Gay Porn Movie Filmed At Occupy Oakland

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You can now add the filming of gay pornography to the growing list of reprehensible things happening at Occupy encampments around the country.

The New York Observer reported Tuesday:

New York-based porn company Dirty Boy Video has just released “Occupy My Throat,” a homoerotic caper through the tents of Oakland’s Occupation. (Hopefully, the stars escaped unscathed during the police raid.)

But now Dirty Boy Video is expanding their repertoire back on their home turf. Remember Brendan Watts, the protester who lost his virginity in Zuccotti before having his head bashed in and pants pulled off by the NYPD during OWS’ Day of Action?

The men behind Dirty Boy are reaching out to Mr. Watts, writing an open letter appealing to his sense of social injustice as a reason why he should star in their porno.

According to the Huffington Post, this movie was filmed in the middle of the Occupy Oakland encampment.

Next time you hear some liberal media member claim the Occupy movement is the same as the Tea Party, try to recall if porn films were ever videotaped at events sponsored by the latter.

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Just giving these miscreants what they want.
Obviously, if we hadn’t figured it out already, it is now clear just what types are populating these occupy encampments.

And it turns my stomach.

There exists cancer of the esophacus studies which the homosexual political powers do not want published which align with, when surveyed by qualified medical behavioral examiners, men having multiple partner oral sex experiences with other men in a short amount of time. Greater than the risks from AIDS/HIV, the homosexual community is at higher risks to a myriad of cross-hygiene epedemia which is cause that many health professionals take extra precautions dealing with men who have sex with other men.

There are all kinds of issues like that with homosexual behaviors that are swept under the rug because of how they’ve manipulated the ‘social justice’ mantra to make it sound like a civil rights movement. The center for disease control has acknowledged these risks which is why men who have sex with men are not allowed to donate blood. Activists want homosexuals to ‘not be discriminated against’ and to be able donate blood. Can you imagine what that would do to the blood supply? Some hemophiliacs that are old enough to remember know all about that risk because they were on the receiving end of AIDS tainted blood a while back. As a result, 10,000 people died. (See here)

Isn’t it odd that being “Gay” was once hidden in a closet – and now it right in our Faces? What ever makes your boat float, but, frankly, I don’t need it to be right in my face all the time… Besides, who in their right mind would support such a ‘life style’ that pretty much ends your life before your prime by suffering with all sorts of disease and Aids, especially for gay men? I know the argument is there are ‘animals who have gay tendencies’, however, there is a ‘reason’ we are a different species…from the “animals”. Humans have a higher development of reasoning (well at least some of us, the OWS not so much)…

Just a point to ponder:
If there are no absolutes and family is an antiquated tool of bourgeois oppression, why is having gay marriage an absolute must? (perhaps I answered this question above)

It’s about taking the man out of men and destroying the nuclear family. If all a marriage is – is consensual sex between two parties, you could have a marriage between a man and a child – a man and a goat – or a man and twenty men…and on and on.

The reason marriage between a man and a woman is recognized by government is because it’s an institution that is beneficial to society. The union of a man and a woman produces children, and that union protects them.

None of the other sexual relationships mentioned above would be good for society; they are based on perversion and sexual gratification.

Policymakers are nuts…Christians in business are now being forced to affirm gay marriage even if it goes against their religious convictions. A photographer in New Mexico, a Bed and Breakfast in Illinois, a Bakery in Iowa…it’s simply disturbing.

Gay rights are achieved at others’ expense.

Catholic adoption agencies are being forced out of business because they will not place children in gay homes.

This is all very troubling as those people shove their sexuality in our faces and kiss and hold hands in public…

I’ve been to Mr. International Leather and Folsom…these people do horribly nasty things to each other. To me, that’s not love by any stretch. Sex does not equal love. The two are not equivalent.

These people usurp words and symbols, the reversed cross mark originated with the anti-nuke weapons riots in early 1950’s Britian. It is from the Saint Peter’s Cross, upside down seen at the last shot from the movie Quo Vadis, because for Nero’s pleasure he was crucified head down. ALWAYS – ALWAYS – ALWAYS refer to male sex with other men as “homosexual”. The true factors of their lifestyle is that they are miserable locked in their own form of selfish self-centeredness. The word “gay” is used properly reading Agatha Christie, sung by Fred Astaire in “Gay Divorce”, with Parisianne Gaite’ from Somerset Maugham, a homosexual, in “Of Human Bondage” and is a sweet motif in a favorite duet from South Pacific. The homosexuals, not so much the lesbians, have stolen 90% of the word’s usage; but, if they can steal we can retrieve.