False job numbers: Did the White House know?

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John Crudele:

Did White House know about fabricated and manipulated job numbers before 2012 election?

Let me be the first to ask: Did the White House know that employment reports were being falsified?

Last week I reported exclusively that someone at the Census Bureau’s Philadelphia region had been screwing around with employment data. And that person, after he was caught in 2010, claimed he was told to do so by a supervisor two levels up the chain of command.

On top of that, a reliable source whom I haven’t identified said the falsification of employment data by Census was widespread and ongoing, especially around the time of the 2012 election.

There’s now a congressional investigation of how Census handles employment data. And we can hope that we’ll find out this was just an isolated incident.

But let me tell you why it might not be.

Back in 2009 — right before the 2010 census of the nation was taken — there was an announcement that the Obama administration had decided that the Census Bureau would report to senior White House aides.

The rumor was that Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was in charge of the nationwide head count.

The chief of the Commerce Department usually oversees the Census, which determines how many congressional representatives and how much money each state gets for the next decade. But the Obama administration had decided — the story went — that Emanuel was a better guy for the job.

The idea that a political creature like Emanuel would be calling the shots on how states would be redistricted in coming elections sent Republicans into a tizzy.

“This is nothing more than a political land grab,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah).

Other Republicans expressed similar dismay. And the tension got so high that Judd Gregg, a Republican senator from New Hampshire, even withdrew his nomination to be Commerce secretary. (Gary Locke assumed that post.)

And why wouldn’t the Republicans be bothered? Even though the average American might think the census is nothing more than a nuisance, by Washington’s two most important standards — votes and money — it’s anything but.

So here’s where my story picks up.

Back in 2010, I started getting reports that the Census Bureau had some very unusual hiring practices. Census takers and supervisors — at risk of heavy fines — were reporting to me that large numbers of people were being hired only to be fired shortly afterward. And then rehired.

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Did the White House know that employment reports were being falsified?

For some reason an episode of “Cops” came to mind…

I remember I was watching an episode of “COPS”…the police pulled up to a “suspicious” vehicle with two “suspicious” people (a Male and a Female) …the female was a Known Prostitute..as the police move taking each out of the car taking them aside to talk with each..they question the Prositute first and find out they had agreed on a ‘Price’ … Not knowing what the police were speaking to the known prositute about who has also obiviouly ratted out this guy…
…when the police approached the guy to find out what the deal was… to ask the normal questions… how does he know this girl – what were they doing…(cops never mentioned to the guy the woman was a known prostitute.)

somehow trying to get himself out of his obviously ‘guilty’ situation and most likely arrest….the guy just keeps blurting out: Officer “I didn’t know”…Officer “I didn’t know” Officer “I didn’t know” “I didn’t know”

Finally the Officer says “Didn’t know what?” What didn’t you know? What didn’t you know?

In the back of my mind, when I read about Ofraud and his never ending Lies and bull-s#it, and his always trying to claim he and his administration somehow “Didn’t Know”…

I always think of this episode on Cops…

To me Ofraud is just as low and despicable as a criminal on the street trying to wriggle out of being ‘caught’ and arrested for criminal acts…Obama has ‘Transformed” and is now acting like a common “Thug” …

This is the Aug 2013 SCARIEST JOBS CHART EVER.
Note the trend upward in the months starting at 32 months after the start of this recession until now.
It only looks as good as it does because so many workers have quit looking for jobs at all.
Had they not all quit that recovery line would be a flatline instead.
This has been Obama’s ”solution.”
Depress workers into quitting being workers.
It is fine with him.
Dependency breeds a compliant public.

Obama knew, he and Rahm concocted it…

Is the Pope Catholic? of course obama knew, as he knows about everything but continually denies it.

There’s a very simple way to find out if the White House knew.

Ask them.

If they deny it, then they definitely knew, because they absolutely ALWAYS lie.

Hard to tell since he claims to know nothing and his policies prove it everyday.