by Jeff Childers
The FBI may say the investigation is over and Matthew Crooks acted utterly alone, just another lone gunman, but everybody else seems to be ignoring the ailing law enforcement agency. CBS ran a live update yesterday headlined, “Three snipers were stationed inside building used in Trump assassination attempt.” In a story broken by the local Beaver County paper, we learned yesterday that three local Beaver County sharpshooters who should have been stationed on the building, were instead inside the building, and it gets worse.
Snipering usually works much better from an elevated position, and isn’t super effective from the ground. I’m not an expert, but it seems obvious.
Anyway, the cops spotted assassin Crooks, several times. Each time Crooks was acting incredibly sketchy and even once used a rangefinder. The Beaver County police stayed put, but called it in to the command post — all while Crooks continued prowling around on the ground. They knew exactly where he was —well before he took the shot— called it in more than once, and even took pictures of him, but still didn’t stop the shooting. CBS:

Not only that, but they knew the building was a good spot for shooting presidents. Citing NBC’s sources, the BBC reported yesterday that the rooftop was a “known vulnerability,” and Secret Service had assigned local police to secure the building.

Whatever reason. Another unconfirmed wrinkle developed yesterday on social media, with no mention in any of the confirmed reporting. They could just be confused by the fog of war, but at least two witnesses interviewed by local reporters claimed there was a second shooter on the water tower.

Here is witness clip one. And here is witness clip two.
Here is a top-down map showing the potential shooting angles.

Who knows? It’s much too early to rule anything in or out. But even though the FBI is wrapping up its “thorough” research, multiple other investigations are already underway. You can expect this thing will get a lot of attention. For instance, in its article, the BBC reported that the House Oversight Committee has already confirmed Secret Service Directory Kimberly Cheatle to testify and requested all the rally records:

