Fascist Attorney General Garland Has Angered the Wrong Parents

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One of the things I was grateful for all during the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu nightmare is that my daughter is older and we didn’t have to navigate the school shutdown stuff. I know it was an enduring shock to the system to my friends and colleagues who have kids at home of all ages and had to figure out how to keep the education going.
An unexpected byproduct of all of that has been that parents began to notice more and more some of the unsavory things being passed along to the youth of America via our taxpayer-funded public school leftist-indoctrination-mill system.
Operating under the presumption that they had a say in the lives of their children as well as the way their tax dollars are spent, the parents began making their displeasure clear to various school boards around the country.
Well, few things irritate the public education indoctrination pimps more than parents who are involved and aware.

The powers that be ran their concerns about the pesky parents up the flagpole to the Biden administration. As Ol’ Joe is literally in bed with the teachers’ unions, the power of the federal government was immediately weaponized to handle the problem.

In what can only be described as a tactic to suppress dissent, Attorney General Merrick Garland directed the FBI and U.S. attorneys to meet with federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial leaders in every federal judicial district in the next 30 days. What is the threat to the homeland requiring this urgent response? Parents are objecting to critical race theory and other left-wing curricula in their children’s classrooms.

Once again, thank you Mitch McConnell for keeping this psychopath off of the Supreme Court.
The great news is that the parents who already weren’t amused are really not amused now.

Last week, PJ Media covered the hysterical and threatening letter written by National School Boards Association (NSBA) president Viola Garcia. In the letter sent to none other than President Joe Biden, Garcia accused America’s concerned parents of threats, intimidation, and even “hate crimes” rising to the level of “domestic terrorism” for having the gall to speak up at their local school board meetings. The NSBA also requested “federal assistance to stop threats and acts of violence against school board members, school officials, and teachers.”
This week, however, the leaders of almost two dozen parent organizations fired back with a scathing letter of their own—and it is epic. The letter, written on behalf of members of several parent organizations, made clear that the NSBA’s claims of  “hate” and “terrorism” were shameful:

My favorite line from the letter is: “To equate parents with terrorists dishonors the thousands of victims of actual terrorism around the world. Have you no shame?”

I think we long ago established that the American left doesn’t even have a passing familiarity with shame. I would love to be able to say that this is beyond the pale, even for them, but they’ve been pulling this “everyone who disagrees with our politics is a terrorist” nonsense for a while now and that’s really been escalating this year.
Make no mistake, the Democrats very definitely want to use the government to shut down any dissent. They’re letting their fascist freak-flag fly all the time now.
Angering the moms and dads of America was a real boneheaded move, though. Even this administration must realize it can’t start rolling up federal paddy wagons to PTA meetings and hauling everyone away. This is a fight that they probably already know they shouldn’t have picked, hence the overkill by getting the DOJ involved.

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Bidens Gallery of Rougues and Scoundrels We are seeing America under Socialism and were quite aware that Biden stole the 20202 election with the help of China and the Globalists

Parenting > Public Education

If teachers can override you’re parenting, you’re doing it wrong.

These Marxists WANT you to argue with them publicly.

A letter to Biden about parents getting harassed and threatened?

What’s he going to say?

“Thanks for the letter. The FBI is now watching you…closely. Thanks for outing yourself as a enemy of our regime.”

In the Virginia gubernatorial debate on Tuesday evening, Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe insisted that parents should have no role in directing the education of their children and doubled down in a subsequent media interview.

McAuliffe, a former governor of Virginia and longtime Democratic operative, issued this pronouncement after being asked whether “protections for transgender students” should be determined at the state level or in each school district.

Mcauliffe said the quite part out loud

school board members are elected my the community. Notice, elected by the community. the arogenate , hubristic, and in may cases “rambo” superintendent are all but appointed by the state with the exception of 20% elected my the community. A community can recall school board members at any time. Recall that duplicity of most school boards is self created. the wuss and mama’s boy ag, has no control over local school boards and wants to stifle the First Amendment Right for free speech and assembly. most school board members are useless and use the position as a stepping stone to high political aspirations. The requirements for school board member: have a valid driver’s license, live in the community, and have an interest in the community.
Mark Twain: “God created an idiot for practice, then he created a school board.”
The community can put an end to illicit, socialiatic and blatant communist boards by filing a petition for recall.

