From Lawfare To Bidenbucks, Democrats’ 2024 Election Rigging Is Already Worse Than 2020

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by Brianna Lyman

The issues that plagued the 2020 election haven’t gone away — in fact, Democrats have spent the past four years vigorously working to double down on those efforts while employing an entirely new set of tactics to rig the 2024 election. Republicans can’t win until they understand the threats this election faces as a whole new host of rigging tactics play out, not the least of which is Democrats’ attempt to jail their political opponent.

The “Zuckbucks” schemes of 2020 pale in comparison to Biden’s mobilization of the federal government to drive voter turnout in ways that help Democrats. And as damaging as the Russia-collusion hoax was for the country, Democrats have topped it by attempting to throw their top political opponent in jail.

As my colleague John Daniel Davidson put it: “Much like the 2020 election, which wasn’t stolen so much as rigged months in advance to give Joe Biden an advantage that all but guaranteed his victory, the 2024 election is being rigged to ensure that Trump either cannot run or, if he does run, cannot win.”

What’s New?

In a move that will define this new American era, Democrats are trying to throw their chief political rival in jail.

A Soros-funded Manhattan district attorney cooked up charges that no one can properly articulate before presenting it to a jury selected from a pool that voted overwhelmingly for Biden in 2020. A Biden donor then oversaw the show trial against Trump that was nothing more than an extension of Democrats’ 2016 election denialism.

At this point, we can’t assume the left-wing judge won’t sentence Trump to actual jail time. Trump also faces three other criminal lawfare cases that seem unlikely to make it to trial by November, including one case in which Biden’s DOJ authorized an unprecedented raid on Mar-a-Lago — during which agents were authorized to use deadly force — to find documents that government prosecutors later admitted they tampered with.

The purpose of these trials is at least twofold. First, they are meant to drain Trump’s resources and interfere with his ability to hit the campaign trail and interact with voters. Second, as evidenced by Democrats’ immediate use of the term “convicted felon” to describe the former president, the trials are designed to assassinate his character and make him appear a less appealing alternative than Biden, whom many voters have soured on.

Democrats also sought to keep Trump out of the White House by simply removing him from the ballot under the auspices of an obscure legal theory that the Supreme Court unanimously rejected.

And if lawfare can’t kneecap Trump in time for Nov. 5, certainly the weaponization of federal agencies to target Democrat-leaning voters will give Republicans a run for their money

Upon taking office, Biden issued Executive Order 14019 which essentially directs federal agencies to use taxpayer funds to interfere in elections. One agency by which this is being done is the Department of Education (DOE), for example. The DOE issued a memo in February announcing Federal Work-Study funds could now be used to employ students at government agencies to register voters or serve as poll workers. College-aged students and recent graduates are statistically far more likely to be Democrats.

In addition to the DOJ’s role in the get-Trump lawfare, Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland has declared the department would challenge state laws related to voter ID requirements or safeguards put in place for mail-in ballots and the use of drop boxes.

Meanwhile, even individual states are taking steps to rig the election in Democrats’ favor. Pennsylvania, for example, has partnered with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) — which has been described as the “nerve center” of government censorship — to target speech it deems a “threat” ahead of the election. Nevada’s legislature passed a law in 2021 that closely mirrored a temporary pandemic-related measure that extended the mail-in ballot deadline during the 2020 election. Republicans have challenged the new law.

What Did Democrats Do in 2020?

As Democrats ramp up efforts to rig the 2024 election, many of the tactics deployed in 2020 haven’t disappeared. The 2020 election was marred by both maladministration of election laws and flat-out sidestepping of said laws.

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The Democrats seem to think they have Diplomatic Immunity to this all and when it comes to the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders who grant them this Immunity

Don’t expect Democrats to stop their attacks (not just rhetorical) on Trump. As Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden continues to fail more and more and pending his utter self-destruction in the debates, they are going to have to ramp up their attacks, which will inevitably become more physical and violent.

They won’t be able to cheat enough to beat Trump this time without setting off LOTS of alarms. The level of fraud they’ll need would be able to simply be denied until it the truth is forced out two years later. Whether such an attempt to steal another election will incite an in-time reversal of the fraud or a violent response is unknown, but it won’t simply be swept under a rug to be exposed years later like in 2020.