Former Anheuser-Busch Executive: Companies Are Being Forced to Propagandize for Woke Causes by Woke Financial Giants Vanguard and BlackRock

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We have to make it illegal for these woke companies to manage people’s retirement funds using any other criteria beyond strict economic benefit.

Investment firms like BlackRock and Vanguard are ‘forcing’ companies like Bud Light and Target into woke marketing campaigns, claims ex-Anheuser-Busch execAnson Frericks accused institutional investors of pushing ideology on firms

Pointed the finger at BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard

A former Anheuser-Busch executive has claimed that institutional investors are pushing left-wing ideology on the companies they invest in, spurring recent controversies like the ones that engulfed Bud Light and Target.

Anson Frericks, a co-founder of Strive Asset Management who previously spent a decade at Anheuser-Busch, made the claim in an interview on Tuesday on Fox News.

‘You just have to follow the money. Take a look at BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard — they manage $20 billion worth of capital,’ he said.

Frericks said a lot of the money managed by institutional investors comes from big pension funds like those of the state of California, which put ideological pressure on the money managers.

According to Frericks’ LinkedIn profile, he left Anheuser-Busch in April 2022.

Asked if he left the company because he witnessed pressure from institutional investors, Frericks demurred, saying: ‘Not necessarily because of Anheuser-Busch, but a lot of other companies.’

In fact, institutional investors own only 5.29 percent of the outstanding shares of the brewer’s Belgium-based parent company Anheuser-Busch InBev, according to NASDAQ data.

That may be, but Midnight’s Edge has pointed out that woke banks also impose ESG requirements on corporations for the revolving lines of credit necessary to make payroll.

The Woke Cartel has destroyed Anheuser-Busch. A-B has lost twenty seven billion in shareholder value… so far.

Their Memorial Day sales were down… 60%. Salesmen are making little money as they just can’t sell Tranheuser’s product, and may start quitting the company en masse to work for someone who respects their customer base.

Bud Light boycott is costing sales staff up to $2,000-a-month as sales tanked as much as 60% over the Memorial Day weekend – amid fears ‘good people are going to start leaving brand because they aren’t making money’Salespeople working for independent wholesalers that distribute Anheuser-Busch products are feeling the pain of the ongoing boycott in their wallets

Some say they have lost commission because of the drop in sales because of the boycott tied to the partnership with trans Dylan Mulvaney

Parent company Anheuser-Busch has lost $27billion in value since the boycott began

Salespeople working for independent wholesalers that sell Anheuser-Busch beverages are feeling the pain in their wallets of the ongoing boycott of Bud Light following its partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

…Incomes have been slashed for the salespeople who work at the roughly 500 independent wholesalers that sell Anheuser-Busch products to restaurants, bars, and grocery stores.

Some reported losing $2,000 last month compared to the typical May because of the backlash.

…Compensation for salespeople varies across distributors and markets, but according to Frericks, a typical salesperson makes around $60,000 per year, including $20,000 in variable pay, which depends largely on commission.

‘Good people are going to start leaving because they aren’t making money,’ he told ABC.

An anonymous supervisor from a Florida-based distributor told the outlet that the average salesperson made about $2,000 less in the month of May than they normally would have over based on figures from the last handful several years.

Numbers are suffering primarily due to a decline in Bud Light sales that reached as high as a 60 percent drop off over the week that ended on Memorial Day.

Supermarkets and package goods stores are going to star reapporitioning the shelf space previously given to A-B to other companies.

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A-B stopped promoting beer and decided to promote mental illness. What the exact purpose is to destroying $27 billion (and counting) in revenue to appease .001% of the population, and a sick and demented .001% at that, no one can figure out, I’m sure.

It used to be that companies tried to promote neutral appeal to their products. Unless it was an automobile ad, they would usually obscure car badges to keep from “offending” owners of other brands. Even if all the actors in a commercial were all white, the product wasn’t targeting “white” people; they were just targeting people. Now, operations seem to not care about offending the vast majority by pandering to a sick and offensive minority.

This is not in the name of diversity or inclusion. It is all about non-diversity and exclusion.

It’s one thing to pipe up during a shareholder’s meeting and have enough voices on your side to get a concession, but this:
Midnight’s Edge has pointed out that woke banks also impose ESG requirements on corporations for the revolving lines of credit necessary to make payroll
is a different kettle of fish.
When a business can’t even make payroll unless it bows down to a particular agenda, that agenda-pusher “owns” the business.
Just like the Bible said over two thousand years ago.

The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.
Proverbs 22:7

Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
Romans 13:8