From Conventional War to Complete Chaos: Examining the Fallout of a Conflict between US and Russia

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I do not disagree with Tucker and PJW on the possibility of a hot war with Russia by Biden’s regime in order to stay in power. I also agree on the uniparty thesis.

But here is the fallacy in terms of practical implementation of this “plan” by cabal. Remarkably I already quoted this today. Even illiterate hack such as late Richard Pipes got it:

America has tended to rely on its industry to protect it from aggressors, and on its unique industrial capacity to help crush its enemies once war was underway. The United States is accustomed to waging wars on its own choosing and on its own terms. This approach to warfare has had a number of consequences. The United States wants to win its wars quickly and with the smallest losses in American lives…Extreme reliance on a technological superiority, characteristic of U.S. warfare, is the obverse side of America’s extreme sensitivity to its own casualties; so is indifference to the casualties inflicted on the enemy.

It goes without saying that unlike late 1970s when Pipes wrote his BS piece, today the US has no industry capable of wartime footing while conventional war with Russia will see American losses the likes it never experienced in her history. I am talking, of course, not about SMO format, I am talking about the real war. And here lies practical problem for implementation of the dictatorship by Washington. US Army cannot sustain about 5-10 thousand KIAs s week, neither can American society. And I am talking about lower end of estimates. Colonel Wilkerson talks about 40,000 US casualties in such a war in the first week of hostilities.

US as a nation is not set up for fighting a real combined arms war. NO Washington regime will be able to sustain about 100 to 200 thousand US Army KIAs and about the same number of sanitary losses in the first couple of months of fighting, not to mention a bulk of the USAF and ground forces hardware being annihilated.

But for dictatorship to endure one has to have a solid war achievements, otherwise you get the repetition of General Galtieri and the collapse of Junta. And I am not even talking about such horrible and very highly likely events (God forbid) as sinking of couple of US Navy’s CBGs. And that is going to happen in case of such a war. Not to mention the fact that US proper is defenseless against Russian cruise missiles. US, in this case, will have no choice but to escalate to nuclear threshold and that means that no US neocon and their family survives. Same goes to those American “patriots” who would exercise their desire to kill them some Rooskies. I am on record–US population has zero knowledge of real war.

If we all avoid a nuclear confrontation which the US will initiate when the first thousands of KIAs begin to arrive to the US within first few weeks, US has no resources to fight such a war and that means that even if Biden and his puppeteers succeed in starting such a war with Russia (with what?) and usurp power, this coup wouldn’t be able to last for too long. In the end, consider this news from two weeks ago:

The head of a top Russian shipbuilder revealed Monday that work is underway to arm some of Russia’s most troubling guided-missile submarines with Zircon hypersonic weapons. Following the fielding of the weapon aboard a Russian navy frigate, “multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the Yasen-M project will also be equipped with the Zircon missile system,” Alexei Rakhmanov, general director of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, told the state-run RIA news agency, confirming certain long-standing expectations. He added that “work in this direction is already underway.” Russia’s Yasen-class nuclear-powered cruise-missile submarines are quiet, difficult to track, heavily armed, and able to conduct attacks against land- and sea-based targets. The first sub of the class, the Severodvinsk, was commissioned late in 2013 following decades of design, development, and construction that started during the Cold War.

So, in case of such a war even Junta will have tough time explaining to American people what happened to the White House and Capitol among many other crucial US buildings (Pentagon anyone) in a sense where did they go once 3M22 will arrive in salvos and then 3M14M and X-101 follow. Yes, it will be a very tough political time, but something tells me that, while possible, such a war will actually end the uniparty, not least through many of its members being physically annihilated, and what happens next–who knows.

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While the NYT’s would support the enemy in anyway they could


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Russian and Ukrainian Negotiators March 2022

I will put this as simply as I can — if the recent New Yorker article by Keith Gessen — The Case for Negotiating with Russia — accurately reflects the only two policy positions being debated in Washington regarding how to respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, then a war between Russia and the United States is inevitable. There is no viable path for negotiations.

Gessen introduces you to Samuel Charap, a RAND analyst who Gessen claims, “This piece is symptomatic of the insanity that infects the establishment foreign policy community in Washington, DC and New York. Gessen “offers a different perspective on the war in Ukraine.”

And what is that perspective?

In the wake of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and incursion into eastern Ukraine, in 2014, Charap wrote a book, with the Harvard political scientist Timothy Colton, called “Everyone Loses. . . . Russia was the aggressor, to be sure.

Blaming Russia for the “incursion into eastern Ukraine” is like blaming Poland for starting World War II with Nazi Germany. It is a lie. Charap discredits himself as a serious academic by repeating this propaganda. He blithely ignores the fact that the Government in Kiev launched the attacks on the population in the Donbass and the opinions of the majority Russian speaking inhabitants of Crimea at the time. If you’re thinking of buying the Charap book, save your money.

