Check this out:
There is a thread on Reddit engaging the OccupyEMS individual who posted the picture. Some are calling him a troll. I’m not buying that. If you read his comments, it’s not the typical fare for a troll.
Others are saying his sign says he’ll do his job. I’m not buying that either. He’s threatening the police with less that 100% effort. Otherwise, why post the sign at all?
What purpose does it serve?
The blogger ends with this:
Remember the Wisconsin police when the Unions were “Occupying” the Capital Dome?
They didn’t do their job.
But none of them got fired for it.
Many cities have bent over backward to be overly decent to these Occupiers.
Los Angeles is being amazingly kid gloved.
Heck, LA brought the Occupy tent city on the City Hall lawn turkeys for Thanksgiving!
If this is real he should be found out and his/her national certification should be revoked permanently. If this is a nitwit kid with his parents uniform he should be banned from the basement.
If I were an EMT, I’d want this guy gone PUBLICLY !! Remember, EMTs call cops in for back up, in bad situations … EMTs have other crimes committed against them…Home invasion, car jacking, car accident,etc. Do EMTs want this Idiot’s sign , to be what’s on the minds of the “brothers”, when an EMT need help? Door swings both ways…Just sayin’.
When are we getting off this insane merry-go-round?? I’ve had enough….and I am sure many others have too…
Seems as though the “occupy” movement is rife with internal inconsistencies.
I read an article about how they set up tents that sit 90% empty all night while they party on pricy hotel rooms.
I see this morning that the “occupy leaders” fly 1st class
Two sets of standards.
Two sets.
BUT the TEA party fought back when one city tried to make them pay for the same gov’t goods and services that same city GIVES to the ”occupiers!”
The Richmond Tea Party said the city charged it $10,000 to hold three rallies in Kanawha Plaza — where Occupiers have been allowed to reside at no charge. The TEA Party wants its money back…..or Richmond can CHARGE the ”occupiers” for the same serves.