Global Warming Is Now Global Cooling

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I’m sure you never expected that. Well, of course you expected it. But maybe you didn’t think it would happen so soon.

First up, “scientists” scramble to explain why the temperature, which all of their Sacred Scrolls, I mean computer models, said would continuing going up year-after-year is now flatlined in a long hiatus.

Meanwhile, many heretics have thought that the Sun’s cycles of growing and fading sunspots are more likely the reason for the small amount of observed warming between the 70s and 1998. And now those sunspots are predicting a long cold spell… which, ironically, carbon-fueled global warming, if it exists to any significant degree, would help amelioriate.

It was an astonishing discovery, our sun can change. There was something different about the sun back then. Between 1645 and 1715, sunspots were rare. About 50 were observed. There should have been 50,000. Ever since the sunspot cycle was discovered, researchers have looked for its rhythm superimposed on the earth’s climate. In some cases, it is there but usually at low levels. But there was something strange about the time when the sunspots disappeared that left scientists to ponder if the sun’s unusual behaviour could have something to do with the fact that the 17th century was also a time when the earth’s northern hemisphere chilled with devastating consequences.

Scientists call that event the Little Ice Age and it affected Europe at just the wrong time. In response to the more benign climate of the earlier medieval warm period, Europe’s population may have doubled. But in the mid-17th century, demographic growth stopped and in some areas fell – in part due to the reduced crop yields caused by climate change. Bread prices doubled and then quintupled and hunger weakened the population.

The English preacher John King wrote: “Our years are turned upside down, our summers are no summers; our harvests, no harvests.”

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If you are really one of the last to believe in Climate Change….

Do this…..

Write a letter to future generations of your family explaining your disbelief of Climate Change. Use ‘algore’ liberally in your tirade. Put it in a safe place. I’m betting your descendants will think of you as the family fool.

@This one:

Nope…you exhibit more than enough foolishness for all of us. Ad hominem attacks because you don’t want to accept the simple, obvious facts that the SUN impacts global temperatures far more than our puny contribution to the 0.0387% of our atmosphere that is CO2 show your foolishness.

The fact that Mann et al deliberately falsified their data to make up the bogus “hockey stick” graph specifically to hide the medieval warming period shows that AGW is a false cult.

The fact that pro-AGW forces are constantly pressuring the peer-reviewed scientific publications to refrain from publishing any scientific studies that doubt the AGW cultist position shows they are pushing falsehoods based on weak computer models. Garbage In Garbage Out.

The bogusness of “increased CO2 levels from humanity cause global warming” nonsense is refuted by the fact that since 1998 the average global temperatures are DECREASING, despite the fact that atmospheric CO2 levels are continuing to rise. This destroys the AGW cultists’ primary theory, yet you call those of us who do not accept your cult views as foolish?

Science doesn’t work when used as propaganda. Data shows what it shows.

@This one:

You’d be better off leaving notes for your ancestors explaining your life as a lemming.

@This one: Jonathan Mann at CNN International said that some species were facing extinction due to a warming planet. The dildo, for example, was hunted into extinction. They couldn’t adapt fast enough.

Put that “fact” in your time capsule.


Wow, you’re really still stuck on the three year old debunked ‘hockey stick’ baloney? Amazing.

The Hockey Stick Lives: New Study Confirms Unprecedented Recent Warming Reverses 2,000 Years Of Cooling

@This one:
LOL. Did you even read the study?
The second graph clearly shows temps circa 750 AD were at the same level as the PROJECTED (not measured) temps circa 2000. Furthermore the decrease in measured temps from 1998 to the present have occured despite continued increases in atmospheric CO2 levels, thus debunking the AGW nonsense of human caused temp increases due to rising CO2 levels.
Your AGW emperor is still stark naked, no matter what Think Progress says.

Like I said, write the letter to your descendants….

North Pole Melting Leaves Small Lake At The Top Of The World (VIDEO)

@oil guy from Alberta:

The dildo, for example, was hunted into extinction.

No wonder all those Hollywood Housewives are desperate.

@This one:

It’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere you twit. It’s an annual occurrence. Even the poles have their seasons. There was one month of abnormally warm of summer weather that melted some of the surface pack into a shallow “lake” by July 13. sometimes temperatures get high enough to do this, sometimes it doesn’t. This is a thin layer of very cold water on top of Permafrost, not a hole to the ocean far below. From 2000 to 2012 there was very little melt in the Arctic as temperatures were abnormally lower.

Incidentally, in case you didn’t know it, aside from the constantly shifting location of the Earth’s magnetic poles, the Earth is undergoing true polar wander, which could also definately be affecting “normal” weather patterns on a planetary scale. True Polar Wander has nothing whatsoever to do with global temperatures:

True polar wander is not:

* A geomagnetic reversal, or reversal of Earth’s magnetic field, known to have happened before in Earth history.
* Plate tectonics, which describes the large-scale motions of great land plates on Earth and is thought to be driven by the circulation of Earth’s mantle.
* Precession of the Earth, whereby our world’s axis of rotation slowly moves, tracing out a circle among the stars, causing the identity of our North Star changes over time.