Ed Morrissey @ Hot Air:
Buzzfeed finds this video clip from the 2008 town-hall presidential debate thatshould provide the context for Team Obama’s attacks on Paul Ryan and his budget reforms of entitlement programs. Should, of course, does not mean will, as in “will the media remind people of this Barack Obama campaign promise?” In response to a direct question from NBC moderator Tom Brokaw, Obama promises that he will have an entitlement-reform plan by the end of his first term:
The punchline for this sight gag? Obama had a golden opportunity to fulfill this pledge. All he had to do was adopt the budget proposed by his own panel on deficit control, to which he appointed Erskine Bowles as co-chair. If you wondered whyBowles compared Ryan’s plan favorably to the nonsense plan Obama used instead of the Simpson-Bowles plan, now you know. Even if the Republican-controlled House would have blocked it, Obama would have had the high ground on this point.
Instead, Obama will attempt to demonize Ryan for the Bowles-described “sensible … honest” plan the Republican running mate introduced in the leadership vacuum left by Obama
This short ditty ought to be made into yet another Republican or PAC or Romney (or even a little privately done spot on You Tube) ad showing why we cannot trust what might happen if Obama gets another 4 years.
Obama’s own words are his opponents’ best weapons against him.
He stands there and lies through his teeth.
He could have done anything he wanted with regards entitlement reform in his 1st 2 years.
He’s proven to be a wimp.
He gave us a hint that he was a wimp when he kept voting ”Present,” on everything.
He wimped out on the ”surge” for 3 months!
He’s a wimp.
@Nan G: You hit the nail on the head about using his own words against him. Like most know-it-alls, he is his own worst enemy and his big mouth will get him into lots of trouble. Rest assured, this clip will be getting plenty of air time. The latest Zogby poll has shown a good bump for Romney since he picked Ryan.
Wow, another broken promise by 0-bama. Unfortunately it would be more breaking News if 0-bama actually told the truth or delivered on ANY promise he made to get elected. If you go back and look at unemployment rate promise, reduction of the national debt promise, transparency promise, shovel ready projects promise, affordable healthcare promise, Gittmo closing promise and on and on you will see the point. The only answer 0-bama has provided is to blame Bush and the Republicans for his massive failure. Pathetic but true.