The Telegraph:
When President Barack Obama goes on holiday to the seaside things can get complicated.
Bo, the US First Family’s waterdog, gets off the Marine helicopter at Martha’s Vineyard Photo: EPARooms have to be found for dozens of Secret Service agents, someone has to carry a selection of presidential basketballs, and of course the family dog needs his own state-of-the-art aircraft
Arriving in the idyllic coastal retreat of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, Mr Obama left behind him in Washington DC high profile debates over the budget, government surveillance and his health care reforms. Instead, he will spend the next eight days playing golf, going to the beach, and buying books from the Bunch of Grapes bookstore.
In the air he swapped his suit and tie for khakis and a blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves, while Mrs Obama wore a yellow-and-white summer dress.
Bo, the president’s Portuguese Water Dog, arrived separately on one of two MV-22 Ospreys, a hybrid aircraft which takes off like a helicopter but flies like a plane.
It was the first time the Ospreys have been taken on holiday by a US president.
More than 70 hotel rooms, each costing up to $345 (£220) a night, have been booked out for Secret Service agents, who took charge of luggage including two large mesh bags full of basketballs.
The Obamas are staying in Chilmark on the western tip of the island, an area that is dotted with multi-million dollar homes. The neighbours include actor Ted Danson and the singer Carly Simon.
On several previous visits the Obamas had stayed at the 28-acre Blue Heron Farm, but it has since been sold to Britain’s most celebrated architect, Baron Foster of Thames Bank.
This isn’t the first time this has happened. Did the obamas forget their dog again, or maybe they don’t want the dog with them on THEIR plane. How much time do the obamas spend with their dog?
Dude,we are paying for this trip
All we hear from the main stream media(Obama’s propaganda wing) is crickets chirping. This was reported by Britains Telegraph. At least they see the hypocrisy of our elitist ruler.
The dog is exempt from the sequestration cut backs, but the disabled vets may need to lose some of their benefits.
Like a mouthful of bile, this president makes it easy to view him with contempt and disgust.
perhaps these are some reasons the dog always, and always flies separately when taken. (and obama says he is Christian?)
According to a Sunni narration that was classified as authentic by the scholar Muslim, black dogs are evil, in animal form. (Saheeh Muslim, hadith no. 1032)
Another Sunni tradition attributed to Muhammad commands Muslims not to trade or deal in dogs.
In a tradition found in the Sunni hadith book, al-Muwatta, Muhammad states that the company of dogs voids a portion of a Muslim’s good deeds
The majority of both Sunni and Shi’a Muslim jurists consider dogs to be ritually unclean (Najis). Outside their ritual uncleanness, individual Islamic fatāwā, or rulings, have expressed that dogs be treated kindly or else be freed.
@enchanted: Certainly Muslims don’t like dogs, that’s why Obama won’t fly with one on his airplane and the taxpayers get to cover the additional costs. I also notice the libs aren’t defending Obama on this one, maybe they see the hypocrisy also.
If only Bo knew that his master considers him to be delightful, with some fava beans and a nice chianti. (“Slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp!”)
It’s true that the MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor that transported Bo cost taxpayers around $10K an hour. At first glance, it’s understandable how some could find that offensive.
But the kicker is, that craft was already being used to transport President Obama’s staff, luggage, and journalists. So in reality, taking the dog didn’t cost anything. It’s precisely the same thing Silvio Canto suggests, putting “him on someone’s lap and let him fly” so to speak.
But this isn’t news breaking or something that was hidden. This is simply another example of right wingers finding a glimmer of nothing in order to build an imaginary case to bash the President with, regardless of it’s validity. A photographer snaps a pic and the Obama bashers proceed to exploit it and go nuts. And after it’s reveled that their argument is unfounded, they simply double down on it and continue it. Reality be damned.
When you continue to push such silliness, it’s really hard to give credence to any of the attacks you push. Bogate’s simply another phony scandal.
The dog got better security than Chris Stevens
@Ronald J. Ward:
Previous presidents allowed journalists to fly with them. however obama doesn’t? his dog, his many basketballs, and journalists have to fly separately? Why couldn’t they have gone in the other plane (AF2 or C130) that carries all of the other ‘stuff’ (cars, etc.)? this president doesn’t care what anything costs because he isn’t paying for it. He is just using and abusing the American people. He hates the US, he hates the US military and he hates white people. (which was evident during one of his last speeches (which was made without a teleprompter)(this probably has a lot to do with his white mother abandoning him IF she was actually his mother – but that is another thread for another time) He is just putting it to us. For those who believe spending over 7 million for a short vacation (not talking about the other million dollar vacations) doesn’t affect you, you are wrong. That is unless you are one of those that pay no taxes, then you don’t care. he is an arrogant narcissist and cares only about himself.
