Fani Willis and Nathan Wade: A Tale of Hubris and Cellphone Data

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by Jeff Childers

Finally, out of many headlines about this inconvenient story, I picked Newsweek’s, which reported its article under this exciting text: “New Fani Willis evidence is an “earthquake,” Geraldo Rivera warns.” It appears that last week’s hearing set up Fani and her boy-toy for a fall

As attorney Dave Aronberg told Newsweek last week, “A consensual relationship among peers is not normally a problem. But if you lie to a court about when the relationship started and whether reimbursements were made, that’s game over. The question for Judge McAfee is whether they are lying. Simple as that.”

On the stand last week, both District Attorney Fani Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade testified — repeatedly and emphatically — there was no romantic relationship between them until after Willis hired Wade in 2022, period. That fact is significant because it would prove a conflict of interest; if Fani and Wade hooked up after he was hired, then nobody can say he got special favors just because she was squeezing his lemons.

But yesterday, President Trump’s lawyers filed a supplemental brief asking Judge McAfee to review explosive new information including an affidavit from a private investigator who analyzed Wade’s cellphone geolocation data. The data allegedly shows that in 2021 — long before he was hired onto the Trump case — Wade twice arrived at Willis’ condo in the dark midnight hours, leaving in the early morning before the sun came up, once in September and the other in November.

In other words, not during working hours. And he stayed overnight, a fact expressly denied under oath by both law enforcement professionals. The cell data also showed a minimum of 35 times in 2011 when Wade’s phone was in or near Fani’s condo for “an extended period.”

The cell phone data also showed over 2000 voice calls and just under 12,000 text messages exchanged between Willis and Wade over an 11-month period in 2021, including calls late into the evenings.

The cell phone data reinforced Robin Bryant-Yeartie’s testimony. She is the former DA office employee and former Fani friend, who testified the romantic relationship started after the love birds first met at a legal conference in October 2019. Long before Willis hired her paramour.

I’m not sure why Geraldo was the expert Newsweek picked to opine for the story, but I agree with his take. Geraldo said, “The focus of this case will continue to shift rapidly away from Trump and his co-defendants and hit squarely on the credibility and possible perjury of the prosecutor. This is more than a mere appearance of a conflict. This is an earthquake.”

It was unsurprising that during the hearing the Defendants’ lawyers questioned Willis and Wade so closely about when the relationship started, since it’s such an important fact in the case. But Willis and Wade dug their own graves by maintaining what now looks like an obvious lie — and which also raises grave doubts about the other parts of their goofy story, like Fani’s imaginative, all-cash, romantic reimbursement habits because “that just what black folks do.”

When the story first broke, I told you my litigator’s instincts suggested the SS Fani Willis was sinking. In any ordinary trial, Willis and Wade could have easily gotten away with their obvious lies. You and I would’ve had no chance; we simply lack the resources to rebut them. But this isn’t an ordinary trial. Trump has access to resources that regular folks don’t — resources supplied by half a nation’s volunteers.

The cell phone data was provided by AT&T under a subpoena from Trump’s lawyers. It’s pure speculation, but someone at AT&T could’ve reached out and said hey, send us a subpoena, we have some data you might be interested in. Or, Trump’s lawyers could’ve just been doing what you would hope any defense attorney would do.

The DA’s office hotly stated yesterday that the cell phone data “proves nothing.” In other words, Wade could’ve been sleeping with Fani’s next-door neighbor or something. You never know. But nobody, not even sold-out corporate media, seems to be very convinced by that flimsy deflection. Only the most bitter partisans are still holding the increasingly untenable, fantastic, and utterly laughable line, which is that black women are held to higher standards than everybody else.


And don’t forget, the Georgia legislature has commenced an ethics investigation against Willis, which begins hearings in two weeks. Judge MaCafee next interviews Nathan Wade’s former law partner on Monday, and will hear closing arguments on March 1st.

This could go very badly for Willis and Wade.

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The memes just keep getting better
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The memes just keep getting better

If you say so…

Awww… is hims not waffing at the memes making fun of the Democrat’s getting caught being cowwupt? Does you have your bwanket for comfort?

Donald Trump says that if he doesn’t get a more than cheating level of votes more than joe they will cheat joe’s way in as in 2020.
Same issue with this corrupt judge.
If there isn’t much more than enough to prove Fanny’s and Wade’s corruptions he probably will give them the benefit-of-the-doubt and let them stay on the case.
I really hope this is enough, because, in most cases this would be.