NY Times Columnist Nick Kristof Tear-Gassed in Bahrain
New York Times columnist Nick Kristof and colleague Adam Ellick were both tear-gassed and placed in the custody of the Bahraini police on Friday during a protest in the city of Sitra.
Both journalists provided live updates via Twitter since the officers did not confiscate their mobile phones. Ellick also tweeted the photo to the left.
The Bahraini government has said Kristof was detained for his own protection, but the columnist, who has criticized the Bahraini government for its repressive tactics, was not so sure.
Also Read: Four NY Times Journalists Missing in Libya
Here are some of Kristof’s tweets:
“Just got tear gassed here in Bahrain. Protesters shouting down with king broken up by riot police in Jidhafs.”
“I was just pulled into police car here in Sitra, #Bahrain, but not sure if I’m being detained or protected.”
“Police seem to think this is awkward, holding me in car while they squelch protest. One very nicely offered me water.”
Now where’s Krugman…….?
This is hilarious. Remember this, soon to be martyrs, are you ready to die for the Arab Spring? The New York Times- the official fish wrap of record!
For one reason or another the linked article doesn’t have the photo….which is a doozy!
Here’s another link to the same article PLUS the photo:
I wonder if the police crossed out the phrases?
One was Freedom of speach, the other I could make out looked like Power to the people.
Links are live to the twitter feeds, at this link, too.