@enchanted: Enchanted, traveling has ALWAYS been one of the biggest perks of Presidents. This is nothing new. And no, staff and media generally don’t accompany the President on flights. I’m not sure where you got that.
Aside from your “Obama hates everybody, wants babies to choke to death, and loves to see cancer victims die a slow and agonizing death” frothing rant that somehow invalidates my argument because I, uh, don’t pay taxes or something equally stupid, and getting back to reality, it really doesn’t matter if you think they should cram everyone into 1 plane. The point is that the extra aircraft was not for the purpose of transporting the family dog, which is the snake oil that Curt seems to be trying to sell. The fact is that Bo hopped a plane that was already scheduled to depart, at no extra cost to taxpayers.
What’s this “always” stuff? Bo has flown on AF One before. The WH blog ran a blurb back in Aug 2010, about how he has the run of the First Jet, and where he made appearances in the press cabin during the flight. The UK’s Mirror had an article about Obama and David Cameron making a flight, but included a picture of Bo with Obama on AF One.
Here’s a video of Bo, boarding AF One. Looks like he knows the way, and even has the “stop on the stairs, turn and ‘paws’ for the camera” protocol handled.
Cute dog…
According to the Washington Times, Bo hitched a ride on the Osprey with advance personnel staff, landing ahead of the First Family.
Not only does Bo fly on AF One, so does the press corp… just as been done in previous admins. My guess is he keeps his golf clubs close as well.
Support staff, outside of the press corp (which aren’t staff, tho they look like it sometimes), do not fly AF One. However Presidential advisers, as well as the traveling press corps, do.
@DrJohn… *that* was funny, in a sad way. Then again, Hillary wasn’t in charge of Bo’s security. That might have something to do with it.
@MataHarley: Thanks for keeping em honest. As Always—Semper Fi
@enchanted: #5
Are you hinting that obama MIGHT be a Muslim? If so, be ready for the libs to all over you.
Are there any pictures or videos of the dog with the family?
One story for the dog being named Bo is that it stands for Barack Obama. I’m not saying I believe it is true, but could it be?
Seems Bo performed some public service this past March when Michelle O took him to the Fisher House, entertaining the military kids in the families that stay there while their veteran relatives are receiving treatment at Walter Reed.
Apparently she takes him along on many events involving children. No doubt he’s a big hit. Here he is December 2011 with MO at DC’s Children’s National Medical Center.
Bo photos on the WH blog, part of celebrating his 4th birthday. Several Bo videos to be had, and a Bo historic photo gallery link at the bottom. You can see how much he’s grown since his debut as a pup in 2009.
The Christmas 2012 WH video of Bo.
He was also there to welcome the 2012 WH Christmas tree.
Looks like a very pleasant and happy pooch, and doesn’t mind doing his part as the First Dog.
@enchanted: #10
When did he stop allowing journalists to fly with him? I know he banned Fox News one time, until the propaganda media saw that if they let him ban Fox News, he could also ban any of them, so they complained, so obama let Fox News back on board.
@Smorgasbord: Smorg I believe BHO banned journalists from A.F. One when he reasserted his Muslim faith and needed the space for prayer rugs and that incessant bowing towards Mecca.
oops Now I learn that not only do they fly on A.F. One but journalists are served the same meals as the POTUS. Certainly no pork.
@Ronald J. Ward: #11
Why does EVERY documentary about Air Force One that I have seen show where the seats are for the media if they are not allowed to be on the plane?
@Richard Wheeler: #18
Thanks for clarifying that.
Bo always looks like he’s trying to get away…..
Apparently no one in the Obama family has ever heard of “heel!”‘Kate Moss’s beau knows how:
Let poor Bo fly. He probably earned his vacation more than anyone on that flight save for the Secret Service guys and other members of the WH detail.
@MataHarley: #20
Thanks for the info. I never did follow Bo in the news.
@Smorgasbord: Perhaps that’s why they call it a vacation. Like it or not, black Presidents and their families get em too. And under the circumstances, taking Bo didn’t cost the tax payers a dime.
@Smorgasbord: There is no reason for anyone to HINT that Obama is a Muslim.
