Feinstein: Let’s “go in and arrest” Gaddafi

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Jim Vicevich catches this suggestion from Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), usually considered one of the clearer Democratic thinkers on national security and the military in Congress. Air strikes haven’t forced Moammar Gaddafi to flee Libya, she told Andrea Mitchell at MSNBC yesterday, but you know what would work? A warrant for his arrest, courtesy of the International Criminal Court. All we need to do is to, er, “go in and arrest him”:

Pray tell, Senator, just how does one execute an arrest warrant without “putting boots on the ground”?

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What a dingbat! And this is the best of the Democrat senators?

Pray tell, Senator, just how does one execute an arrest warrant without “putting boots on the ground”?

Democratic answer: Send them in wearing sneakers.

Give her a badge and a set of handcuffs and put her on the first military transport going to the middle east.

I just knew that NBC putting out a million versions of Law and Order was a bad thing.