Fat Lesbians Got All the Ebola Dollars, But Blame the GOP

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Erik Erickson:

Democrats have rushed out of the gate with an attack ad against Republicans claiming if only we had spent more money, we would be able to solve the Ebola situation.

It’s a defensive ad that reeks of desperation. At a time when more and more Americans, including millennials, are concluding government just doesn’t work, it probably won’t be effective. And Republicans can respond in kind.

For example, instead of studying Ebola, the National Institutes of Health were studying the propensity of lesbians to be fat.

Then there was the money for a study on wives who calm down quickly.

And the Centers for Disease Control spent its budget on gun violence studies on order of the President as part of his agenda to curtail the second amendment.

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Spend all you want, we’ll tax more, to paraphrase an old Doritos add.

Geez that’s funny

I watched a fat lesbian fight four police after her partner called them to stop the beating she was getting.
Finally two officers sat on her while two sets of cuffs were used on her by the other two.
Man, she and her partner were huge!

From the campaign trail in Colorado –

Sen Mark Udall accused his opponent, Republican Congressman Cory Gardner, of voting in favor of a $300M cut to the CDC budget. Udall added it was “disgraceful”. In reply, Gardner said Udall voted in favor of the same cut. As Udall proclaimed he did not, Gardner cited the Congressional Record showing Udall voted for the cut. So much for the pot calling the kettle black.