Finally, the New York Post interviewed a trained Canadian sniper who holds the current record for the longest kill. I was especially gratified that a professional, military-trained sniper agreed with C&C’s assessment: it seems unlikely unemployed drifter Crooks could possibly have planned and executed the sophisticated operation without some help, regardless of what the FBI says:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — who oversees the Secret Service — conceded on “Good Morning America” yesterday that “a direct line of sight like that to the former president” should never have been possible. “That’s why President Biden directed an independent review of the incident,” Mayorkas quipped. By “independent,” the impeached Secretary meant a totally controlled internal FBI whitewash by the same field office that “debunked” the Hunter Biden laptop.
I haven’t heard anyone mention if any of the assassin’s bullets have been recovered or if there is any hope of recovery. Also, is there any layout showing the positions of the Trump supporters that were wounded or killed?
The M.S. Media Bottom Feeders are already calling for Gun Control over this just typical left bunch of leftists Journalists who make Millins reporting the Fake News to us 24/7
In light of what has happened, why on Earth don’t you want something done about guns?
Nice example of a non sequitur.
There aren’t any gun laws proposed by any sane person that could have prevented this shooting.
Dad (the LIBERTARIAN) thought son was taking his gun to a shooting range.
Mom (the DEMOCRAT) had no idea.
The gun was legally obtained, stored and locked unloaded.
The shooter bought ammo legally, being over 18 in Penn.
OTOH, many times we learn that guns used in gang killings are illegally obtained by felons, serial numbers are filed off, …. and that’s just by obama’s Fast & Furious cache that Mexicans brought back into the US.
What did obama and Holder try to do with that Fast & Furious gun sale?
All you’re doing here is highlighting and underscoring what a problem firearms are in our society.
The cdc posts this:
Looks like it’s not the guns at fault.
We have a knife problem in our society
It seems the democrats have an endless supply of useful idiots.
Without access to a gun, I wonder what the numbers would be. Maybe much like those in all other western industrialized democracies.
Then its knives,have you seen the UK?
There are tens of thousands of knife deaths each year in the U.K.?
You and have done this dance before. Would Crooks have been able at attack Trump with a knife? Would the Las Vegas massacre have been what it was with a knife?
Enough knife attacks to outaw cutlery. Yes gelding we have done this dance. I wonder if they had public floggings if that would have been needed like in the 3rd world.
Firearms regulation in Switzerland allows the acquisition of semi-automatic, and – with a may-issue permit – fully automatic firearms, by Swiss citizens and foreigners with or without permanent residence. All other? get an education
“Facts” that are asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
We all know you are ignorant of all facts. Surely you know that as well. Do you ever think to research something before you denounce it, considering how many times you have had your stupid ideas thrown back in your stupid face?
Well, you knew this was coming; knives being taken away in England
Gun free Australia having to deal with more knife attacks l
Knives killing more than rifles
Muslims kill 29 with machetes in attack in China
22 wounded with knives in Pennsylvania school
Gun ban working great; London murder rate surpasses NYC
Damn you are an internet cripple simply look it up.
All other industrialized democracies have somehow avoided having tens of thousands of their citizens killed each year by firearms. Unless you’re telling me that thousands of Swiss are killed by guns each year, what you’re saying doesn’t address my point.
That’s because the Democrats are here, not there.
‘Without access to a gun, I wonder what the numbers would be.’
that leaves me wondering, what if YOU DID have access to a gun? if you did, why would you STOP wondering what the numbers would be?
it’s what you wrote. don’t get it, do you?
LOL… grammar.
I could have put the prepositional phrase at the end of the sentence.
Without access to a gun, citizens would be near defenseless against attackers with knives.
393 Million guns are in civilian hands, the equivalent of 120 firearms per 100 citizens. Guns are never the problem, its the hands and mind of the operator of the inanimate wireless hole puncher. I heard last night the shooter had a diagnosis, what cocktail of pharma was he experimented on with?
The best estimate is that guns are used to deter or thwart crime between 500,000 and 2.8 million times per year, A 2021 survey 2 estimated that guns are used 1.67 million times per year in self defense in the United States.
YOU are the problem! Not guns.
In what way?
Because where guns are banned only criminals have them
Do street criminals have bazookas? Bunker-buster bombs? Surface-to-air missiles? Guided missile frigates? Mortars? Somehow we’re able to keep those things pretty much off the street. Other modern industrialized democracies are able to make it work.
Then go to THOSE places and establish your residence if that’s what makes you feel safe.
Good luck getting one of those thru security at a political even or a rock concert. Let us know how it works out for you.
My wife and I just came back from an antique mall. I was armed the entire time. I didn’t kill anyone. I didn’t even SHOOT anyone. How is that possible?
It’s not the guns, it’s the people. The left has made life cheap, made it expendable. To the left, disagreeing with them is enough to kill someone. Being an unwanted fetus is grounds for murder. Not respecting degenerate points of view can be a summary death sentence. The problem is the death cult of the left, not guns.
You might be surprised.
