to court Texas and turn it blue, but even Latino’s don’t appreciate being flooded with illegal immigrants because… SURPRISE!… they love this country and don’t care to see it trampled under wards of the cartels.
Sorry, leftists, but Trump is popular, he was popular enough to win in 2020 (sans fraud) and, thanks to idiot Biden’s abysmal performance, is more popular now than ever. When other Republicans figure his formula out (be competent, put the US before all else, don’t let yourself become beholden to lobbyists and interests, and F**K the corrupt, lying liberal media), Republicans will have a winning streak unknown in history.
Time to Cashier McConnell
Time to Cashier McConnell › American Greatness (
Early indications are the Republicans can expect to take back the Senate in the 2022 midterms. In conjunction with that it is more than likely the House with also be in Republican majority. Expectations are anywhere from a 60-100 seat increase. Now that McCarthy has come out in support of Mcconnells statement regarding January 6, neither of them should hold any leadership position.
The new Congressional majorities need to be led by MAGA and America first leaders. No more of the namby pamby “get along to go along” crowd. In order to reform the culture in DC, the swamp and all of the bureaucratic critters must be removed.
Weak GOP House Leader McCarthy Shows His True Colors – Sides with McConnell and Democrats – Calls Jan 6 a “Violent Insurrection
Guess who gregs new BFF’s are;
mcconnell and McCarthy
He will be singing their praises now that they agree with him