By Charlie Crist, Special to the Times I’ve studied, admired and gotten to know a lot of leaders in my life. Across Florida, in Washington and around the country, I’ve watched the failure of those who favor extreme rhetoric over sensible compromise, and I’ve seen how those who never lose sight of solutions sow the greatest successes.
As America prepares to pick our president for the next four years — and as Florida prepares once again to play a decisive role — I’m confident that President Barack Obama is the right leader for our state and the nation. I applaud and share his vision of a future built by a strong and confident middle class in an economy that gives us the opportunity to reap prosperity through hard work and personal responsibility. It is a vision of the future proven right by our history.
We often remind ourselves to learn the lessons of the past, lest we risk repeating its mistakes. Yet nearly as often, our short-term memory fails us. Many have already forgotten how deep and daunting our shared crisis was in the winter of 2009, as President Obama was inaugurated. It was no ordinary challenge, and the president served as the nation’s calm through a historically turbulent storm.
The president’s response was swift, smart and farsighted. He kept his compass pointed due north and relentlessly focused on saving jobs, creating more and helping the many who felt trapped beneath the house of cards that had collapsed upon them.
He knew we had to get people back to work as quickly as possible — but he also knew that the value of a recovery lies in its durability. Short-term healing had to be paired with an economy that would stay healthy over the long run. And he knew that happens best by investing in the right places.
President Obama invested in our children’s schools because he believes a good education is a necessity, not a luxury, if we’re going to create an economy built to last. He supported more than 400,000 K-12 teachers’ jobs, and he is making college more affordable and making student loans, like the ones he took out, easier to pay back.
Continue reading at The Tampa Bay Times
Sore loser?
No doubt the pay-off for this betrayal of the GOP will be that Charlie (once GOP, currently “Independent”) will be welcomed into the Democratic Party as a Comrade so that he can try to revenge his humiliating loss to Marco Rubio. This is the inherent risk in supporting progressive RINOS. They often tend to be political opportunists who only care about being part of the elite progressive class. Democrats in the MSM try to sell them to us with the claim that they are “more electable” [ a manipulation technique that was not generally heard used regarding (now rare) Democrat “moderate” candidates. ] These political animals have no party loyalty, which is why it becomes more important to keep the Tea Party movement alive & purge these progressives out of the party and rebuild it with pro-constitutional statesman.
Charlie Crist was the VERY popular Republican Gov. of Fla. who was instrumental in Mac’s primary win in Fla. which propelled him to the nom.Charlie was HEAVY favorite to win Senatorial run till he ran into a young charismatic buzz saw named Marco Rubio (the next Conservative POTUS.).Crist led the unknown Rubio by over 40 points in early polls,then lost!! Ran as 3rd party indie and got about 30% in Rubio’s big victory.
He is bitter at Repubs. Crist endorsement minimal help to BHO. Fla.,once again,will be close and a MUST win for Romney. Election will be decided here and in Ohio.