@Ronald J. Ward: If everything that goes on the plane ‘doesn’t cost the taxpayers a dime’, why is there a charge computed for the flight? Wouldn’t it be ‘zero’? Now we understand that airlines charge passengers for luggage, only because they can make money doing it since it ‘apparently’ doesn’t cost the airlines anything to transport the luggage. Most people that fly airplanes will tell you that they compute the amount of fuel required by the weight of the load they are carrying. Apparently BO doesn’t weigh ‘anything’.
@Ronald J. Ward: #25
If everything is as you say it is with Bo, I don’t have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the propaganda media, and probably then senator obama, complaining about Bush golfing and vacationing during the Iraq war, but not one word about all of the golfing and vacationing obama is doing. Why?
Do you feel it is wrong to condemn one president for doing something, then not saying ANYTHING about another president doing EXACTLY the same thing, but doing it MANY TIMES MORE than the other president. Conservative talk show hosts complained about some of the things Bush did and didn’t do. Why isn’t ANY liberal complaining about ANYTHING this president is doing or isn’t doing? To me, this is proof that conservatives think for themselves more than liberals do. Can you tell me ONE THING your president did or didn’t do that you disagree with?
@Redteam: #26
Especially when he and Michelle have said they were Muslim.
@Sid: As conservatives rage about the cost of Obama’s Africa trip, it is important to remember that George and Laura Bush made a combined 7 trips to Africa all on the taxpayers’ dime.
@Smorgasbord: But Bush held the record for vacation days- Obama doesn’t even come close. He hasn’t taken 100 days off since he took office- look up how many days off Bush had taken by his fifth year. Go ahead, I’ll wait here.
And when Bush took off, he was really on vacation! Remember when his Secretary of State handed him a top secret memo one August that stated plainly: “Based on recently gathered intelligence, Osama bin Laden is determined to attack America!” How did Bush respond? Sarcastically and dismissively! Less than a month later, we were attacked.
End of discussion. We’re lucky to have such a dedicated and capable man as President. All the right-wing can do is complain, resent, and obstruct. Pathetic.
Yep, he was polishing his Spades game while the Ambassador of Libya was murdered. But at least he’s dedicated. Not very witty, smitty.
@SuperWittySmitty: #31
Why couldn’t you supply the links to the stories? Why do you want me to spend time looking them up? I suggest you start bookmarking your web sites so you can give the links.
I don’t know anything about the “top secret memo”.
Most, if not all conservatives, complained about things Bush did and didn’t do. Can you honestly say you don’t have ANY complaints about your leader?
@Smorgasbord – much of these is common knowledge, with facts easily obtained with a few minutes online. But only of you are interested in knowing the truth- otherwise, you can ask for lonks, documentaion, and corroboration , denying and trying to distract along the way.
I don’t have any iodea what conservatives did during the Cheney/Bush years- I tend to ignore them and their regressive philosophies, except when they’re damaging the economy, screwing up the environment, or getting American soldiers killed in an unjust and ill-planned war.
I know that President Obama is not perfect- I never expected that he was when I twice voted for him. But the hatreed and vitriol directed towards him and his family seem unprecedented- there was plenty of hate for him before he even took office. I admire and respect him; that’s it.
But if you’re interested, here are links that discuss the 6 Aug. memo, delivered to Bush while on one of his almost 400 vacation days (Obama has already taken 92):
This year, yep, that’s a record pace…. Very witty, smitty.
@SuperWittySmitty: #34
Does the 400 vacation days you say Bush took include the times he was at Camp David? I don’t count that as vacation time, since it is a short helicopter ride to the capital.
Can you name ONE positive comment the propaganda media or ANY democrat said about George Bush? Some even wished him dead. You don’t hear hardly any of that kind of talk from conservatives. There are a few in the bunch, but not as many as there are in the liberal corral.
The only credible information about an attack on the USA was that the terrorists were learning how to fly planes. One FBI official noted that they did not want to learn how to take off or land the plane. That agent tried to convince their superiors that the terrorists were going to hijack a plane, but the superiors didn’t believe them. Even if the information would have been passed on, they still didn’t know where the hijacking would take place, or where the planes would head.
Another factor in not getting information where it was needed, is that the different agencies used different computer software that couldn’t talk to each other. Different agencies had pieces of the puzzle that could have been put together if they could have talked to each other through their computer. You would think that the ones in charge of the different agencies would want software that could talk to other agencies. That has been corrected.