Via BuzzFeed, a vignette from the big Bushworld confab over the weekend to honor Bush 41. Imagine if the “tea-party era” in Republican politics, which began after eight years of Dubya and the nomination of John McCain, produced Mitt Romney and then Jeb Bush as presidential nominees.
I’m treating the prospect of another Bush nomination as a test of whether the Republican grassroots, realistically, has any influence at all over who their party chooses. Say what you will about O but his win over Hillary six years ago proved that it’s still possible for the establishment favorite to be beaten in a Democratic primary. When was the last time that happened on our side? If a power complex exists within the party capable of elevating a guy to the nomination (a) who hasn’t run a campaign in 12 years, (b) who’s suspicious to the party’s own base, and (c) whose surname is a heavy liability everywhere in the countryexcept within that power complex, in what way does any sort of conservative activism — at the national level at least — matter?
“We have a responsibility to make sure Jeb runs,” said longtime Bush adviser Andy Card after the speech.
“If Jeb Bush does not run, shame on us.” Card added, “I would work in a Jeb administration in a heartbeat.”
“Look at all of us,” said another former campaign aide, Jill Collins, excitedly motioning to an auditorium filled with former ambassadors, appointees, and cabinet members. “We are all ready to fundraise and start planting yard signs. We have all done it before and we will do it again.”…
“Those of us who support [H.W. Bush] know that he was worthy of a second term,” McGrath said. “The Bush style of leadership needs to return to Washington.”
“If Mitt Romney had had the Jeb package,” said tireless Romney 2012 surrogate John Sununu, “we would have won in 2012.” Even if Jeb doesn’t run, though, or — miraculously — ends up getting beat in the primaries by a righty insurgent, how many former Bush advisors will end up as part of the eventual nominee’s campaign? It may be possible to avoid having another Bush on the ticket. I’m not sure it’s possible to have a new Republican administration that keeps Bushworld out of the White House. Here’s WaPo on the “credentials caucus,” the race among 2016 Republican hopefuls to recruit policy advisors before the primaries start hopping:
Sure! Run as many RINO’s as possible so that they can split the Establishment vote! But please no more than a couple of Conservatives, thank you.
Go ahead and nominate another Bush…we are already going to get another Clinton. It’s become a plutocracy. I know many who will vote third party or just stay home. That’s not a threat it’s a fact. So the GOP better pick up a lot of voters left of center if this is going to work from their perspective.
It’s a good way of electing Hillary.
JEB NOT THAT WAY, the other way is best for you, like if you’r not with me ,
you’r against me, and bring it on, and i hear you,
otherwise you’re cook,
because this , coming for love, would have been good to say 6 years ago, not today