FLASHBACK: In 2013 Sen. Schumer Said President ‘Deserves His Choices’ For Cabinet

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Jeff Dunetz:


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has been slow-walking the confirmation of Donald Trump’s Cabinet. Yet in 2013 he justified Harry Reid’s elimination of the filibuster for presidential appointments (except the Supreme Court) by saying ” Just about everyone in America, Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, believe that once you elect a president he deserves his choices to run the executive branch.”

Perhaps the reason Schumer said, “just about everybody,” instead of simply “everybody,” is that he doesn’t believe what he said in 2013 that the president deserves his choices.

Well either that or he had a beef with the Capital Police and wanted them to work all night. Or maybe he simply wanted the senate to have the opportunity to tell Elizabeth Warren to shut up and sit down as they did last night (many people would pay to see that but it’s embedded below for free).

With yesterday’s confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, just five of Trump’s 15 nominees have been confirmed.

At the same point of time in their presidencies:

President Obama had 12 of 15 Cabinet officials confirmed (7 on Day 1)
President Bush #43 had 14 of 14 Cabinet officials confirmed (7 on Day 1)
President Clinton had 13 of 14 Cabinet officials confirmed (13 by Day 2)
President Bush #41 had 9 of 14 Cabinet officials confirmed
President Reagan had 12 of 13 Cabinet officials confirmed (12 by Day 3)
President Carter had 11 of 11 Cabinet officials confirmed (8 on Day 1, the rest by the end of Week 1)
President Nixon had 12 of 12 Cabinet official confirmed (11 on Day 1)
President Kennedy had 10 of 10 Cabinet official confirmed (10 on Day 2)
President Eisenhower had 9 of 10 Cabinet officials confirmed (8 on Day 2, He didn’t name his HEW until April)

Every incoming president from James Garfield in 1881 to Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933 had all of their Cabinet official confirmed on Day 1.

This is the longest it has taken to confirm a majority of the President’s Cabinet after he was inaugurated since President George Washington set-up the government of the United States in 1789.

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Chucky Sleaze(Schumer)whats else will we ever expect from this blabbering fool WEEP,WEEP,WEEP,WHIMPER,WHIMPER,WHIMPER

That is typical of the hypocritical left. Look at Greg and Ajay. They do it all the time.