From Duda to NATO: The Dangerous Delusions of War with Russia

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by Mark Wauck

It’s what everyone is talking about. It’s what unserious people gathered in Switzerland to talk about. It’s war on Russia, a nuclear super power.

For example, Polish president Duda, a brainiac in his own mind, came up with this scheme—and you can bet it has the Neocon seal of approval:

Polish Preaident Duda proposes to divide Russia into “200 ethnic groups”

“I represent that part of the world where Russia is often called a prison of nations. There are good reasons for this.

On its territory there are 200 ethnic groups that ended up on Russian territory as a result of the methods that Russia is taking against Crimea today.

Russia remains the largest colonial empire in the world. And differently than European states, Russia never went through the process of decolonization.

Russia has never been able to cope with the demons of the past. We must ultimately say that there is no place for colonialism in the modern world. I want to make it clear that only Moscow is responsible for this war.”

Duda himself, of course, is part of that not insignificant portion of Poles who have also found themselves unable to cope with the demons of past Polish glory in the East Slavic lands, where Poles found themselves unwanted. I would argue that Russia has provided stability for a major and restive part of the world. The scheme of breaking Russia up is precisely intended create instability that would allow the Anglo-Zionist empire to feast on the natural resources of former Russia, with some bones thrown to Western jackals. A stepping stone to subjugating and enslaving China. This is delusional:

The fantastical nature of all this is illustrated by the US’s officially announced plan to turn the Taiwan Straits into a drone “Hellscape” to buy time—if China deploys its forces to a Chinese province, as recognized by Act of the US Congress. Who is voting for this abrogation of our policy as defined in law?

Top US Commander Outlines ‘Hellscape’ Response If China Invades Taiwan

For his part, China’s Xi says he’s “too smart” to be baited like this, and I take him at his word. The Chinese on Taiwan are also too smart, ultimately, to become a Hellscape in the interests of Anglo-Zionist empire—their well being depends on close relations with the rest of China. But what a spectacle—the US rattling its sabers at the rest of the world, speaking loudly while others are measuring the size of our stick. It’s a recipe for disaster at some point down the road.

Serbian president Vucic has been warning of the perils in this for months. In his most recent interview, which reads in several respects like a Russian position paper tailored for the identity of the Serbian interlocutor. Russia’s warning to the West as delivered from a Serbian point of view, which happens to coincide mostly with the Russian point of view. Vucic suggests a time line for a major war. Probably not coincidentally, the deadline he suggests falls before the November elections season. In these remarks, delivered about a week ago, Vucic is clearly referring to note cards at points—English isn’t his native language. When he varies from his prepared remarks the quality of his English suffers. That suggests that allowances probably need to be made, a bit of reading between the lines. Here’s a summary of his remarks—what the summarizer believes is Vucic’s intended message—followed by a longer transcript from a clearly edited video:

“We are heading for a major catastrophe and it seems that the train has already left the station. No one in the West is talking about peace anymore – only more war. The West thinks it can win and take out Russia. I think the West is wrong. Both sides now believe it is existential for them, so I don’t think they will find a solution other than war and everything, everything is at stake. In Europe, the leaders act as the big heroes, but they are not honest and do not tell their citizens that they will all pay a big price if it comes to war!”

I’ll insert my comments in brackets.

Serbian President Alexander Vucic

The train has left the station and no one can stop it. And it looks like that and I believe that we are getting close to the last days of possible rethinking and reconsidering of everything that is happening in Ukraine. If those big powers don’t do anything in a short period of time, yes, I am pretty much certain that we’ll face a real disaster. If you bet on the fact that someone is bluffing it means that you have no better card, but you just believe that the other side has weaker cards and you’re not sure about it because you don’t know and you didn’t see his or their cards.

[This first paragraph is, in my view, pehaps the key. I read in this Putin’s warning that Russia is close to finally acting on its redlines, with a devastating price for Europe to pay. Those who keep insisting that Putin and Russia are bluffing are on that train that has left the station. But the Russian locomotive is heading toward that sad train and won’t stop.]

