Firing Kevin Williamson Is Just the Beginning

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The firing of Kevin Williamson from The Atlantic on the day he was set to give an opening Q&A in their offices was sadly unsurprising given the pattern of these types of hires. It is an incident that will be referred to largely as a “media story”, meaning that Williamson is not a figure so prominent nor The Atlantic a brand so ubiquitous as to graduate this to a national story, in the way that the situations of Brendan Eich at Mozilla or James Damore at Google became national cable news stories. But they really are the same story, a story about the times that we live in and the changing nature of America. They tell a story about what happens when a talented individual has deeply held beliefs those in his profession find unacceptable.

This story is a predictable continuation of the left’s ownership not just of media but indeed of all institutions. It is depressing. It is predictable. And it is where we are as a country now. It is not confined to the realm of ideas. Eich, Damore, Williamson and others are subject to blacklists and HR reports and firing in every arena of industry and culture. If you have wrongthink, you will not be allowed for long to make your living within any space the left has determined they own – first the academy, then the media, then corporate America, and now the public square. You will bake the cake, you will use the proper pronoun, and you will never say that what Planned Parenthood does is murder for hire, and should be punished as such under the law.

Imagine what the few lonely voices that inhabit a position at a prominent publication or network to the right of Hillary Clinton on social issues if their hiring was taking place right now. Imagine what Ross Douthat would be going through if the Times hired him today (recall he was at The Atlantic before that). Imagine how his deeply held theology would be interpreted by an audience that has no respect for it whatsoever, and view it more as anti-science mysticism than as belief rooted in thousands of years of human experience.

In the case of Williamson, even someone who literally wrote a book titled The Case Against Donald Trump was unacceptable for The Atlantic because wrongthink about what ought to be the legal ramifications for tearing an unborn child apart – ramifications that ANY pro-lifer of any seriousness has wrestled with in conversation. Serious ethical and legal ramifications for destroying the unborn or the infirm are debated in philosophy classes every day – Williamson’s mistake, as an adopted son born to an unwed teenage mother, was being too honest about his belief that what he sees as the daily murder of infants should, in a more just society, have severe legal consequences. Well, that’s not what we want around here.

This brings to mind Herbert Marcuse’s “Repressive Tolerance”, published in 1965. This essay does a good job of summing it up.

Marcuse argued that, because of the radical repressiveness of Western society, a tolerance for all viewpoints actually contributed to social oppression. A pervasive network of assumptions and biases implicitly privileges the viewpoint of the powerful, so that seemingly “equal” presentations of opposite opinions actually end up benefiting the viewpoint of the powerful… Because of social programming, the inhabitants of a given society automatically favor certain values. The ideological playing field’s lack of levelness means that seemingly equal presentations of ideas are not really equal.

In the light of this situation, Marcuse made a rather cunning inversion (one that has been aped countless times since by cultural organs across the United States): The fact that society is so radically unequal means that we should be intolerant and repressive in the name of tolerance and liberty. He rejected what he termed “indiscriminate tolerance” — a tolerance that accepts all viewpoints — in favor of “liberating tolerance” or “discriminating tolerance.” Unlike many of his disciples, Marcuse was frank about what this intolerance would mean: “Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left.

That is what is required to make ones living primarily from these institutions: you must bend the knee. Consider the major hires at the Washington Post, New York Times, and the networks since the 2016 election. The additions overwhelmingly haven’t been Trump fans – they have been different critics of the president and the administration from a slightly more rightward position. Kevin Williamson was consistent with this. The point is that the audience, for all their airs about diversity of viewpoints, really just wants their existing views re-expressed to them in different forms and by different voices. Get through the diversity veneer, and you’ll find the same rule: No wrongthink can be tolerated.

When contrarian voices are elevated to publications once viewed as places where contending ideas shared space, organized online backlash is now inevitable. It will come in the forms of constant professional shaming, of hashtag and email campaigns, and of attempts to undermine from within the people who’ve made the decision to venture slightly away from the established dominant editorial path. Digital life is threatening liberal institutions in a way they understand on some frantic level, but shudder to comprehend and ultimately are failing to combat.

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This is how confident the left is in the acceptability of their message to the general public. They fear any objections for they will undoubtedly and invariably be more attractive than the failed policies of socialism and the loss of freedoms which accompany them.

We dont need government regulation we need an internet bill of rights so we can class action them into bankrupsy court if they continue to censor anyone.

The Atlantic must not have read Kevin’s resume at all before hiring/firing him.
If they had they would have realized Kevin was adopted at birth because a mom chose to carry her baby to term and let someone else bring it up.
As such a child, it is only natural that Kevin would oppose abortion….he wouldn’t even be here had his mom been even a bit more pro-abortion!

The Atlantic Cuts Ties With Conservative Writer Kevin Williamson

It was Mr. Williamson’s hard-line stance on abortion — namely, that it should be treated as premeditated homicide and punished accordingly, perhaps by hanging — that generated the initial controversy over his hiring.

It was that same viewpoint that led to his abrupt departure.

No one is required to provide a paid position atop a soap box to any person expressing their views in such an offensive fashion. They shouldn’t have hired him to begin with.

God Forbid that an opinion writer have :gasp!: opinions!
And even worse, that those opinions don’t align 100% with his boss’s opinions.
It’s BS.
The Atlantic didn’t do their due diligence or they ‘d have known an adoptee’s opinion about abortion might differ from most of The Atlantic‘s liberal writers.
Was a time when The Atlantic boasted about having unfettered writers from all the political spectrum.
Never again, to steal a phrase from Kevin, never-Trumper, Williamson.

@Greg: But what is the difference between that viewpoint and the view that anyone that owns a gun is a murderer? Or that the NRA are murderers? Or that anyone that does not subscribe to open borders and zero immigration restrictions is a racist?

Oh… the difference is that extremist left wing views are sanctioned and to be promoted while anything that restricts a pet passion of the left should be silenced, ruined and destroyed.

It used to be that a wide variety of views and even extreme views were food for thought and provoked dialogue. Now the left has no tolerance for dialogue, only submission.

I think that’s called “fascism”.

@Deplorable Me, #6:

Why do I suspect you wouldn’t find a statement to the effect that “Anyone who expresses the sort of views that Williamson does should be hanged” equally acceptable?

You’d probably defend the firing of any “leftist” journalist who said such a thing.

@Greg: We hear those judgements every day and they come mostly from liberals. Liberal media types commonly even express that the President of the United States should die, be killed or be hurt for no reason other than he was not their choice. Yet, they are NEVER purged from their jobs.


Yet, the liberal establishment routinely exiles others for nothing more than their opinions.

Censorship is a contentious topic in modern society, and with the recent technological advancements in telecommunications, censoring material from the public’s eye can sometimes prove impossible. While censorship in all its many forms is often considered unjustifiable and is regularly used to stop truths or ideas from emerging.

@Greg: With one breath the left says a womans body is her own, except selling parts lower than the womb, in the next breath she shouldnt have the right to pick up a semi auto rifle with very little kick and defend herself that must be controlled by the government.
The left does everything it can to shut down opposing views even those not 100% lockstep, every possible solution to an issue must be a restriction or loss of freedom.
Have you watched your local news to give an example of their pro trump bias yet?

@kitt, #10:

The left does everything it can to shut down opposing views even those not 100% lockstep…

You’re not “shutting down opposing views” by declining to pay someone to promote views and agendas that you find offensive and/or repressive.

@Greg: As his editor you could request he not share the truth of child shredding.

@kitt: Well, the left will only allow women the choices and rights they think they need. This is the power they seek over us all.


You’re not “shutting down opposing views” by declining to pay someone to promote views and agendas that you find offensive and/or repressive.

It’s called “firing someone for their point of view” and that is EXACTLY what they are doing. Why does the left fear any point of view other than the officially sanctioned LIBERAL point of view?

@Deplorable Me: Believe me what ever cattle chute the left tries to control us to go down its one that leads to the slaughter house.

The right can get back to me on their concern about fetuses when they begin showing more concern for children who go to bed hungry, or the growing body count of children killed by firearms.

@Greg: Yeah, and the left can claim they give half a $hit about the lives of children when the hold those in government responsible for failing to use the tools they have to restrict gun purchases by dangerous persons or denounce their social engineering games which allow the dangerous persons to go through life without the proper notice… if they be of the preferred race.

Address those factor and you can put forth a more convincing act that you care about public safety more than you care about your leftist political agenda. Abortion fits really nicely in that entire theater.

@Greg: What cattle gate would prevent the deaths of these children, what isnt shown is where the deaths are concentrated, like gang ridden areas where liberals have the no school to prison policies? It is rumored all you want are assault rifles how many children were killed by those? It is never the whole story ever is it? Auto accident deaths directly related to liberal policies of making cars less safe to meet gas milage standards.
Its not the NRA its the EPA and CAFE standards that are most responsible massive deaths of children.
Its all good Trump Admin to the rescue!!
But off topic this is all about censorship of conservative ideas.

@kitt: Notice how Greg is all for open exchange of ideas is a great idea, when they are liberal ideas. However, if NOT a liberal idea, there’s no room or right for them.

@Deplorable Me: no it must involve restriction of constitutional rights. Its AOK to fire someone for fear they may exercise freedom of speech.

@Greg: Hehe…this nut will say anything for his employers.

Even though he has the intellectual and experiential vacuity of David Hogg, you should all listen to Greg because he said he was retired a few times, when he got pissed at being shown to be so stupid.

Freedom of speech and thought, baby. You’re against it. Perhaps you should use that retirement time and fortune to build a time machine, go back to the Vietnam Era, and find that appendage that you definitely don’t accidentally step on anymore (but who knows)?

But to point, firing people for opposing views, but not firing people because they support your world-view is fascism. Funny how you libs aren’t the ones getting bike locks to the head, however…