French President Macron Basically Tells Biden That His Plan to Get the Saudis and UAE to Produce More Oil, Rather Than the US Producing It, Is Already a Failure and Cannot Work

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by Ace

But Ol’ Joe is too demented to have understood what Macron was saying, or to have understood it as a direct rebuke.

Michael Shellenberger
@ShellenbergerMDBiden was counting on Arab nations to produce more oil but a few hours ago French President Macron was overheard telling Biden that the United Arab Emirates is at max capacity & the Saudis can’t produce much more. It appears to be a direct appeal to Biden to produce more oil.

As Michael Shellenberger points out, Macron could have delivered this information to Biden privately.
Instead, he chose to deliver it in front of the cameras and within range of the microphones.
He doesn’t just want Biden to know that the Saudis and UAE can’t produce more oil — he wants the world to know that Biden knows.


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Well, he has to get AOC’s permission to increase production here.

Welcome back down Icarus i hope you can swim