AG Garland Threatens Parents Who Criticize Critical Race Theory (CRT) – His Son-In-Law Sells CRT Books to Schools

AG Garland Threatens Parents Who Criticize Critical Race Theory (CRT) – His Son-In-Law Sells CRT Books to Schools

The left used to fabricate conflict of interest scenarios involving Trump’s kids to fuel their Trump-hatred. When they have REAL conflict of interest situations (that involve the left) they simply don’t care. If leftists are getting rich off the taxpayer while the leftist agenda is moved along… no problem.

So now we know that garland is a commie loving bastard like obama.
I can assure President Trump’s kids would never peddle this communist trash known as crt.

Parents are right to be infuriated about what this bullshit says about race. Let alone the fact that these woke teachers are telling children they can be a girl if they are a boy and a boy if they are a girl.

God determined that a long time ago. There are only two sexes. Most are not confused about that.

When treating concerned parents with dismissive disdain didn’t convince them of their subservience to the State, then idiot Biden had to roll out the police state. Only the parents that are willing to turn their children over to the State for indoctrination are not outraged.

That would be soy boy woke greg

Some “involved and aware parents” don’t want their kids to be vaccinated against diseases that used to kill thousands yearly.

“Maricopa At Its Worst Literally Should Be Decertified, At Its Best Could Easily Be Redone.” Jovan Pulitzer Discusses 700,000 Ballot Issues In Arizona

The article following that incomprehensible jumble of words isn’t much better than the title. This might be the result of someone writing drunk, or it might be the result of a radio interview with a guest who was only marginally coherent to begin with:

“I think people need to visually see all the errors, all the information that shows, hey, Maricopa at its worst literally should be decertified, at its best could easily be redone…”

“…I just charted out a very simple way to understand how bad is the bad. If they’re just pie charts, if you think here in this election was won on .049047%, right? It’s such a small margin that it could have swung any way…”

“…There are eight charts across the top, those are just the low hanging fruit that show this election has serious issues because any one of these would demand that it can’t be certified or it needs to be rerun.”

Right off the top, the guy’s “low hanging fruit” diagram blows its own credibility to bits by asserting that 50.96% of election files were deleted. This is total bullshit. NONE of the files were deleted, as Maricopa County election officials have repeatedly stated. Year 2000 election files were routinely ARCHIVED to free up computer memory for the handling of current official activities—an entirely normal data management operation.

Remember, Gateway Pundit has ALREADY been accused of falsifying the Cyber Ninjas audit report—by none other than the CEO of Cyber Ninjas himself.

“…that incomprehensible jumble of words isn’t much better than the title.”

This article isn’t about Biden’s latest failure…to speak or otherwise.

Yes yes….only MY propaganda news outlets are authoritative…and anyone who gives me something that doesn’t fit my indoctrination is lying….even though major news like WaPo, CNN, the NYTs have all been caught LITERALLY printing lies.

comrade greggy poo, no different than the pedophile you love and adore. you love whore dog billy. who do you PLAGIARIZE from? you are neither that bright or that smart.

Apparently you’ve arrived home from middle school.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Doug Logan NOW ADMITS Draft Report Published by The Gateway Pundit Was Authentic and Legitimate After Telling Gateway Pundit the ‘Decertification’ Language Was a Fake

REVEALED: Doug Logan NOW ADMITS Draft Report Published by The Gateway Pundit Was Authentic and Legitimate After Telling Gateway Pundit the ‘Decertification’ Language Was a Fake

Biden Blasts Republicans From Production Set Near White House: “Raising the Debt Limit is Paying Our Old Debts, It Has Nothing to do with New Spending”
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AG Merrick Garland is at war with American families: Devine

Only a fool pokes a mama bear, but that’s Merrick Garland for you.

The attorney general thought to be such a moderate that 20 Republicans confirmed his nomination turns out to be a radical ideologue hellbent on targeting President Biden’s political foes.

BREAKING: Over 284,000 Ballots, or 1 Out of Every 10th Maricopa County Ballot, Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received

BREAKING: Over 284,000 Ballots, or 1 Out of Every 10th Maricopa County Ballot, Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received