by Aidan Johnston
In case you missed it, France entered into a pseudo-civil war this past weekend. Rioters took to the streets, destroyed billions of dollars in local property, violent criminals pulled out their illegal guns, and there was nothing the average disarmed Frenchman could do about it.
These recent riots proved the old adage, “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”
France has much stricter gun laws than anywhere in the United States. French citizens do not have the individual right to bear arms, nor carry a firearm in public for self-defense. Instead, they have strict regulations for anyone that does want to keep a firearm at home:
- limits on the type and amount of guns and ammo you can own;Â
- universal background checks; andÂ
- gun registration.Â
Nevertheless, what began in France as mostly peaceful protests would end with fully automatic weapons and banned “weapons of war” being used to terrorize the streets of France.
Protesters started by burning cars, starting fires, and shooting off fireworks, but soon began using shotguns to shoot out police cameras.
France: has strict #guncontrol laws
— Aidan Johnston (@RealGunLobbyist) June 30, 2023
Criminals soon brought out the bigger guns—semiautomatic AK-style firearms. Video footage revealed the criminals shooting directly into the air in the city center—endangering the surrounding area.
The anti-gun laws in France are working fabulously. The criminals have them and the law abiding citizens don't. Huh. Who would have thought this might be the outcome? It's almost like such laws enable criminality and keep lawful people unable to defend themselves.
— Military Arms (@MAC_Arms) June 30, 2023
Shortly after that, footage surfaced online of protestors with handguns and belt-fed machine guns marching down the street in broad daylight. Terrorized citizens ran and screamed as security alarms blared.
If only the US banned public carry, required universal background checks & safe storage, limited the the amount of guns & ammo you could possess, then we could be as safe from #gunviolence as France!
— Aidan Johnston (@RealGunLobbyist) July 1, 2023
Meanwhile, average French citizens attempted to stand up to the rioters with wooden bats and other improvised weaponry.
The French are resorting to improvised weapons. This is part of why we have a #SecondAmendment
— Aidan Johnston (@RealGunLobbyist) July 1, 2023
France’s gun control did nothing to protect its people.
Criminals dominated the streets. In this short period of civil unrest, thousands were arrested, and more than a billion dollars of damage was done to local businesses—which doesn’t even include schools, town halls, or community centers.
These rioters didn’t care for France’s gun laws. They had illegal firearms—such as banned, fully-automatic belt-fed machine guns.
They took those illegal firearms and shot them in public to wreak havoc—without regard for France’s ban on the public carry of firearms or the safety of the general public.
While armed criminals ignored French gun laws and destroyed cities, Florida’s permitless concealed carry law went into effect.
Anti-gun advocates decried Florida for becoming a “more dangerous state.” Yet, Florida celebrated the weekend in peace while gun-controlled France burned.
The Founding Fathers fostered our well-armed society “for the security of [our] free state.” In other words, the individual Second Amendment right is protected for the common good and helps us keep ourselves, our loved ones, and our nation safe.
For example, during the race riots in Los Angeles, local Korean business owners stood up to criminals by arming their employees and guarding their neighborhoods from the rooftops.
These rioters in France have begun to take over homes.
Not enough to merely loot all you own, they move into your home and shoot you if you resist.
French men will be their slaves.
French women will be their sex slaves.
Sharia will be the rule, not old French law.
Even the French police admit they would be better off working as an underground force instead of constrained by French law.
France set sets a Example of what happens when the people are unarmed against a armed enemy that get let in by a Global Government and now the Globalists the UN,DNC,CFR, Etc. wants us all disarmed and Democrat/Traitor John Kerry signed the UN Small Arm Control Treaty for Democrat/Traitor Uncle Tom, Barack Obama
I always get a real kick out of those who complain about the “threat” of permitless carry. Is it believed that those who would not carry a weapon until it was allowed by law are going to suddenly rob everyone? People that respect the law are not the problem; criminals are. That means, of course, Democrats are the problem, since they not only coddle the criminal but are often criminals themselves.
So, in France we have criminals that violated French law and armed up despite it being illegal. Now, of course, only the criminals have the weaponry while those getting shot can bleed with the comforting knowledge they did the right thing and trusted their government to keep them safe.