Glenn Beck vs. the mob

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Of all the details surrounding the liberal mob attack on Glenn Beck and his family in New York’s Bryant Park last Monday night, one element stands out. “No, it won’t be like that, Dad,” his daughter said when Beck questioned the wisdom of attending a free, outdoor movie showing in a New York park.

People who have never been set upon by a mob of liberals have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be a publicly recognizable conservative. Even your friends will constantly be telling you: “Oh, it will be fine. Don’t worry. Nothing will happen. This place isn’t like that.”

Liberals are not like most Americans. They are the biggest p—ies on Earth, city-bred weaklings who didn’t play a sport and have never been in a fight in their entire lives. Their mothers made excuses for them when they threw tantrums and spent way too much time praising them during toilet training.

I could draw a mug shot of every one of Beck’s tormentors, and I wasn’t there.

Beck and his family would have been fine at an outdoor rap concert. They would have been fine at a sporting event. They would have been fine at any paid event, mostly because people who work for the government and live in rent-controlled apartments would be too cheap to attend.

Only a sad leftist with a crappy job could be so brimming with self-righteousness to harangue a complete stranger in public.

A liberal’s idea of being a bad-a– is to say vicious things to a conservative public figure who can’t afford to strike back. Getting in a stranger’s face and hurling insults at him, knowing full well he has too much at risk to deck you, is like baiting a bear chained to a wall.

They are not only exploiting our lawsuit-mad culture, they are exploiting other people’s manners. I know I’ll be safe because this person has better manners than I do.

These brave-hearts know exactly what they can get away with. They assault a conservative only when it’s a sucker-punch, they outnumber him, or he can’t fight back for reasons of law or decorum.

Liberals don’t get that when you’re outnumbering the enemy 100-1, you’re not brave.

But they’re not even embarrassed. To the contrary, being part of the majority makes liberals feel great! Honey, wasn’t I amazing? I stood in a crowd of liberals and called that conservative a c–t. Wasn’t I awesome?

This is a liberal’s idea of raw physical courage.

When someone does fight back, liberals transform from aggressor to victim in an instant, collapsing on the ground and screaming bloody murder. I’ve seen it happen in a nearly empty auditorium when there was quite obviously no other human within 5 feet of the gutless invertebrate.

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It’s not surprising that Ann Coulter would take her lead from Glen Beck–they’re both religious fanatics.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

Actually, and this in no way supports, nor denies, your assertions concerning Coulter or Beck, anyone who uses religion as reason for wishing to allow, or disallow, rights of the people, is a “religious fanatic”. This includes those atheists who use their misstated idea of what the 1rst Amendment says in order to ban God from all public places. As well, it includes those voters who see the “Christian right” as a negative influence on politics, and vote more as a prevention of that influence, rather than as a positive expression of their will. One doesn’t have to be religious to be a “religious fanatic”.


Well said, JG.

“atheists who use their misstated idea of what the 1rst Amendment says in order to ban God from all public places”

The secular humanists of the left love the first half of this statement, while completely ignoring the second half; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
(First Amendment, U.S. Constitution)

Liberal1, what does either Beck or Coulter’s religion have to do with the fact that conservatives cannot seem to appear in public without a bunch of liberal goons attacking them? Or perhaps you can list the number of liberals who have had pies thrown at them or be attacked by a bunch of foul mouthed, profanity spewing conservatives?

Look at any of the riots in our country for the last 50 years? See any of them started by conservatives? Watts? Detroit?

“Liberals are not like most Americans. They are the biggest p—ies on Earth, city-bred weaklings who didn’t play a sport and have never been in a fight in their entire lives. Their mothers made excuses for them when they threw tantrums and spent way too much time praising them during toilet training.”

I guess Arthur Coltrane never dated any union ironworkers.

Beck is a Drama Queen.”Attacked by a mob of Liberals” Spare me.
Semper Fi

@rich wheeler:

Careful, Rich. You’re showing a peek behind the liberal curtain with your comment.

John G’ What is the “liberal curtain” pray tell. In an industry of self serving self promoters this guy stands out with the Olbermans,Hanrattys,and Co.

@rich wheeler:

The fact that you so flippantly dismiss the way Beck was treated and, furthermore, cannot even express disapproval about how his family was treated…

Well, quite frankly, that speaks volumes about you because, according to the standard that you yourself have set, “silence connotes acceptance.”