Gessen makes no attempt to hide his bias either. Even after solid documentary evidence proving the falsity of the claim that Russia interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of Donald Trump, Gessen still claims that specious allegation is true:

I first met Charap in the summer of 2017, not long after the book came out, and in the midst of a maelstrom of anger at Russia for its interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. Robert Mueller had been appointed as special counsel for the Justice Department, Donald Trump had labelled the investigation a hoax, and Congress was in the process of passing a bipartisan sanctions bill against Russia. 

According to Gessen, there are three major issues regarding the war in Ukraine:

The argument in the U.S. has split into two profoundly opposed camps. On the one side are people—not very many, at least publicly—like Charap, who argue that there might be a way to end the war sooner rather than later by freezing the conflict in place, and working to secure and rebuild the large part of Ukraine that is not under Russian occupation. On the other side are those who believe that this is no solution and the war must be fought until Putin is soundly defeated and humiliated. . . .

Another disagreement centers on the possibility of a decisive Ukrainian battlefield victory. Charap believes that neither side has the resources to knock the other out of the fight entirely. . . . But the other side of this debate has been more vocal. They see a highly motivated Ukrainian Army, supported by a highly motivated populace. They point to the relative cheapness, to the U.S., of a war that pins down one of its major adversaries. And they believe that, given enough time, and enough Western weapons and training, Ukraine could take back a fair amount, if not all, of its territory; sever the land bridge to Crimea; and get close enough to Crimea to deter any future Russian military operations. . . .

The final disagreement concerns Putin’s intentions. The “fight to the end” camp believes that, if Putin is not decisively defeated, he will continue attacking Ukraine. . . . Charap, of course, disagrees. He believes that it is possible to make a ceasefire “sticky”—by including inducements and punishments, mostly through sanctions, and by monitoring the situation closely. 

Charap and his faux opponents in Washington still do not get it — Russia will not, under any circumstance, allow the Ukrainian military to continue to exist with neo-Nazi soldiers in its ranks or allow Ukraine to become a part of NATO. Non-negotiable. Oh, and one more thing — it is not giving any territory back to Ukraine, especially Crimea.

Charap’s competence as a foreign policy expert is in real question if this quote from Gessen’s piece is accurate:

To Charap, “The strategic defeat of Russia has already taken place.” It took place in the first months of the war, when Russian aggression and Ukrainian resistance helped galvanize a united European response. “Their international reputation, their international economic position, these ties with Europe that had been constructed over decades—literally, physically constructed—were rendered useless overnight,”

Yeah, right. Ignore Russia’s burgeoning relations with China, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Brazil. Who needs Europe when you, Russia, are the 5th largest GDP in the world in terms of purchasing parity power? What is it exactly that Russia “needs” from Europe? I know the answer — NOT ONE DAMN THING. Charap’s myopic preoccupation with Europe vis-a-vis Russia has blinded him to the historical earthquake that is taking place as Russia is leading the way in setting up an alternative to the U.S. controlled “rules based” international order.

I am holding out hope that Gessen’s article presenting a faux Manichean choices regarding Russia are not the only two positions being discussed behind closed doors. The catastrophic disaster unfolding for Ukraine in the Donbass should not be ignored. The only question is how long will Washington politicians, pundits and media mavens continue to bullshit themselves with false dreams of a Ukrainian victory over Russia. Biden and his national security team are acting more and more like a degenerate meth addict and lack the will to ask for help. That kind of addictive behavior always ends in tragedy. I fear that is where we are headed.

The GDP of Putin’s Russia is less than that of Canada. The GDP of California is twice as high as all of Russia’s.

09/02/23 – How Putin’s Soviet-style propaganda machine created a brainwashed ‘zombie nation’ as he drags Russia behind Iron Curtain

The tyrant’s campaign to put Russia back behind the Iron Curtain has taken a terrifying turn as he attempts to twist the minds of the young and come down hard on those who question the Kremlin’s distorted reality.

Starting this year, all Russian school children will study a new subject: “Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia“.

Meanwhile, youngsters have been filmed loading rifles and first graders have been handed military uniforms to wear to class.

Those who have spoken of chaos inside the Russian ranks or troops who refuse to fight have been jailed while protesters on the streets of Moscow have been quickly silenced.

A spider’s web of Russian critics and oligarchs have mysteriously died in the last year and a half – many from unexplained falls after criticising the war in Ukraine.

Wagner warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin’s plane was mysteriously blown out of the sky after he led his men in a daring coup against the Kremlin.

Throughout the chaos inside Russia, Putin has continued to put himself and his country in an information vacuum to support his deeply twisted mindset.

And as of late, Putin has been compared to his predecessor, dictator Joseph Stalin – who was a propaganda king himself….

What did they have on Hillary?