From Jab to Grave: Sheila Jackson Lee’s Brief Battle with Cancer

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by Jeff Childers

On June 2nd, Shelia Jackson Lee (D-Tx.) issued a press release stating she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer but her doctors were optimistic. Just last month. Now, she’s dead as a doornail. It happened so fast! The New York Times ran the story headlined, “Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a Champion for Progressive Causes, Dies at 74.

It happened so fast that it feels like the word ‘fast’ fails to capture the essence, or mot juste. How about ‘rapid?’ Or … breakneck … alacritous … speedy … Wait! It’s on the tip of my tongue … tur, tur-something. Like turbine. Oh anyway, I probably shouldn’t talk about that right now. The good news was the Congresswoman was fully vaccinated and made sure many other people were, too.


CLIP: Last year when Shelia Jackson Lee denied anybody died from vaccines (0:23).
Long a thorn in conservatives’ paw, the far-left, hyphenated* Congresswoman, 74, was an old-guard Democrat darling and one of media’s staple political heroines. (* well, not precisely ‘hyphenated’; she combined married and maiden names without the dash.) Jackson Lee, who’d just celebrated her thirtieth year in Congress, was brimming with insane leftwing lunacies like reparations, for which she shrilly argued last month in various House committee meetings that on entry provided safety earplugs to members.

Jackson Lee also authored and sponsored the 2021 law that established “Juneteenth” as the first new federal holiday in 38 years, even though nobody knows what it means, but at least it was another paid day off — which undermined LGBTQIA++ caucus democrats who were distracted by trying to erect a multi-colored flag over the entire month of June, but the tape wouldn’t stick.

Personally, I was greatly offended that the New York Times omitted all mention of the Congresswoman’s diligent pro-vaccine efforts, which as far as I am concerned pinned a historic hypodermic in her three-decade tenure in the House. But now the lights are off in Ms. Jackson Lee’s dual-purpose Congressional office and vaccine distribution center. At 74, she was taken far too soon, at least by Democrat standards, which should have allowed her another twenty years of lucrative public service.

While I disagreed with the Congresswoman’s politics, to say the least, we pray peace and comfort for her relatives.

Completely unrelated, we note the recent publication in the Journal of Clinical Medicine of the latest study (of many) linking covid mRNA shots to *pancreatic cancer.*

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This study examined a woman who developed pain and an enlarged pancreas right after getting the jabs. They noted very high levels of a blood marker called CA 19-9, which is often clinically associated with pancreatic cancer. In her case, the high levels were not due to cancer (yet). The doctors concluded she may have developed a condition called autoimmune pancreatitis, probably triggered by the safe and effective covid-19 vaccines. So.

Correlation doesn’t prove causation, but correlation is evidence of causation.

Anyway, you’re probably thinking I’m making some kind of sneaky inference to this morning’s first story about Representative Jackson Lee, to which I take great umbrage, and I say in response to that baleful accusation that I normally take my coffee with a splash of cream and that’s it. No sugar; I’m sweet enough.

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I just thought she too the names of Stonewall and Robert E. No?

So did she take the Jab? and show how easy it is just like t he eest of t hem who seem to think the so special

On June 2nd, Shelia Jackson Lee (D-Tx.) issued a press release stating she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer but her doctors were optimistic. Just last month. Now, she’s dead……

It happened so fast that it feels like the word ‘fast’ fails to capture the essence, or mot juste. How about ‘rapid?’ Or … breakneck … alacritous … speedy … Wait! It’s on the tip of my tongue … tur, tur-something. Like turbine. Oh anyway, I probably shouldn’t talk about that right now. The good news was the Congresswoman was fully vaccinated and made sure many other people were, too.

Turbocancer is no laughing matter.
My multijabbed neighbor had a tumor the size of a grapefruit taken out of her just last month.
Now she’s losing weight.
And only 44.

When I first moved here, 11 years ago, a near neighbor had just been told he had pancreatic cancer.
His doctors were also optimistic. He lived another four years, most of it doing pretty well.
That was pre-covid and pre-vax pancreatic cancer.

Studies are sowing that the jabs destroy our bodies ability to fight anything else but the covid virus, and that only for a few weeks.
Turbocancer is what happens when the immune system collapses.
Wouldn’t wish it on an enemy, or a political opponent, nobody.

I could be wrong, it might have been someone else — but my memory suggests she was one of the lunatics who shrieked, threw their skirts over their faces, and ran away from the “vaccines” as fast as their lil’ legs would carry them as if it was some sort of goo Trump cooked up himself in the basement of the White House…
….only to demand everybody take it just a few months later.