GOP Is Now Cancelling Marjorie Taylor-Greene for the Same Shit Disney Cancelled Gina Carano For

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by Ace

Greene called Pelosi a “mentally-ill Nazi” for refusing to lift mask requirements.
She did go a bit further:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green went after Pelosi for ‘abuse’ she compared to the gas chambers and Jews in Nazi Germany being required to wear the star of David

Overwrought? Sure, but so fucking what? 99% of the discourse in this country is overwrought.
Strange that only some people have their speech endlessly patrolled for the least overstatement.
The same GOP that can’t say shit about the illegal political prisons the left is running is all about #cancelling someone for making a dime-a-dozen Holocaust comparison.

So of course the pseudoright has to immediately do the left’s bidding:



Of course it wouldn’t be a Memorial Day Cuck-Out without toughguy Dan Crenshaw virtue signaling to the left.

Dan Crenshaw announces, again, his bid to run for President… of the MSNBC Green Room.
These guys keep a civil tongue about brother-marrying, Immigration-defrauding Ilhan Omar, but when they see a chance to appease their Corporate Left masters by attacking someone on the right, boy zowie do they go for it with gusto.


Weird how when the left tells these cvcks to denounce something, they race to comply, but when we’ve demanded they say ONE FUCKING THING ABOUT ILLEGAL POLITICAL PRISONS, AND WE’VE DEMANDED THAT FOR FIVE FUCKING MONTHS, they make themselves quiet and small like cvcks in the closet watching their wives take it soooo good.

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Biden called removing masks as “neatherthal thinking”, in other words, subhuman.

Again, they the Mando lead actor compared Obama’s cages to the holocaust.

Rules for me, not for thee.


Good point and excellent examples.
Ms Taylor-Greene used hyperbola.
What she said was “over the top.”
However, her terrible Holocaust comparisons don’t exactly pose a viable threat to Jews in this country.
The Dems’ “squad,” otoh, have made comments that fueled violence against Jews here and abroad.
Even far left actor, Mark Ruffalo apologized after he echoed the squad’s false claims that Israel was conducting a genocide by attacking Hamas fighters in Gaza Strip!

To compare Pelosi’s rule to Nazi rule is not far-fetched. She imposes rules upon others (masks, metal detector) she herself does not abide by. She and Democrats trample due process and the Constitution. Hyperbolic, but not inaccurate. Bringing gas chambers into the argument is going too far.

However, Democrats do not set a higher standard, and Pelosi leads the way to the bottom.

Nazis also threw people in jail for their political beliefs, without due process or actual crimes.

the demorats are throwing people in jail..without due process or actual crimes. dhs( useless agency) is now on the hunt for conservative federal employees. the pedophile is the new messiah and dictator of America. suggest you read: The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich by William Schirer and the seminal work on totalitarianism by Hanna Arendt entitled The Origins of Totalitarianism. These two works are a must read for further discussion. The Warsaw ghetto was real with over 460,000 Jews. From the ghetto, Jews were sent to the concentrations camps for extermination. In 1942 over 254,000 Jews were sent to Treblinka and Majdanek under the guise of re-settlement. all died in the gas cambers. You recall Operation Reinhard, don’t you?
The current faux administration would want, no demand that all Jews in America to wear a Star of David on clothing when in public; thus, making them easier targets of bigotry and racial cleansing.

If Kev is the “leader” next year Nancy will be Speaker in 2023! Liberal Kev makes a lie of the GOP platform!
I can not prove this, but; he may be a Dem mole!