by Jeff Childers
Failed assassin Ryan Routh was in federal court yesterday, in a hearing quite logically called the “first appearance.” Fox covered the story under the headline, “Trump assassination attempt suspect laughs, smiles during first court appearance in Florida.” Routh was apparently cracking jokes with his public defender, which sounds annoying but could just be his way of managing anxiety.
Details were sparsely provided, but this most interesting paragraph leaped out:
Right away, we see some problems. For Portlanders, Routh claimed an annual income of $36,000 — far below the poverty level. Which means there is a lot of mysterious money floating around world-traveling Mr. Routh.
Here are only a few of the many possible questions: how did Routh afford international travel to and from Ukraine? Or to buy guns, body armor, and GoPro cameras? Who owns the Nissan truck he tried to escape in? Did he rent it? If so, with what money and what credit? How did Routh get to Florida? Where was he staying? How was he paying for stuff? Cash? Credit?
How did flat-broke Routh get in front of nearly every corporate media camera and reporter in 2022, from Newsweek to the New York Times?
Routh has an extensive low-level criminal record going back decades, including felony weapons violations. How did he buy the gun he brought to Trump’s golf course? According to the FBI’s criminal affidavit, it was a military SKS-style assault rifle made in former Soviet bloc countries, so it wasn’t from around here. The rifle’s serial number was “obliterated” and unreadable to the naked eye.
Why obliterate the serial number? Who is Routh trying to protect? Who gave him that gun?
We’re not the only ones asking questions. Martin County Sheriff Will Snyder, whose officers arrested Routh, gave a courageous —even reckless— press conference yesterday during which he said the quiet part out loud.
CLIP: Sheriff Snyder wonders about potential conspiracy to assassinate President Trump (1:38).
At yesterday’s Martin County press conference about the arrest, Sheriff Snyder wondered whether Routh could be part of a conspiracy:
“He was smart, he was just driving with the flow of traffic. He may have thought he got away with it. He couldn’t have known a witness took a picture.
He’s not from this area. Which raises the bigger question, how does a guy get all the way to Trump International, realize the former President is golfing, and is able to get a rifle into that vicinity?
Is this guy part of a conspiracy? Or a lone gunman? If he’s part of a conspiracy, then this whole thing takes on a really ominous tone.”
It’s a literal conspiracy theory! And Sheriff Snyder’s question was a good one. But, to expand on his theory: was Routh connected in any way to any U.S. security state agency or NGO? To any Ukrainian security or intelligence agency?
Where has that skinny hedge-hider been hanging out recently? And with whom?
So that’s what we know so far on Day Two. From the evolving media coverage, even on Fox, Routh is beginning to be painted like some kind of deranged lunatic. But that is a straw man. Do not buy that story. While there is plenty of evidence he was an amoral leftist, easily influenced, effortlessly manipulable, even criminally inclined, there is zero evidence Routh was clinically crazy.
In fact, it’s just the opposite. Routh appears to have seamlessly navigated complex and difficult life situations —like traveling to and from a war zone, and self-publishing his dumb book on Amazon— that would flummox most of us. He was also vetted by any number of media platforms that found him credible enough to feature in their pro-Ukraine propaganda stories.
In the photo above, failed assassin Routh is pictured with celebrity chef and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Jose Andres. The background of the picture is unclear. But Andres is well-known for leading a team of other celebrity chefs into Gaza to deliver canapes and snail puree to war-torn Palestinians. And he is also well-known for hanging out with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Ukraine’s former comedian Zelensky.
For instance, consider this NBC headline, from April this year:
Or this headline, from ABC just last month:
What were Nobel-nominee Jose Andres and flat-broke Ryan Routh doing together before and after that widely circulated photo was taken in Kiev, Ukraine? Were they just fellow Proxy War proponents? Did they just attend a proxy war rally together?
Why in the photo was Andres pointing at Routh? Bonhomie? Overcome with camaraderie?
We don’t know. But we do know at least one thing: human hedgehog and media darling Routh enjoys just one thin degree of separation from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Volodymyr Zelensky. Weird.
I believe that the undated photo was taken in Kyiv, Ukraine. The International Center for Culture and the Arts appears on the left and the Hotel Ukraine appears on the right. I believe that they were standing at the Independence Monument.
I bet he traveled with frequent flyer miles. What else could it be?
Support from CIA funded NGO or help agencies.
And Ukraine is awash with US NATO donated cash for any project you can shake a stick at.
Hey now we cant do as they do. They used a guy that was just barely in Trumps orbit to do a 2 jump in order to spy on Trump during 2016 Russia BS. Thus putting a CIA asset via a crooked attorney in the DOJ who got a tap on his piddies, into a Russian spy suit. Dragged from the memory hole Carter Page, oh and lets not let the man sue the Feds for their escapades.
They can make a multimillion dollar tax payer funded faux pas, all we can do is get called conspiraccy theorists.
We have a better track record than Mueller.
We can’t know for sure at this point, but most likely funded by Joe/minion unless he spills the beans, how was the gun carried unseen past check points best choice is the HDS/CIA/FBI/SS who has access to such material DHS.CIA.FBI.SS, GUN S/N WIPED weaon not from here endeered to the Bidens/DEMS NOW LOOKING FOR GET OUT OF JAIL CARD.. Watch n see. They need to inject him with truth surem
I am sure he didn’t flap his arms to get there someone helped him to travel and someone who wasn’t allowed to carry a Firearm because of his Crinimal Background Now who is the Culprit who did support him?
Act Blue go fund me? Soros, Klaus? Asshole says come fight for Ukraine, but only picks up a weapon to snipe an unarmed senior?
Could it be some under cover State Dept group or Foreign Legion Merc organizations.
Ukraine is desperate for vehicle drivers to the front and back.
The AFU also have a temendous need for “gunners”.
The lifespan for these is about 3 hours at Russian points of contact.
The losses are staggering!
But the assassin has no military background?
He is a nobody, a nothing. The CIA love people like that to carry out nefarious assignments because they are so easy to manipulate. It makes them feel important for a moment in time. When they get caught, if they somehow survive, the Agency has plausible deniability. “He was just a lone crazy person. Nothing to see here.” The problem with that is that its been used too many times.
It’s good that Florida PD is holding onto him instead of turning him over to the FBI where, like Epps, he could just get a misdemeanor charge and released.