Everybody is speaking only about war. Nobody wants to reach peace, nobody speaks about peace. “Peace” is almost a forbidden word. Please notice this, because they say we need to win in order to secure future peace, but nobody is speaking about peace and then, okay, you negotiate it but you have to have the other side at the table as well. It’s very strange to me that no one is actually attempting to stop the war. There is another theory which I can understand–I don’t say that I approve, but I understand. The West thinks that they can win easily against Putin, they want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then they will enter the space. And then Russia in today’s territory and shaped like it is today, won’t exist anymore, and Putin will be overthrown and everything else. And maybe that is possible …

[It is the Russians who repeatedly speak of peace on reasonable terms—and find there is no one willing to speakk of peace with them. Instead, the West has convinced itself that it can win a military victory. The West has persuaded itself to believe its own propaganda—that Putin is a tin pot dictator, rather than a real statesman of a civilizational area that is united behind him.]

Do you think that is possible? Is it possible to use Ukraine to weaken Russia?

Well, it weakened Russia anyway, but is it enough to destroy Russia and to overthrow Putin? I don’t believe so. In today’s Europe they all act like big heroes, but they did not say to their people that they will pay a very big price. And speaking about it, you and all these leaders should do absolutely everything in order to stop any kind of warmongering behavior and everything.

[Unlike Russia, European “leaders” are not being honest with their people. They are the false leaders, not statesmen acting for the national interest.]

Why I’m speaking that we are getting close to the precipice, to the abyss? Analyze the situation of NATO and United States. They cannot afford losing war in Ukraine, which means Russia cannot win. Because, first of all, their political legacy will not exist, or it will be so poor that they cannot allow themselves. Number two, position of Europe and the West, collective West, in geopolitical terms, will deteriorate so much that no one would be able to revive it and to renew it. And number three, it will open Pandora’s box for more movements, at least, and hostilities against collectivists in the future.

[In three points the Russia side describes the self serving motives of the Western ruling class. They are leading their nations down the path to disaster—which, according to “number three”, will gain momentum and lead to further war and disaster in the future.]

But take the other side. That’s nice story for one side. Take the other side. If Putin loses the war, Russia will not exist and won’t be shaped like it is today. When you have these two sides so much far from each other, with their wishes, with their expectations, then you see that everything is at stake. No one can afford to himself or to itself to themselves to lose, when you have this situation. That’s why I was saying to you, that’s why I was saying publicly and not hiding it, that we are getting closer to a real disaster.

[The Russians understand the stakes, while the general populations of the West are sleep walking, thinking that life can’t change for them. Russia has made the calculations, the West has not.]

Who is ready to lose 1 million, 2 million, 5 million, 10 million, and 15 million people? Ask yourself? I’m not ready to lose a single man, and we won’t participate in that. But it’s a question for some other people.

How close are we now to a Third World War, a confrontation?

I cannot say a Third World War, but that big confrontation, how far we are, I believe we are not far away from it. Not more than three, four months. And there is a danger to happen even before that.

Where do you stand in this whole insanity? Where does Serbia stand in this conflict?

We will keep peace, stability, and tranquility within the region and in our country.

Is there a specific situation that this warning via Vucic is hinting at? My guess is that there is. In the next video I haven’t excerpted this aspect, but it is discussed. What I’m referring to is the nutso Western scheme to base F-16s in Poland and/or Romania, fly them to landing strips in Ukraine, take off again to attack Russia, then fly back to Poland and/or Romania. This, I’m guessing, is the scenario that could lead to “that big confrontation” in “not more than three, four months” or “even before that.”

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The longer they let this fiasco that is Ukraine go on by funding it with worlds debt, the less there is to negotiate. Russia has won, and NATO is useless.

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On the 17th of June, 2024, candidate Donald Trump has officially defeated Joe Biden in the race for President.
It’s over. Biden will be removed and replaced on the ticket.

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon