Ferguson on steroids: 10 shot overnight in Chicago

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John Nolte:

How many nine-year-old Antonio’s need to die in Chicago before the national media will park its satellite trucks in front of Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s City Hall and demand answers and action.

How many black people, including black children, need to die in Chicago before the national media stops counting civilian casualties in Gaza as a political weapon against Israel and starts  counting them in one of our own cities.

Overnight in Chicago 10 people were shot. One night. One. How many more until the national media cares enough to look into the root causes of the violence, poverty, despair, terrible schools, and broken families.

There are no question marks after the above questions because those are rhetorical questions.

There is no political upside for the media to do good in Chicago, so they won’t.

There is no number of murdered  children that makes the risks of focusing on the root causes of this violence worth it for the media. You could pile dead Chicago kids like cordwood in front of CNN’s national headquarters; the staffers wouldn’t even notice.

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Rahm looks at the numbers.
$5,000 per month per illegal child placed in foster care in Chicago.
He’s already committed the city to over 3,000 of them.
That’s $180 million new money into Chicago per year!
The vast majority of these illegal children are males.
Some of these ”children” already shave.
Think black-on-black murder is bad?
Just wait til you start seeing the MS-13ers get organized.

That doesn’t count because it is black on black crime.

@Nanny G: Blacks hate Hispanics and Hispanics hate blacks. Put that in a scenario where they compete for entitlements. You ain’t seen nuthin yet.

Rahm Emanuel is a prime example of incompetent, democratic garbage attempting to run a city that he has no interest in running. Rahm’s framing as mayor is to cast the die for a grand and glorious presidential run-another FDR. Fecal matter in a cesspool raises quickly, he has risen.
According to the news broadcasters, Chicago is next on the terrorist hit list. So where is Rahm Emanuel? Maybe he is at Martha’s Vineyard playing golf with the fool.
So is Rahm prepared to possibly deal with another 9/11?

There is no political upside for the media to do good in Chicago, so they won’t.

Seems John Nolte answered his own question here.

And it can be added: There is no political ‘upside’ for the President, Mr E Holder, Sharpie, or Jessie. To admit there is a terrible failure in Chicago (one among other big cities ran by Democrats) is to admit there is a failure in the ideology of the Democrats, intellectual elitists and their perceived ‘pervasive’ racism.

To bring light to this huge problem does not insure them the money, fame, political points, likability.

I’d like to know where the ‘outrage’ is from the blacks who have to live in these areas who just want to live in peace without fear of being shot ‘accidentally’ by a stray bullet…

In New York some years back Curtis Sliwa founded the “Guardian Angels” to work along side the police to help keep the city safer for everyone with their presence. They did not carry weapons or guns. They were a force of good. Still are.

Now we have the racist New Black Panthers who in their own minds believe they are a force of good (when they speak to the black media) and yet, they feel the need to carry weapons and guns where they are allowed to do so.
I don’t know what their game is, but, why do they feel the need to carry weapons?
Who are they afraid of? Why are they so menacing looking? Why are they not proving they are a force of good? (In Chicago against crime).

Did you know that police departments can turn down prospective police recruits …..for being too smart???
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court’s decision to continue doing just that!
The recruit had an IQ of 125.
The department was afraid he would get bored with police work and quit after they spent money training him.
So there is an average IQ in the US for police officers:
104, or just a little bit above average.
I have to wonder: how does this weigh in on police misconduct?
Probably doesn’t help.