I really wonder…actually I don’t wonder…how you would feel if it were you, your wife, your daughter, and your daughter’s boyfriend in that situation.

@rich wheeler:

It’s the fact that liberals, in general, are a bunch of hypocrites. Would you be saying the same thing about, say, Rachel Maddow being treated similarly at a TEA Party rally?

Aye C’mon the guy got heckled and some wine got spilled on his wife.I’m a New Yorker.They’d heckle Santa Claus.The guy has said “I hate 9/11 victim’s families” He’s called Obama a racist.I’m sorry his family was involved.I disapprove of that.
He’s a big boy though he sure tears up alot. Glenn, man up.If you’re gonna dish the dirt you’re gonna get some back at ya.Especially in NYC.
Aye Can you get me corroboration on that Peoria story. Thanks
J.G. i’m no fan of Maddow but if any opininated blowhard of any party line gets “heckled” I’ve got no problem with it. In N.Y. we call it a Bronx Cheer.

rich: The guy has said “I hate 9/11 victim’s families” He’s called Obama a racist.

Oh horse manure. As Beck pointed out, there’s about 10 families, always complaining, that are spoiling for the rest of them. While I have compassion for those who lost their family members in the Sept 11th attack, I have to say that there are indeed some who have incurred my wrath and disdain, and those are the families who are the 911 truthers. I have as little patience with truthers, who believe that buildings were taken down by the government with prepositioned bombs, as I have with birthers, rich.

And if you can’t see that Beck was talking about those, pointing their fingers at the government for conspiracy theories, and not those mourning their loss, then that’s your personal problem.

And, at the same time he was discussing that small element of 911 families, he also said the same about the idiots who, despite ample warning for a hurricane headed their way, opted to stay in a city on the Gulf that’s below sea level, and then spent their days complaining as they were waiting to be rescued. I was raised in hurricane alley on the Gulf. I’ll take a hurricane over a tornadow or earthquake any day since you have lots of time to get to safey, and batten down your personal belongings. Anyone who deliberately ignores that (sans those who were unable to leave, i.e. hospitals, etc) is, IMHO, too stupid to live.

But it didn’t take long for you Beck psychotic syndrome types… the very same who say nothing about the emotional and blanket hatred spewed by Olbermann, Schultz and Madcow… to spin this into something altogether fantasy.

Count me with Beck. I hate the truthers, too. And if they also happen to be 911 families, I guess I hate them just as much.

This story isn’t about Beck being “heckled”. He’s quite used to that after years of this. What it is about is that seriously bad behavior of those who accuse Beck of unmitigated hatred without reason, and exhibit exactly that which they accuse Beck of…. and in addition, towards his family.

At least you said you “disapproved”. But you couldn’t resist throwing in another liberal lie about Beck, could you?

Forget the Bronx Cheer… a big fat “raspberry” to you.

@rich wheeler:

Nice attempt at justification there Rich. Almost what I expected from you honestly.

Oh…and a great effort at pulling out one small out of context snippet regarding 9/11 families in feeble attempt to try and justify your opinion. And as far as Obie being a racist…well, that’s supported with documented fact so there’s really no point in discussing that issue.

Exit Question: If the wine was indeed “accidentally” spilled…then please explain the Twitter postings in which the idea was given.

It’s a shame [but not surprising] some moronic “Liberal” imbeciles at a venue in a New York City Park can’t even have some common decency. Time and time again the Liberals show their own backward [mob] mentality they ‘claim’ [falsely] the right [Conservatives/Republicans] have.

It just shows how uneducated [Liberals] really are [their Liberal imbecile parents perhaps?]. And even “if” they are somewhat educated, how meaningless that education they received is…. Funny how [Liberals] are so against [‘bullying’ in schools]… They should really walk their own walk….What kind of Example are they setting???

More Liberal Hypocrisy… More Liberal foot in mouth syndrome….

Most New Yorker’s don’t act this way…at least I have never experienced it. But it only takes a couple hundred imbecile New York [Liberal Bully’s] with an uneducated mob mentality to turn the ‘Big Apple’ into a [barrel of Bad Apples]….

@rich wheeler:

J.G. i’m no fan of Maddow but if any opininated blowhard of any party line gets “heckled” I’ve got no problem with it. In N.Y. we call it a Bronx Cheer.

