Good God: Parents of Fallen SEAL Members got FORM LETTERS From Obama

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Nice Deb

My disgust for this abysmal “Commander in Chief” is so off the charts it can not be measured quantifiably.

On August 6, 2011, in an accident many say should never have happened, 30 US service members were killed in a CH-47 Chinook helicopter crash in the  Wardak province, Afghanistan. It is considered a breach of standard operating procedure to put a huge team of special ops into a National Guard Chinook. The operational procedures are designed to avoid losses like this. The families of these soldiers have not only never received an explanation for this breach. They didn’t even get so much as a handwritten letter of condolence from the President.

Gateway Pundit (link fixed) has the exclusive from Tampa:

It was the deadliest single loss for U.S. forces in the decade-long war in Afghanistan. 17 members of the elite Navy SEALs were killed in the crash.

Yesterday, Karen and Billy Vaughn, parents of Aaron Carson Vaughn, spoke at the Defending the Defenders forum sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots outside the RNC Convention in Tampa. Karen brought a copy of the form letter they were sent following their son’s death.

It was a form letter:

It was signed by an electric pen.

After Karen Vaughn reached out to the parents of the other SEALs killed in that crash, she discovered that their letters were identical.


This excellent 12/2008 Washington Times article about how Bush and Cheney comforted troops privately bears repeating:EXCLUSIVE: Bush, Cheney comforted troops privately:

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Bush, if you recall, was accused FALSELY, of not caring enough about the death of Cindy Sheehan’s son, Casey to even meet with her.
BUT we had photographic proof!
Even though Cindy tried to scrub the proof a fuzzy version is still online!

I cannot begin to express how this makes me feel. We had a President who took the tme to write personal letters and have personal visits to pass on his condolences and thanks from the country. Now we have a president (yes, small “p”) who is more interested in his golf game, next vacation and campaign for re-election.
Curt, I am a retired cop, so we know the same things… imagine that afterhours nightshift tailgate party after a really rough night; when I think about the direction this administration is taking us I feel like I need that late night alcohol induced primal release… you know the one.

When you have a CinC who neither accepts or understands the war or the warriors, this episode is just another example of that callow disregard. DEVGRU gave Obama the only positive result of his reign to that date. My understanding was that they were QRT for a Ranger raid on a compound. I was under the impression that,that usually worked the other way round. Obama’s actions dovetail with the Cameron Labor govt. cashiering Royal Army NCO’s with 20 plus years service by E-mail, including those who were deployed to SW Asia. There is an institutional lack of respect for the military on the Left. The only exception is the ability to direct drone strikes at will.

Typically, this story was quickly propagated all over the internet before anyone noticed that the signatures on the letters are actually, and quite obviously, different. Simply compare the point where the long vertical stroke crosses the top of the letter O. There’s a small loop just to the right of that point on the yellowish copy, but not on the other signature. Also, on the top yellowish copy the final horizontal portion doesn’t actually touch the long vertical stroke we were just examining; on the the other signature, it does.

Electric pen signatures would be identical. The letters were signed by hand.

Anyone would expect the wording of the letters to be almost identical. The letter would have been dictated once, not 30 separate times.

I think it’s very sad what Obama’s opponents will use to attempt to discredit him. Nothing is off limits, apparently. Not even letters sent to the families of fallen soldiers.

But if you want the government to pay $3.00 a day for your birth control, Presbo will call you on the phone and offer you his full support.
And Greg, modern electronic pens will vary each signature a little bit. The person being imitated submits several signatures, and the program changes each signature, keeping within the variation range of the originals. In extreme cases, which I would assume includes POTUS, care is taken to collect signatures at different times of day and during different frames of mind, such as relaxed, anxious, etcetera. This gives the greatest variation in the reproductions, and the best imitation of authenticity. Which pretty much sums up this presidency.


I think it’s very sad what Obama’s opponents will use to attempt to discredit him. Nothing is off limits, apparently.

I think it’s sad what Obama will use to win re-election, either through proxies or by himself. Nothing is off limits, apparently.

I’ve never heard of electronic pens before. I am guessing that they are printed from the printer. If so, then there won’t be an indentation in the paper from it. An actual signed paper will. That would be one way to tell if they were actually signed by Obama.

I try to look at stuff like this from Obama’s point of view. In Obama’s opinion, the military is part of the problem with him taking over the country. Remember him saying he wants a civilian security force that is as strong as, and equally funded as the military? Guess why he wants a force under his control that can defeat the military!

Now, try to imagine him having to send condolence letters to family members of fallen troops. To him it is like sending them to the enemy’s family members.

When my niece’s husband died in the Navy, GWBush was president.
Even though it was a behind the front lines death (he repaired helicopters) Kathy’s letter was very personal.
It appeared as though all of her husband’s records had been reviewed and many of his high points in school and in the Navy were mentioned.
It was also obvious that President Bush had spoken with his CO and had personal and very sweet things to add.
It did not stop there, however.
Her son was mentioned and an offer to assist him into a Navy college was offered should he by interested later when he was old enough.
It was obvious that it was signed with a pen, too.


Another significant piece of insight from these signatures is the ‘signature’ itself.

Present his signature to anyone who is an expert at signature analysis and you will hear a confirmation of what has been written about Obama on Flopping Aces for five years, . . . . the character analysis starts with SELF-CENTEREDNESS and EGO, continues with CLOSED and CHILD-LIKE. He really could not care less about the country he’s supposed to be leading, but his insecurity needs to be fed. He’s been the perfect blank slate for the Jarretts, Axelrods and Soros crowd to puppetteer.

@Nan G, #8:

Are we to imagine that President George W. Bush personally wrote and signed some 4,222 detailed letters from 2003 through 2008?

@James Raider, #10:

Given their past history, I imagine republicans have also worked up Obama’s astrological chart. If the results weren’t what they wanted, they’ve probably concluded this is probably just more evidence that he wasn’t actually born in Honolulu.

@Greg: #10

Are we to imagine that President George W. Bush personally wrote and signed some 4,222 detailed letters from 2003 through 2008?

It wouldn’t surprise me if he did. He also found time to visit a lot of the wounded personally, and he spent a lot of time with them. Not like Obama when he was near the military hospital in Germany, but played basketball instead of visiting even ONE wounded soldier. Can you fine ONE time when Obama actually visited a wounded soldier?

@Smorgasbord, #11:

Funny someone would mention basketball. Here’s Obama on the White House Lawn July 26, 2o11, hosting a Wounded Warriors basketball game.

Here’s one taken in the Bagram hospital ICU May 1, 2012, as he prepares to award 10 purple hearts.

There are links to photos from several different military occasions here. What we see often depends on what we look for. In my opinion his critics treat him with extreme prejudice, simply refusing to see or acknowledge anything that contradicts their preconceived notions.

@Greg: #12
I knew after I made the post that I should have made myself more clear. What I meant was that Obama doesn’t GO to the wounded, he has them brought to him. It would be interesting to know how much time he spent with each one. We will never know, so I won’t go any further with it.

I hadn’t heard about the Bagram hospital. It’s nice to know he found time for them. Good for him. Even though I don’t like the guy, I try to give credit where credit is due. Thanks for the info.

Pres. Bush while in office met privately with the families of over 600 fallen servicemen and women. Vice President Cheney over 800 …

Thanks for the links. I was glad to read them.