Former DoS Spox Who Lied About Secret Iran Talks Advises Trump Admin to Stop Lying

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Trey Sanchez:

Move over lyin’ Brian Williams, lyin’ Jen Psaki is back with to lecture the Trump administration on the dangers of deceiving the American public.

Remember Jen Psaki, the former spokesperson for the State Department who helped the federal government cover up eight minutes of missing official video which proved the Obama administration held under-the-table talks over the Iran deal? Yeah, well, she’s back and has a message for White House spokesman Sean Spicer and Trump aide Kellyanne Conway: stop lying.

Just like Brian “I was at the crucifixion” Williams audaciously lectured President Trump that lying is bad, Psaki wrote a piece for CNN complaining about the same. She called it her “unsolicited advice:”

Not only is the current White House team led by an undisciplined President lacking depth or intellectual curiosity, but a President who believes bullying, freezing out the mainstream media, lying to the public, and fostering a chaotic “Game of Thrones” style environment is how you make America great again.

Spicer and Conway can’t change that. But if I had a candid conversation with them, there are a few things I would suggest.

— Stop lying. If the fact that you are speaking on behalf of the United States government and that the American people rely on the information you share isn’t enough, then the reality that this isn’t Russia, we don’t have a state-run media and you will be caught in your lie should be reason enough. If you don’t have the information or the answer, just say so.

Here’s some unsolicited advice for you, Ms. Psaki:

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Speak for yourself Psaki you miserable little toadie Obama lies,Clinton(Bill & Hillary lied the demacratic party is full of liars just pipe down and stop your mindless clucking

didn’t williams get fired for lying? if you can recall the fist interview he did with the terrorists muslin pres. he bowed so low that he kissed obama’s ass than his penis and on the way up did the reverse.