There is a time and place for such things, and a guy’s night out with his family, no matter where it’s at, it NOT one of them. What it really shows is that NY is full of a bunch of savages, while those in “flyover” country have better manners.

Let’s not forget they were caught lying thanks to twitter. Coincidence? Hardly. Just another example of liberal tolerance and folks like rich defending the left no matter what they do.

Mata If Beck was referring solely to 9/11 Truthers I’m in agreement they are as stupid as Birthers and he gets a pass. I know you and Aye have stated and made a case for Obama being a racist. I disagree and suggest the comment inflammatory and certainly one that doesn’t play well in NYC.BTW I believe Beck reversed field on that??
Aye I’ ‘ve said wine thrown or spilled on family member was wrong. Again I’ll say heckling a guy like Beck or Olberman or Coulter (I’d Personally enjoy that) goes with the territory.Actually Coulter seems to enjoy it.

I don’t accuse Beck of unmittigated hatred,but he sure as hell doesn’t get a free pass.BTW Hard Right Neither does Olberman.

rich: I know you and Aye have stated and made a case for Obama being a racist.

Really? I believe that what I said about Obama from the beginning is that he thinks of himself first as a black man, and as an American second. Don’t think that can be argued much with his AG, his policies, etc. Is that a racist? Nope… just a hypenated American with far too many Euro-socialist leanings to make me comfortable.

@rich wheeler:

I’m sure Mata and Aye will have comments for you as well, Rich, but I’ve got a couple points of my own.

I know you and Aye have stated and made a case for Obama being a racist.

I don’t recall what Mata or Aye have said on this, but one merely needs to look at the case of the NBPP, and Obama’s DOJ dropping the case, after it went against them, to realize that there is a distinct favoring of races other than white, happening in the WH. Is the DOJ not answerable to Obama? Is Obama, and by extension, his WH, which includes the DOJ, not required by the Constitution to ensure the laws are faithfully executed?

Again I’ll say heckling a guy like Beck or Olberman or Coulter (I’d Personally enjoy that) goes with the territory.

Not the point, Rich. It never was. The point is that he was with his family. The point is that liberals continually point to their caring and compassion towards people, yet engage in such conduct all the time against conservatives or who they see as opponents. The happenings in WI reinforce this. Show me instances of conservative groups committing the same, especially towards a prominent liberal’s family.

You are defending the indefensible here, Rich. There is no call for anyone, of whatever political stripes, to engage in such conduct.

John Galt Heckling AKA The Rasberry,The Bronx Cheer has gone on since time immemorial.I’ ve personally witnessed the British Parliament in action. It’s called letting off steam.As an aside often used by those who are NOT big proponants of the 2nd amendment.

I’ll again be clear I don’t condone heckling or rude behavior towards one’s family,so in this NYC park incident with family in tow it WAS wrong.

@rich wheeler:

Heckling AKA The Rasberry,The Bronx Cheer has gone on since time immemorial.

I could care less about such actions, it’s history, your own personal experiences, etc. The point was NEVER that he was heckled, or anything else one wishes to term it, so quit bringing it up. You started the conversation with this;

Beck is a Drama Queen.”Attacked by a mob of Liberals” Spare me.

Quit defending the behavior, and then trying to temper your comments with regret that his family was involved.

John G to temper “moderate,qualify,soften by the addition of something else”. I’d suggest we might find more temperance a good thing at F.A.

@rich wheeler:

I’d suggest we might find more temperance a good thing at F.A.


Whose voice would you like to see censored… I mean “tempered”?

Would love to know…

Aye censor “restrict or ban another’s statement” We’ll leave that to Curt
temper “modify or qualify one’s own statement” Usually done apon reflection or new information provided as I did in #19

Nan G. #25 It’s Glenn’s inner voice or voices that bring concern. LOL

Maybe now Glenn will listen to his own inner self over the voice of his child.

He was telling himself there would be problems.
She was over-riding his inner voice.

Sometimes fear or trepidation is a warning that, if we do this-or-that, we will be in danger.
And he ignored his own inner voice.

@rich wheeler:

You mean you can’t or won’t answer my direct question? Why the duck and dodge?

Course on this thread, you’re the one “tempering” your remarks, eh?

AYE In #20 J.G. said I was tempering my remarks.I agreed.
I answered your ? in 24. Why so argumentative today?
How bout that Peoria confirm.Maybe that story needs to be tempered.