Flashback: Questions Harry Reid won’t answer, part I

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Ed Morrissey @ Hot Air:

All of these baseless, evidence-free accusations from Harry Reid against Mitt Romney over his income reminded me of something — Reid has a lot of unanswered questions about his own income, questions that the LA Times and others have been asking for years.  In 2006 and 2007, a number of questions arose about Reid’s wealth in real estate, his ties to contributors, and his involvement in legislation that benefited all of the above.  At that time, I blogged at Captain’s Quarters and wrote quite a bit about the probes into Reid’s finances, which have mainly drifted out of memory.  As long as Reid wants to talk about income and wealth, though, why not revisit these posts?

I’ll start today by reposting one from the CapQ archives.  This one comes from January 29, 2007, and serves as a pretty good launching pad for more to follow.

The Los Angeles Times continues its in-depth look at the remarkable finances of Harry Reid, who came into politics a humble man and who apparently intends on leaving it a land baron. The LAT reports on a transaction that gave Reid a 160-acre parcel of land at one-tenth its value, which coincidentally came from a lubricants distributor who shortly afterwards became the intended beneficiary of a Harry Reid-sponsored piece of legislation (via Hang Right Politics):

It’s hard to buy undeveloped land in booming northern Arizona for $166 an acre. But now-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid effectively did just that when a longtime friend decided to sell property owned by the employee pension fund that he controlled.In 2002, Reid (D-Nev.) paid $10,000 to a pension fund controlled by Clair Haycock, a Las Vegas lubricants distributor and his friend for 50 years. The payment gave the senator full control of a 160-acre parcel in Bullhead City that Reid and the pension fund had jointly owned. Reid’s price for the equivalent of 60 acres of undeveloped desert was less than one-tenth of the value the assessor placed on it at the time.

Six months after the deal closed, Reid introduced legislation to address the plight of lubricants dealers who had their supplies disrupted by the decisions of big oil companies. It was an issue the Haycock family had brought to Reid’s attention in 1994, according to a source familiar with the events.

If Reid were to sell the property for any of the various estimates of its value, his gain on the $10,000 investment could range from $50,000 to $290,000.

It is a potential violation of congressional ethics standards for a member to accept anything of value — including a real estate discount — from a person with interests before Congress.

The bill that Reid proposed never passed, but the land passed to Reid nevertheless. It would have imposed government restrictions on interruptions of supply from oil suppliers to lubricant distributors, a common problem faced by people like Haycock. Although his repeated attempts to pass the legislation never succeeded, Reid’s efforts made it clear to the suppliers that Congress had, in the words of LAT reporters Chuck Neubauer and Tom Hamburger, taken an interest in supply interruptions — a message that certainly seems intended to intimidate Haycock’s suppliers.

In 1982, Haycock and Reid purchased the land in a partnership in which Reid owned a five-eighths share. Haycock spent $1500 an acre for his share of the land. In 1987, Haycock used his portion of the land as a contribution to his employee pension fund. A few years later, a California group bought the entire 160 acres from Reid and Haycock for over $1.3 million, which amounted to $8400 an acre — a fabulous return on investment over the 10 years that Reid and Haycock held the land. Unfortunately, the California investors ended up defaulting on the sale, and it reverted back to Reid and Haycock.

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There is enough substantial issues Reid won’t respond to so that Mata’s concern about the sliming of Reid by going after sick relatives is, hopefully, mute.
His own son’s and daughters and in-laws dirty dealing representing companies that Reid get US taxpayers to back them, good or bad, is a whole other can of worms.
And, people thought his last exposure on that in 2007 stopped it…..nope.
He’s still doing it.

@Nan G: It’s past time to expose Dirty Harry for the piece of krap he is!! For 0-bama to approve of his dirty tactics is even worse.

Surely you realize the problem isn’t that little old Harry Reid can throw a hard punch. The problem is that Romney has a vulnerability.

Nobody thought to look into this guy’s tax practices before deciding to make him nominee? That makes about as much sense as entering a horse in a race without first making sure it’s not lame.

It’s not as if the question of personal finances and taxes never comes up. The question always comes up. That’s why candidates for the presidency are expected to routinely release their tax returns. Normally not much attention is paid, because everyone normally complies with the expectation.

If you refuse, eyebrows go up and the media gets interested. It’s like running up a flag that says “I’m hiding something”. Which, of course, you probably are. Why else would anyone risk all of the damaging suspicions, speculations, and negative perceptions that predictably follow a refusal?

@Greg: BS Greg, any proof?? Once again you are less than a coward to come on this line and blow your filth without proof. Your worse than Reid because you’re a monkey on a string. Bring your facts and not your BS. Reid has made the accusation not Romney. Show me where Romney needs to show anyone his tax return to run for President!! Still waiting for anything but your useless comments.

@Greg: Thank you BOHICAman for your timely post. We at F/A can always count on you for comedic relief. Thank you again.

We can only speculate about this businssman’s tax returns—as long as he won’t release them. All ready we’ve seen his truth quotient when he said—when running for Governor of Massachussets—that he had met the criterion for residency, by filing the required number of state tax returns, when he hadn’t. Consequently, he had to go back and file retroactively (like his retirement from Bain), in order to win a Republican majority ballot commission approvat to run as the only Republican candidate.

Furthermore, releasing his taxes may show he voted fraudulently for Scot Brown. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/07/28/1114484/-Here-s-why-Romney-will-NEVER-release-his-tax-forms-and-why-we-need-to-keep-hounding-him