On Friday’s show, Bill Maher compared Laura Bush to Hitler’s dog and the president to Hitler. Of course, this occurred only after Maher showed his viewers phony pictures which he said indicate that President Bush is drinking again.
One picture showed Mr. Bush’s face with the words “pussy” and “pussy lightweight” written over it with a marker. A second picture showed model Kate Moss, who was recently snapped while snorting cocaine, doing just that off of what appears to be the naked buttocks of George Bush.
Yet another “photo” designed to show that the president may be drinking again showed first lady Laura Bush with a black eye and a bandage above her eyebrow. (A week earlier on the same show, the lovely and talented Joy Behar of “The View” said that George Bush is like a guy who beats the sh** out of his wife and then shows up with a flower to say he’s sorry.)
The final photo had the president’s face superimposed onto the well-known mug shot of actor Nick Nolte.
After the photo display, the host was taken to task by guest Christopher Hitchens, who decided he was going to make an attempt to defend the president: “It must be to his credit he got Laura Bush to marry him. She’s an absolutely extraordinary woman.”
But Hitchens was interrupted by Maher who blurted out: “Oh, come on. That’s like Hitler’s dog loved him. That is the silliest reason. …”
At that point Hitchens jumped in: “I think tomorrow you might be sorry you said that. Laura Bush is very gentle and talented.” (Folks, don’t count on the mainstream media telling anyone about this. Maher will have no reason to be sorry he said it.)
Maher then said, “That’s not what I’m saying, of course she is, but the idea that we somehow humanize any person because somebody else loves them is ridiculous.”
Hitchens then said of Laura: “She got him to give up the booze, and he owes her for that. I think it’s nasty to be mean to Laura Bush.”
Of course Maher denied that he was. Instead he claimed that he was directing his meanness in the direction of the president. But Hitchens wasn’t amused: “You’re being ungallant about Laura Bush, you’ve compared her to Hitler’s dog. I’m not going to sit here and listen to that.”
Then Hitchens added this closing shot on the issue: “Hitler was everything you want. Hitler was a teetotaler, a vegetarian and a non-smoker.” Go get him, Chris!
What a shocker, a double standard when it comes to Democrats?? Can’t be!! Oh I forgot, these arrogant donkeys (nickname asses) can do and say whatever they want without consequence. I watched them rant and rave on President Bush for eight years and now that 0-bama has failed they whine when America points it out to them. What a bunch of babies who have NO memory!!