by Jeff Childers
More good news! I enjoyed a hearty laugh this morning reading the Wall Street Journal’s sidesplitting story headlined, “It’s Official: We Can Pretty Much Treat Covid Like the Flu Now. Here’s a Guide.” The sub-headline farcically explained, “New guidelines from the CDC Friday bring Covid precautions in line with those of other respiratory viruses.” Now that’s entertainment. That is value for money.
Why now? It’s election season! And Glorious Leader Biden needs a win. So yesterday’s misinformation that used to get you banned off social media and slapped on a Homeland Security list somewhere is now the CDC’s official guidance. Biden beat a virus.
Ah, the good old days. Back when C&C was just musings on Facebook, I assiduously avoided directly saying covid was like the flu. The censors and I played cat and mouse for months, while I used the word “So” to fill in the obvious blank. Eventually they caught on, and after two 7-day bans and then a 30-day account lockdown, C&C moved out of Meta.
But now the CDC says trust them, covid was a civilization-destroying virus for a few months. It totally justified the economy-destroying lockdowns and Constitution-shredding mandates. But now it’s just a seasonal flu! Don’t worry! Get extra fluids and rest at home! Never mind!
Science. Shut up!
But the lingering question remains: are hardcore zero-covid fanatics still screeching that covid is ten times worse than ebola … spreading misinformation? I mean, if the CDC is the gold standard, what about them?
How times change.
Regular flu used to kill Americans in high numbers…..
Like in 1960 there were 53 dead out of EVERY 100,000 in the country! (no vaccine available)
In 1950 it was 48 per every 100,000. (no vaccine available.)
In 1990, when I used to take care of my mom, and took flu vaccines annually, it was 37/100,000.
In 2014 it had rose up to 51/100,000.
In 2017, just before covid came here from China, flu killed 52 out of every 100,000 Americans.
Once all flu deaths became “covid” deaths it dropped down to a mere 5 thousand TOTAL deaths from “flu.”
Did we ever look good on paper!
But it is a sham.
Reality is, older people, vulnerable people used to die from flu.
But it is younger people, people in their primes, along with those weaker people dying of “covid,” and its “treatment.”
Bird Flu back when it was going around and PETA jerks were urging us all to go Vegan