Walid Shoebat And Theodore Shoebat:
While the Obama administration is proudly touting how it was able to free an American soldier who was captured by the Taliban, what no one picked is the fact that Obama SMILED as soon as he heard the most famous war cry of Islam, “bismillah al-rahman al-rahim,” Arabic for “in the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.”Watch Obama smile as soon as Bergdahl gives the most famous Muslim expression, the “Bismillah” or the “Basmallah”:
The “basmallah” is the Islamic expression for victory and only indicates that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s father is a Muslim.
Think that the man is acting as “Muslim” for a stealth operation to rescue his son who is already in good hands in Germany? And what is with the long beard and trimmed mustache?
No this is not a bum, biker, or a Santa Clause fan. When one gives the basmallah, trims his mustache and elongates his beard, its the first sign of a convert to Islam, just as that an ex-Muslim putting on a cross and saying, “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” is evidence enough of conversion to Christianity. But there is much more we obtained on this stealth jihadist.
But first, Obama’s smile says much. Obama has never declared the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and has no real testimony of converting to Christianity, as his pastor Jeremiah Wright stated:
I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam
We were first hit with news from Brietbart that the Taliban said that Robert Bowe Bergdahl’s son, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, converted to Islam, changed his name to Abdullah, and even trained the Taliban in bomb making techniques.And like father like son, the young Bergdahl, also trims his mustache and extends his beard, as these pictures show:
But is it the speech with the Basmallah, the beard and the trimmed mustache, the testimonies from his colleagues on his desertion, that confirm our suspicion that these men are Jihadi converts?
What no one in the media captured was Robert Bowe Bergdahl’s favorites on his Youtube account.
It reveals a dark mind, a collector of a litany of ‘terrorist favorites’, videos from training on how to become Muslim Jihadist to urging American troops to desert and even favorite speeches by confirmed terrorists like Shaykh Anwar al-Awlaki, condemning America as a terrorist state:
On one of the videos Bergdahl subscribes to a Jihadi message titled, “Duaa (prayer).”
But prayer for what? His son’s release only? Hardly, its for the release of the terrorists in American captivity. The prayer begins in Arabic, as Shoebat.com translates:
O Allah, release our prisoners, the Muslim prisoners, and send them back to our families in peace!
One would think that Bergdahl does not understand what is said in Arabic? Think again, he comments himself stating:
I was surprised to see that father wearing a tie.
Most Muslim men wear their dress shirts and jackets but no tie.
See how Anwar al-Awlaki is doing in the video?
There have actually been fatwas against wearing the tie.
Ties are symbols of Western decadence, according to Iran’s Ayatollah.
But of course it is also OK to pass yourself off as something you are not for the sake of furthering Islam’s goal of worldwide caliphate, so.
One has to wonder if we now have yet another (potential) Nidal Malik Hasan (from Fort Hood) on our hands….
There’s a growing theory that Obama could ignore informing Congress and free Gitmo detainees because he is acknowledging our side is the LOSER in this war against the Taliban.
There may even have been a requirement from the victors, the Taliban, that this Islamic phrase be uttered in front of this nation in order for Bowe to be freed.
Well, who knows?
Obama, last year declared the ”War on Terror,” over.
Is the freeing of these five just the start of his opening the doors at Gitmo and letting them all out?
I sure hope our ROEs allow our military to leave safely.
America is still Islam’s ”Great Satan.”
It will still be a main target.
Obama hasn’t changed this.
Wow, you really are going to sleazy depths here. The man is a Quaker, hence the beard.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem is not a war cry. Translation “in the name of God the most beneficent the most merciful” is said by Muslims before you do everyday things like eat, drive, sleep, pray, read, relations with spouse…..ITS A PRAYER!
Nice try, screechers.
@This one:
So why is a Quaker praying to allah?
Bergdahl,sr in not a Quaker, he’s a Calvinist and this one is parrot trained only mimic his handlers.