GOP Double-Crossing Traitors

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Ann Coulter:

Now that a federal judge has held Obama’s illegal executive amnesty unconstitutional, perhaps U.S. senators will remember that they swore to uphold the Constitution, too.

Back when they needed our votes before the last election, Republicans were hairy-chested warriors, vowing to block Obama’s unconstitutional “executive amnesty” — if only voters gave them a Senate majority. The resulting Republican landslide suggested some opposition to amnesty.

Heading into the election, college professor Dave Brat took out the sitting House majority leader and amnesty supporter Eric Cantor in a primary, despite being outspent 40-1. It was the greatest upset in history since the 1980 “Miracle on Ice” at the Lake Placid Olympics: Never before has a House majority leader been defeated in a primary. And Brat did it by an astonishing 55.5 percent to 45.5 percent.

Again, the voters seemed to be expressing disquiet with amnesty.

After that, even amnesty-supporting Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., was denouncing Obama’s executive amnesty. “If the president were to do that,” he said, “and we have a Republican majority in the United States Senate, why, we have a number of options that we don’t now have to remind him to read Article I of the Constitution.”

Poll after poll showed Americans ranking illegal immigration as the No. 1 most important problem facing the nation. We haven’t changed our minds. Last week, an Associated Press-Gfk poll showed that Obama’s single most unpopular policy is his position on illegal immigration.

In other words, Obamacare is more popular than amnesty. That’s like losing a popularity contest to Ted Bundy.

Since at least 2006, voters have insistently told pollsters they don’t want amnesty. Seemingly bulletproof Republican congressmen have lost their seats over amnesty. President Bush lost the entire House of Representatives over amnesty. What else do we have to do to convince you we don’t want amnesty, Republicans? Make it a host on “The View”?

Before the election, then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell complained that Obama’s decision to delay his executive amnesty until after the election was a ploy to prevent Americans from “hold(ing) his party accountable in the November elections.”

But voters went ahead and held Obama accountable! Now McConnell is Senate majority leader — and he claims his hands are tied.

McConnell’s spokesman at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Brad Dayspring, predicted that Obama’s amnesty threat would drive voters to “elect a new Senate (that) will stand up to the president.”

Check! Mission accomplished! Done and done! Officially off our bucket list. OK, guys, your turn. When do you start standing up to the president? Hello? Hell-oooo?

To gin up votes, “Republican insiders” told the Washington Examiner last fall that “the results of the midterm elections” would determine how “aggressive” the GOP would be in fighting Obama’s amnesty.

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I have to agree with Ann. That’s why if the Republican nominee is another progressive-establishment RINO, I will have no choice but to vote third party. 2014 was the absolute last time I’m going to hold my nose.