Silly argument. Street criminals don’t need bazookas or other weapons you mentioned to hijack someone, rob a store or other illegal activities. They will use anything they can get their hands on, no matter the laws, to break the law.
There are a lot of gun stores, many gun shows and many gun ranges in the US. Yet there are no regular mass shooting at these facilities. A gun is a tool just like a hammer, a car or SUV, (see Darrell Brooks Jr), a ball bat, I could go on. Places like Chicago have very strict gun laws yet they have a high murder rate. So legal access to guns are restricted there but criminals don’t seem to care.
Heroin and cocaine are illegal but people who want it get it anyway. By your logic we need to ban forks because they cause obesity.
You won’t post or acknowledge the “Gun Free Zone” sign outside your front door. Don’t you want everyone know your home is safe from gun violence? You must realize you don’t have to have a firearm at home, but criminals don’t know whether you do or not and that is a deterrent in itself. Which makes you somewhat of a hypocrite.
The only kind of argument our sole remaining leftist has to offer.
intellectually so crippled you can’t see the reasoning behind all the pro 2nd Amendment arguments.
too much ruled by emotion, as are all democrats.
if you support the left’s monstrous crimes against free people, indoctrination camp schools turning out racist orcs, mutilating children on the say-so of those who’ve never been right about anything before, flooding our country with illiterate hostiles who litter and pilfer, etc, etc, etc, then you have no standing to speak on any topic.
you and your ilk are the problem. now go play in the yard.
what’s new with your handwringing and scolding? same old same old.
although you’re clever enough to notice he not only highlighted but also underscored the problem – a powerful combination – you don’t have the chops to express why we should be disarmed in a world full of illiterate hateful racist barbarians created by you democrats.
here is a teaspoonful of reason. it’ll taste bitter, but you’ll be okay. open wide…
gun ownership isn’t about guns. it isn’t about having them, shooting them, cleaning them, reading about them, etc.
it is about giving the young male democrats reason to think twice before they jack you, your car, your wife, or your home. will they find a manchild’s playground? or Omaha Beach?
that, sir, is why we will keep our guns. we do ask that mindless lefty pooves like you keep away from them.
Firearms aren’t a problem, mental cases with firearms are a problem. If 300,000,000 guns were a problem, we’d know.
Yup he is off by 93 million.
Violent leftists are the problem in our society. Seems just about everyone else can be responsible with a weapon. The terroristic violence comes from the left.
I would not call them journalists they are not even close to that!!!!!!
So now, instead of Russia, Russia, Russia we’re going to get Iran, Iran, Iran.
The DC left wing is now grasping for straws.
Wounded animals ( warmongers ) are the most dangerous
Remember, though: if we see a person walking around with a gun, we’re supposed to assume that he or she is simply a Second Amendment enthusiast who wants to exercise God-given right to open-carry a firearm.
Trying to figure out why you are not at the RNC with a disarm Republicans sign
Not if you are in, near or headed to a high-security area, stupid.
Tobacco use in all forms kills more Americans each year (around 480,000) than felonious use of firearms (around 23,000) yet you choose to oppose the second amendment rather than campaigning against tobacco. So your implied rationale of “saving lives” is obviously false. A person (man or woman) can defend themselves from death, serious bodily harm or tyranny with a firearm. Lighting a cigarette might not be as effective. So what’s your real agenda?
Also, he is not aware that fentanyl, which Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is importing across our wide open border, kills a hundred thousand a year.
You can’t cigarette me to death from fifty yards away.
And up jumped another result of DEI, let me introduce you to mediocrity again from our government!!!!!!
the Uvalde shooter was a part-time burger guy living at home. his weapon was a $4000 high-end carbine with a $1000 scope and he had 1500 rounds of center fire ammo. that ammo is at least a buck a shot.
this adds up to $6500. where’d he get the money?
nobody asked that I know of.
I haven’t heard if this guy’s ammo was .22lr, WINMAG or .223 which is center-fire, which pig dispatcher guys on YouTube use to drop hogs so far away they can hardly be seen by the naked eye.
a .22lr will be dropping like a rock at that distance.
I’ve just googled for the caliber, and nope, none of the sites tell, yet it could be a real range of calibers firing from 900 feet per second to 4000 feet per second (those tiny .117 magnums, I believe).
why isn’t it known information? why isn’t anyone asking?
“Over the last several months, Crooks received multiple packages, including some marked as possibly containing hazardous material, according to a review of his shipping history,” the bulletin said.
A search following Saturday’s shooting uncovered three suspected improvised explosive devices, which were all rendered safe. Two were found in Crooks’ vehicle near the event and the third was at Crooks’ residence, the bulletin said.
The intelligence document also confirms reports that Crooks purchased 50 rounds of ammunition at a local shop in Bethel Park on Saturday prior to arriving at the rally.
Shooter was a gamer, used a message board at a gaming site.
Bragged about how good he was getting playing a game about assassinating a president.
At one point said he hoped all his gaming would be good practice for the real thing.
At school he was arrogant about his view of politics.
He hated Trump and told an Hispanic Trump supporter, “you are stupid to support Trump.”
Odd that the intel community can’t figure out anything about him.