Fox News’ Conservative Stance Belies Hidden Liberal Agenda

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By Roger Kimball

The longshoreman turned homespun philosopher Eric Hoffer is semi-forgotten today. But his book The True Believer (1951) is full of pertinent aperçus. One that has recurred to me often of late is the observation that “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”

I cannot quite say why, but Hoffer’s tart mot comes back to me, especially when I have pondered the recent fate of Fox News. I should begin by acknowledging that I do not regularly watch any television news, including Fox. Indeed, I do not regularly watch any television. Whenever I stumble over the offerings by the so-called “mainstream” outlets – CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. – I vacillate between being appalled by their glitzy vacuousness and outraged by their shrill, almost hysterical (I do not mean funny) partisanship.

I used to enjoy watching Tucker Carlson, which I discovered one could get in segments gratis after the show aired. I thought it the single most intelligent and most independent-minded commentary on television. It was also supremely entertaining. But then Fox infamously jettisoned Carlson, their most popular host, for reasons that, to me at least, remain somewhat obscure. Some people say it has something to do with the $787 million libel judgment rendered against Fox in its fight with the Dominion voting machine company. Maybe so.

In any event, like many people, I thought that the change I sensed happening at Fox accelerated markedly after Carlson was pushed out. The truth is, however, that the change has been happening since 2016 when Roger Ailes, who started Fox in 1996 and built it into a $20 billion per year business, was pushed out by Rupert Murdoch. The whole Ailes story is ably told in a documentary called, in homage to Teddy Roosevelt, The Man in the Arena.

Curiously, Fox, the dispenser of news, is now the object of news itself with the revelation that it has been enabling charitable contributions to such dubious organizations as the Satanic Templethe Trevor Project and the Southern Poverty Law CenterPlanned Parenthood, dear to the hearts and wombs of feminists, is another leftwing recipient of Fox’s largess.

This weekend, Newsmax and Blaze Media aired an extraordinary exposé of the scheme. Under the guise of corporate charitable giving, Fox is matching contributions of up to $1,000 per employee to various tax-exempt entities that meet its criteria. Amazingly, entities like Satanic Temple and the LGBTQ Trevor Group qualify for the dough.

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Just about all the news we get is totally control by others the UN/Globalists Soros, DNC and the rest of the CNN/NYT’s

Said here many times last few years; but clearly Needs repeating. Fox has been a far left, Ronny hating “news” org for decades!

My prime example was 15 years ago when GWB was pushing “RomneyCare”. The 2 far left “news’ orgs – CNN, Fox – fabricated polls saying 90 % of us wanted RomneyCare. Ronny folk in Ks were working to put RomneyCare on the state ballot! Fox said the Ronny folk were wasting taxpayer $ and time. I said then, and 15 years later still say, “the only way they could honestly get a poll with 90% support of Romneycare would be if they only polled the SorosBush cadre!”!

15 months later when real Americans voted 75% said NO ROMNEYCARE! Only 25% wanted Romney/Care!  Ronny hating Fox lied! They faked a poll to get anti Ronny support. What English social psychologists dubbed 220 years ago “The Bandwagon effect”! Ronny haters Fox failed completely!

Other examples of the Fox far left agenda:

Karl “Whiteboard” Marx has been their main “pundit” for decades.

They silenced and then fired Sarah twice.

They hired the Bush loving Ronny hating “Meet The Press’ moderator to be their lead commentator. Again he was at leftist
Fox for decades! He now works at CNN.  

I hope this is enough evidence that Fox was a purveyor of the liberal agenda long before they fired Tucker.

But if you need more proof of have anti conservative Fox has been for decades.